A family run purebred free-range Berkshire pig stud at Camden, NSW, started in the 1930s by grandpa Charles Boardman.
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The lessons continue, go Kevin Bacon!
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Farm jobs for a future farmer, feeding the boar and checking the suckers. George the Farmer #farmingsydneybasin #freerangekid #farmkid #australianagriculture
Country Valley
For every one that saw the "runt" at Camden Show here he is, Kevin, loving life at Country Valley, he is doing so well and very clever. 🐽🐷😊#farmingsydneybasin #berkshirepig #saulsburyberkshires
Photos from Saulsbury Berkshires's post
Just doing a clean up to start straightening the old slab butchers shed. #historicalfarm #camdennsw #farmingsydneybasin
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Early morning tractor maintenance, gotta love a Sunday. #tractor #farmingsydneybasin #sunday
Easter show-offs
Pammy showing off her winnings in the local paper. Thanks to the Camden Advertiser.. #Camdenadvertiser #Berkshirepigs #Lovelocalcamden #Camdennsw #Farmingsydneybasin
Photos from Saulsbury Berkshires's post
As much as we all love the @sydney_royal_easter_show there is nothing better then waking up in your own bed (paddock). #pig #pammy #show #sydneyroyaleaster #farmingsydneybasin @ras_nsw #berkshirepig #showgirl #australianagriculture #freerange
George the Farmer
Thanks George the farmer for coming over and having a chat and cuddle with one of Pammy's piglets!
Photos from Saulsbury Berkshires's post
Pammy, not only competed with her litter and won, she also competed individually and won. Senior Champion Berkshire Sow, Champion Berkshire Sow. Then went on to win Supreme Champion Berkshire. It was nice to hear the judge complement "the working girl" #proud #pammy #farmingsydneybasin #eastershow @sydney_royal_easter_show @ras_nsw @saulsburyberkshires #berkshirepig #piglet #showtime #agchatoz
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Wake up Theodore!! It's show time! "But mum...." @sydney_royal_easter_show @ras_nsw #boar #myboy #berkshirepig #farmingsydneybasin #sydneyroyal #eastershow
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Saulsbury Pete 'the runt' having a cuddle with Danielle the @camdenshow showgirl. #camdennsw #lovelocalcamden #camdenshow2016 #camdenshow #pig #runt #farmanimal #berkshirepig #farmingsydneybasin #farmingnsw
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Wondering how to keep at the @camdenshow ?? Just come roll in the mud with Pammy!! @saulsburyberkshires #camdennsw #camdenshow2016 #berkshirepig #showtime