Lochiel parkrun
Lochiel parkrun is a free, timed, 5km run / walk put on by the community for the community at 8am every Saturday morning in Campbelltown, South Australia. parkrun is not a race against other runners, but a 5km timed run, jog or walk. It can really be whatever you want it to be, whether that's for fun or as part of a training plan.
Lochiel parkrun offers an opportunity for all members of our local community, male or female, young or old, to come together on a regular basis to enjoy our beautiful Linear Park and get physically active in the process. We want to encourage people to walk, jog or run together irrespective of their ability – this event is truly open to all and best of all it really is FREE!
Taking part is easy – just register in advance by 6pm on the Friday before your first ever parkrun event. The great thing is that you only ever need to do this once! Then just set your alarm for Saturday morning and get yourself there!
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facebook.comLochiel parkrun
Photos are up! Congratulations to everyone who participated today!
results | Lochiel parkrun
Thanks to our record crowd for coming out on a rather steamy morning for a run/walk through Lochiel! Click the link below for the results. Thanks again to our fabulous vollies who make it possible each and every week! http://www.parkrun.com.au/lochiel/results/latestresults/
Social connections
Weekly newsletter is available parkrunners!
Timeline Photos
See you Saturday for another great parkrun! #werunat8 #dfyb
Strathalbyn parkrun
If you would like to make a donation towards the Defibrilator Fund, please click on the link below to help Strathalbyn parkrun reach their goal. Let's hope & pray that we never need to use ours!! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO DONATED TOWARDS #LOCHIELPARKRUN DEFIB FUND! 🏆❤
Lochiel parkrun #79
💥UPDATE 💥 Event #79 stats: 🌟39 PB's! 🏆 🌟26 First Timers 🏃🏅 🌟199 Participants GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!🖒🖒
results | Lochiel parkrun
Another successful parkrun with both Antonietta Livolsi and Lisa Butler completing their 50th parkruns. CONGRATULATIONS! Photos will be available later today - thanks Steve! Have a great weekend everyone. See you next week! http://www.parkrun.com.au/lochiel/results/latestresults/
Timeline Photos
Happy parkrun dreams Everyone! See you for the briefing at 07h50 #werunat8 #bybc
parkrun Australia
For those of you who enjoy surveys 😀
I #loveparkrun because…
This week's national newsletter is up!
Timeline Photos
Janet is your RD this Saturday and she is looking forward to welcoming you all. There will be some celebrating to do this parkrunday! 🎉🎉🎉