Hairhouse Warehouse Warringah Mall Body Piercing
Hairhouse Warehouse is your one stop shop for all of your Professional Hair care, Beauty, Product & Services
Instagram: hairhouse_warehouse_warringah Hey guy's and welcome to HHWH Warringah Mall's Body piercing page.
We will continue to keep you guy's updated on weekly and daily special's, as well as post photo's of our work to keep you inspired and to help you decide on your next AWESOME piercing.
Our Professional Body Piercer's have many year's of experience in this creative industry.
Meet The Boys:
Jesse: Senior Qulaified Piercer
Landon: Junior Body Piercer
We are currently located near Woolworths near the fresh food section.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via Pm Facebook or call our store for advice, price's or any question's on 02 99057665.
Come see in and see us today!!!
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facebook.comHairhouse Warehouse Warringah Mall Body Piercing's cover photo
Get TWO piercings for $100 monday - wednesday! See our piercing professionals today!
Super Saturday is around the corner! See us to get %10 off all piercings, TOMORROW ONLY!
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Get a titanium upgrade for $15 TODAY ONLY!
MONDAY & TUESDAY SPECIAL ✌ 2 PIERCINGS FOR $100! ✌ This Tuesday come in and get 2 piercings for $100, normally $69 each. Split it with a friend or get both yourself! Phone us on 9905 7665
Who's ready for another sale? Get a piece of jewellery half price with any piercing service! Come see our piercing professionals today!
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For every person that receives 2 or more piercings at a time gets an aftercare spray for FREE
TODAY we are giving 10% OFF all piercings to students! Come see our piercing professionals TODAY! ( Must bring a valid school ID to obtain discount)
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Who's ready for next weeks jewellery sale? Grab ANY two nose studs for just $40!
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Kick start your weekend by adding a new twist to your look, Come in store and talk to our Piercing professionals TODAY!
10% OFF all Body Piercing services for students! What better way to finish school? Come see our Piercing professionals Today! (To get 10% off piercing services,valid student card must be present)
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Get 30% of any piercing with any salon service, today only!