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Equality Marketing

240 Plenty Rd, Bundoora, Australia



Equality Marketing welcomes you to our Facebook Portal. We're always on the lookout for talented, passionate individuals to join our team!


Photos from Equality Marketing's post

STEVE JOBS said, "THE ONLY WAY TO DO GREAT WORK IS TO LOVE WHAT YOU DO." Our company, Equality Marketing (, is an international fundraising company that represents different global non profit organizations in Australia, New Zealand and The Philippines. As part of our expansion in the country, we are looking for FUNDRAISING MANAGEMENT TRAINEES who would love to represent the world's largest independent NGO for children and at the same time build a career in fundraising team management. AVAILABLE SLOTS: • 5 in Metro Manila • 5 in Cebu QUALIFICATIONS: • Excellent communication skills: English and or local dialect (Tagalog/Bisaya) • Strong willingness to be trained and work with a full time coach to monitor your progress • Loves working within a team environment • Willing to travel domestically every 4 weeks • Self-disciplined, possesses a student mentality, and most importantly, passionate for the causes we promote. WHAT WE PROVIDE: • Ongoing personal & career development training and coaching • Travel opportunities • Structured career development program • Best industry rates & incentives • A genuine opportunity to love what you do and make a difference in the lives of others At Equality Marketing, we take pride in the quality of our work and the quality of our staff so if you are someone who would love to work in this kind of environment, PLEASE SEND YOUR RESUME DIRECTLY to "Being a fundraiser has given me the chance to hit two of my life goals in one stone: I get to help make a good difference in the world and I get to grow in my career. Yes our job is not typical -- it requires hard work, a high willingness to be trained and the persistence to apply what you learned, and consistently going out of your own comfort zone -- but I believe that's what makes our development as individuals (both in our personal lives and our careers) so much faster than others. This opportunity of self and career development plus knowing that my work is directly able to contribute to something bigger than myself and that makes people's lives better is more than what I could find in other jobs. Steve Jobs said that the only way to do great work is to love what you do: I am very fortunate to have found it. I have been in the fundraising industry for over 8 years now and I've had the opportunity of representing the best humanitarian organizations in the world and have had the pleasure of training and managing teams that have raised vital funds to make their programs in the Philippines possible. I have never been more challenged yet more fulfilled in my life." Zelina, 29, PH Manager CANDIDATES WHO CAN START AS SOON AS POSSIBLE WILL BE PRIORITIZED.

Photos from Equality Marketing's post


In 1999, 23 out of the 24 friends he pitched his idea to rejected him. Flash forward to 2016 (JUST 17 years later), Alibaba is a multi-billion dollar company and Jack Ma is worth $26.6 Billion. 1. Rejection won't stop you if you don't let it. 👊🏻 2. Don't forget to thank that 1 person who believed you when everyone else didn't. 😉 3. If you won't make history because of XYZ (whatever reason you think is justified), someone else will. 💪🏻 #StepItUP2017 #TeamEQPH

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Merry Christmas from our quirky work family to yours! #TeamEqualityPH ❤❤❤❤

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7 real things you can do right now about the catastrophe in Aleppo.

#ThisIsWHYWeDoWhatWeDo Syrian government troops are attempting to capture the remaining sections of Aleppo, and its citizens are in grave danger. The humanitarian disaster, which has been ongoing for months, has gotten far worse in the past few days, with terrified residents, caught between government forces, Russian airstrikes, and rebel forces tweeting desperate pleas for help and final messages to loved ones. Reports of women committing suicide to avoid being raped and civilians being executed by regime forces have begun to filter out of the city. Meanwhile, the once-thriving region has been reduced to rubble and chaos over the course of the past several months. Russia has announced an end to the military operation, claiming victory, and reports of a cease-fire between government and rebel forces have been issued, but both have yet to be confirmed by the United Nations at the time of this writing. 50,000 civilians are still believed to be in the eastern part of the city. It's easy to feel helpless and overwhelmed and want to turn away from a story like this. The news is bleak — and likely to get bleaker. But those of us with the good fortune to live in safety have a responsibility to do what we can to help. And there are ways to help. Number 5 on this list: Support #SaveTheChildren

An Inspiring Discussion With Simon Sinek About Learning Your 'Why'

"If the "why" is articulated in terms that include the product, service, industry or customer -- it’s not a true "why." Saying "to be the best,” or "to offer the highest quality product at the best possible price” or "excellence in all we do” -- none of these are "whys." They are goals or results at best. At worst, they are meaningless, corporate pabulum. Our company’s "why" is to inspire people to do what inspires them so together we can change our world for the better. We have infinite possibilities for the products and services we can offer to advance that cause, and we are able to pivot our strategy and marketing to stay current with the times. But who we are at our core has never and will never change. Ever. I am inspired by people who show up to serve others. People willing to sacrifice for another or a cause. This is why I’m drawn to people who volunteer to wear a uniform and say they are “in the service.” It is why I’m drawn to great teachers or great parents -- the givers."

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8 DAYS TO GO!!!! ARE YOU READY? 🎯💪🏻💯🍕🍻🏊🏼‍♀️🏊🏻‼️ #TeamEQPH

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Winners see the gain! Losers focus on the pain! #WiseWords

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Richard Branson: To Be Successful, Take the Stairs

Take the stairs! 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏻🏃🏽

5 Keys That Will Unlock Your Real Potential

Very good read: under 5 minutes! 🤓

Monday Night = Fun Night for #TeamEQManila!!!! 🏅🏆🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀️ #TeamEQPH

Monday Night = Fun Night for #TeamEQManila!!!! 🏅🏆🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀️


Francis Kong

Good thought to end this week's Monday!

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#RaiseTheBar2016: FINISH THE YEAR STRONG!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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NEAR Equality Marketing

Scholof Drive

Bundoora, Australia
Professional Service