Our mission is to promote and educate the art of mindfully eating, based on the Raw Vegan art of life and respecting the environment. We do Workshops, etc.
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The raw vegan chef Ananda Bastos, owner of Raw Vitae, is working as a chef at Naked Treaties in Gold Coast, Australia. It's a vegan cafe with most of the plates raw vegan. She is preparing and creating incredible yummy plates 😋😋 ... A chefe de culinária viva Ananda Bastos está trabalhando como chefe no Naked treaties, em Gold Coast, Australia. Isso é um café vegano com a maioria dos pratos vivos. Ela está preparando e criando incrivelmente deliciosos pratos. 😋😋
Raw Vitae
Photos from Raw Vitae's post
I had a fantastic experience helping and learning at the kitchen of "Native Cafe - Feel Real" in Manly, Sydney. Native is a Vegan Cafe with most ingredients being organic and all dishes are hand made, and also they create yummy raw vegan meals 😋. I learned about delicious and nurturing meals and met amazing new friends. I would like to say thanks, especially to the owner Betania Barkway for all her kind support and the friendship we developed, to Christelle Larde for teaching me in the kitchen and for your advice and guidence, also thanks to Grace Byans for her joyful friendliness. I am so grateful for this opportunity. 🙏🏾☀️💜🍌🍒🍓🌶 .... Eu tive uma fantástica experiência ajudando e aprendendo na cozinha do "Native Cafe - Feel Real" em Manly, Sydney. Native é um Café Vegano com a maioria dos ingredientes orgânicos e todos os pratos feitos à mão, e eles criam também deliciosos pratos vivos e veganos 😋. Eu aprendi sobre deliciosos e nutritivos pratos e fiz incríveis novas amigas. Eu gostaria de agradecer, especialmente à dona Betania Barkway por todo o seu gentil suporte e amizade que desenvolvemos, para Christelle Large por me ensinar na cozinha e pelos os conselhos e orientações, e também obrigada à Grace Byens pela a simpática alegria. Eu estou muito agradecida por essa oportunidade. 🙏🏾☀️💜🍌🍒🍓🌶
Photos from Raw Vitae's post
Delicious gastronomic tour at Ofarm Organic Grocer in Sydney, Australia. .... Delicioso tour Gastronômico no Ofarm Organic Grocer, em Sydney, Australia.
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Teaching how to make high energy mini apple cake at the Raw Food Worshop in Perth, Aus, on the 17th of July. 😋🍒🍌🍰 .... Ensinando a fazer energizante mini bolo de maçã no Workshop de Alimentação Viva em Perth, Australia, no dia 17 de Julho. #rawvegancake #sugarfree #glutenfree #healthyeating #nurishyourbody #plantbaseddiet #livingfood #anandavitaeworkshop #anandavitaerecipe
Raw Vitae
We organized a Raw Food Workshop focused on the Brazilian people that lives in Perth/Aus on the 17th of July, presented by Ananda Vitae - Living Food, where the sisters Ananda Bastos and Yandra Bastos from Brazil are partners and facilitators, it was a beautiful day of sharing, about great and healthy raw vegan techniques and recipes. Also the fantastic benefits of plant based diet to nourish truly and improve your vitality of life. Thanks to Nadia de Oliveira to have motivated us to organize this event, advertised it with your Wellness Club and your great support during the event. Thanks to Lilian Santos to open your beautiful house to host this event. Thanks Fabiana Lorenzon for all your wonderful photos that captured the memories of this delicious workshop. Thanks to all the wonderful lady's that participated with such good joy and love. Our main mission of Ananda Vitae is to help people to reconnect with a natural and healthy lifestyle, based on the raw vegan food principles that for us is an art and a way of life, not just food. With Love, Ananda & Yandra .... Nós organizamos um Workshop de Alimentação Viva focado em brasileiros que moram em Perth/Aus realizado no dia 17 de julho, apresentado por Ananda Vitae - Alimentação Viva, onde as irmãs Ananda Bastos e Yandra Bastos do Brasil são parceiras e facilitadoras, isso foi um lindo dia de compartilhamentos sobre ótimas e saudáveis técnicas e receitas da culinária viva. Além dos fantásticos benefícios da dieta baseada em vegetais para nutrir verdadeiramente e aumentar a vitalidade da vida. Obrigada Nadia de Oliveira por ter nos motivado a organizar este evento, divulgado isso no seu Clube de Bem-Estar e pelo o seu ótimo suporte durante o evento. Obrigada Lilian Santos por abrir a sua linda casa para realizar este evento. Obrigada Fabiana Lorenzon por todas essas fotos maravilhosas que registraram as memórias desse delicioso workshop. Obrigada a todas as mulheres maravilhosas que participaram com boa alegria e amor. A missão principal da Ananda Vitae é auxiliar pessoas a se reconectar com estilo de vida natural e saudável, baseado nos princípios da Alimentação Viva e Vegana que para nós é uma arte e caminho de vida, não apenas comida. Com Amor, Ananda & Yandra
Raw Food Worshop in Portuguese
Photos from Raw Vitae's post
We're feeling very happy and honored for the opportunity to sharing this precious Raw Food path, which for us it's an art of life with more awareness and simplicity. Thanks all the people who attended in the Raw Vital workshop in Perth, Australia, organized by Ananda Vitae and Voi Organics.❤️😊🙏🏼 .... Estamos nos sentindo muito alegres e honradas pela oportunidade de compartilhar este precioso caminho da Alimentação Viva, que para mim é uma arte de viver com mais consciência e simplicidade. Gratidão a todas as pessoas que participaram do Raw Vital Workshop em Perth, Australia, realizado pela Ananda Vitae e Voi Organics.❤️😊🙏🏼
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VOI organics and Ananda Vitae are hosting Raw Vital Workshop in South Perth, Australia. If you are interested in learning about your health in relation to what you put in your body you will very much enjoy this! Sign up online: www.voiorganics/event/raw-vital Very limited space available!
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The Raw Vital workshop on 18th june will aims you how to make delicious raw vegan recipes, as well as the tools, techniques and knowledge to apply what you have learnt in your daily lifestyle. It is essential to increase the percentage of Raw vegan food in your daily diet, as raw foods have a higher concentration of nutrients and enzymes. Many diseases have a toxic and acidic body as an underlying cause. With Raw Food you detoxify and truly nourish yourself. Join us in this yummy workshop! We have very limited space available! Sign up online today: With Love ❤️
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Yummy Gastronomic tour at Raw kitchen in Perth, Australia. ...... Delicioso tour gastronômico na Raw kitchen em Perth, Australia. .....
Photos from Raw Vitae's post
Our dehydrated food are 100% raw, vegan, gluten free, nothing artificial, sugar free and made with LOVE. Photos by Joanna Hoffmann. .... Nossos deliciosos alimentos desidratados são 100% Vivo, Vegano, sem gluten, sem aditivos químicos, rico en fibra, sem açúcar e preparados com AMOR. Fotos Joanna Hoffmann.