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ACT Extra Lesson & Therapy Centre

25 Daglish Street, Curtin, Canberra, Australia
Medical & Health



Practice aimed at helping children and adolescents with learning and behavioural difficulties. Does your child or adolescent have symptoms of :
* ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, aspergers
* learning difficulties e.g. reading, maths, spelling, writing
* auditory processing problems
* fine and gross motor co-ordination and planning difficutlies or
* is your child just not getting the results at school that you feel they are capable of?

The first step is to have an assessment. From the assessment you will be able to understand what the underlying causes are that are holding back your child or have limited your child's potential.

When your child has these underlying issues resolved they will feel happier and learn more effectively and as a parent you will feel free of the load you have carried on their behalf for a long time.

The benefits:

The holistic approach to your child means that the individual issues your child has will be the focus of the assessment and remediation process.

You can also have your child assessed to see what their academic potential is and to develop strategies to help do their best.



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