Ray White Belconnen has quickly built an enviable reputation by delivering brilliant results for the residents of Belconnen. We pride ourselves on delivering peace of mind for our clients in every real estate transaction, and have placed the emphasis in our business on building relationships for the longer term rather than focussing on individual transactions.
Our systems and database are custom designed to add value to our clients and to ensure the smoothest possible sales process.
Our team boasts a combined industry experience of nearly 50 years, and we have a determined focus on personal development and training. Coupled with our youthful spirit we bring unprecedented energy to every client’s sale and in a short period of time our team has won multiple awards, including being home to the Number One agent in the Ray White Canberra network and with two agents in the Top 5 for Regional NSW.
Our clients benefit from the national recognition of the Ray White brand, which lists twice as many homes as any other real estate company in Australasia, and listing on Australia’s most googled real estate website Coupled with our national bulk buying power through Fairfax media and The Canberra Times and a database of over 6,000 homeowners, we are best placed to achieve the maximum sale price for our vendors.
Our company is a truly local business, with all our Directors born and bred in the Belconnen region. Brothers Ben & Sam Faulks are third generation Belconnen residents, and together with Scott Jackson remain local residents who truly understand the benefits that Belconnen has to offer prospective buyers.
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facebook.comHeartKids Australia | Helping those with childhood heart disease and their families
The team at Ray White Belconnen were proud to be a part of the Heart Kids Tiny Tickers Gala ball on Saturday night. HeartKids are dedicated to providing support, encouragement and hope to families of children with Heart Disease, while raising awareness and vital funding into the causes of this chronic disease. If you too would like to support this cause or would like more information about the wonderful work the team do, please visit for more information. Also, don't forget to keep sharing and donating to the Heart Kids fundraiser 'Super Boss Day' ! The super heroes of our office will be presented on May 26th!…/ray-white-belco…
1 Minute Auction Update May 9th, 2017.
Ray White Belconnen Auction Update The team from Ray White Belconnen take more property to Auction than any other real estate business in Canberra. In this weeks update, our Auctioneer Scott Jackson summarises the most recent auction results with a 90% clearance rate and an average of 4.4 bidders attending auctions over the past week. The next Auctions for Ray White Belconnen are Saturday, 13th May, and further details are available here:
Timeline Photos
Ray White Belconnen Gardening Tips for MAY Canberra is a little different when it comes to gardens because we have the extremes of weather, from 40+ degrees sweltering heat in the summertime, to below zero in our freezing winters. To help you care for your gardens all year round we have created our weekly gardening tips in line with the Horticultural Society of Canberra’s book - The Canberra Gardener. Stay tuned each Sunday for a new tip! Week 1: The Ornamental Garden Cut some hydrangea heads, autumn foliage and nerines for indoor decoration. Evergreen shrubs can still be moved and new plants added. Note, Australian plants cannot successfully be moved, once established. A good time for planting new shrubs or for re-potting. Spring flowering camellias will benefit from dis-budding, as this will improve the size of the flowers. With thanks to the Horticultural Society of Canberra.
HeartKids Australia | Helping those with childhood heart disease and their families
We are proud to be continuing the support for Heart Kids and look forward to a fantastic night at the Tiny Tickers Gala Ball. If you too would like to support this cause or would like more information about the wonderful work the team do, please visit for more information. Also, don't forget to keep sharing and donating to the Heart Kids fundraiser 'Super Boss Day' ! The super heroes of our office will be presented on May 26th!
Timeline Photos
Yesterday, our very own Jake Battenally celebrated 6 years of hard work with Ray White Belconnen! Here is a snap shot of Jake's journey with our business. We couldn't be prouder to have him as part of our team! Congratulations Jake! Looking forward to another 6 years of success.
Photos from Ray White Belconnen's post
Ray White Belconnen have been inspired by the work of HeartKids Limited we wanted to support them by participating in Super Boss Day. Please help us help them by giving whatever you can using the link below. The more people that know about HeartKids Limited, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot! Last year we were lucky enough to have Batman & Wonder Woman pop into our office! We are currently in talks with some other super heroes to make an appearance this year. Watch this space on the 26th May 2017 to find out who they are!
Timeline Photos
Ray White Belconnen Gardening Tips for APRIL Canberra is a little different when it comes to gardens because we have the extremes of weather, from 40+ degrees sweltering heat in the summertime, to below zero in our freezing winters. To help you care for your gardens all year round we have created our weekly gardening tips in line with the Horticultural Society of Canberra’s book - The Canberra Gardener. Stay tuned each Sunday for a new tip! Week 4: Monthly Wrap Complete planting of alyssum, candytuft, cornflower, dianthus, linaria, pansy, primula, viola, aquilegia, poppy, statice, sweet pea seeds, sweet William & wallflowers. Growth slows as the weather cools, so reduce watering. Band fruit trees with hessian, corrugated cardboard or Vaseline grease bands spread on pantyhose to trap codling moth. With thanks to the Horticultural Society of Canberra.
Andrew Wilson: Canberra leads capital pack
Canberra house price growth leads the way in the first quarter of 2017
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Today we remember all the Diggers, but in particular Ron Faulks who passed away earlier this year (pictured, right, at a legacy fundraiser in 2016 with fellow Digger, Dick). Ronnie embodied everything about the ANZAC spirit and is sorely missed. Lest we Forget.
Timeline Photos
Ray White Belconnen Gardening Tips for APRIL Canberra is a little different when it comes to gardens because we have the extremes of weather, from 40+ degrees sweltering heat in the summertime, to below zero in our freezing winters. To help you care for your gardens all year round we have created our weekly gardening tips in line with the Horticultural Society of Canberra’s book - The Canberra Gardener. Stay tuned each Sunday for a new tip! Week 3: General Maintenance Make use of autumn leaves.Rake into a corner and cover with a little soil to prevent them from blowing around or put them in a black plastic garbage bag in the sun to break down. They can then be used as an excellent source of mulch and nutrients for those less drought tolerant plants which need a little TLC. With thanks to the Horticultural Society of Canberra.
Ray White Belconnen
Here at Ray White Belconnen, we are proud to show off our new website as part of our brand refresh! Watch this space as we roll out more more fresh marketing tools to help sell your home in the coming months!
Why it’s a great time to sell your Canberra property
Why it’s a great time to sell your Canberra property