Conrad Lee Martial Artist
Available to teach seminars, teach in your school, private lessons for individuals or small groups, anywhere in Australia and the World.
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My latest hobby is Silat. Few people asked me in puzzlement why I would take up a martial art from the beginning after all my experience and stuff. The answer is easy. Because I want to. I don't need to I want to. Another fighting art and another culture to absorb my soul in. Long time ago I was told that I can't chase two rabbits at the same time! Doh! Chase them one at a time I can catch as many as I wish. At the end of the day it deepens and widens not only my understanding, but my skills and my abilities to dispassionately control and subjugate when under pressure. Sho-Shin means beginners mind. And a few old timers stuck in their old ways can learn to be more open too. The door has been opened in my journey, learning from Alvin and the fighting art of Silat Buka Lingkaran.
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You know the real problem... Many fighting traditions sold to the west were in fact not fighting arts, but diluted forms of calisthenics and sport, passed on by people who more often than not have never had a fight in their lives... A real fight... And whom did not understand the immutable principles upon which all fighting arts rest. How can people who have no experience fighting teach others about fighting? That's just crass and silly! I'm not eating in a restaurant where the chef can't cook! Nor am I listening to people who talk a good fight either. Kuchi Bushi... Yaro Baka 😎
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This looks like a great read. Latest work from my friend Sensei Jerry, 'From The Minds of the Masters'.
Part 2 Scooby Doo 😎
Fundamental knife templates for cuts & thrusts. Foundational stuff. Shot for my mate 😎
Photos from Conrad Lee Martial Artist's post
Big day training under the big sky next to the Big River... The Clarence. Our emphasis today was Pallit Pallit throughout the day. We began sorting out our twirling, maintaining a strong yet flexible grip with movement coming from the circular wrist actions, solid thumb to forefinger and constant control of cane with little finger. Twirly twirly twirl. Playing with some strikes we moved into double striking. Eg Ocho Ocho, into Duplete in Ocho Ocho... Or Rodonda, into Duplete into Rodonda etc. Double Baston levels 1-3. Pallit Pallit in double Baston. Force to force. Pallit Pallit in force to force. Harada system. Pallit Pallit in Harada. Sungiti system. Pallit Pallit in Sungiti. Espada e daga. Emphasis on strikes and first 6 templates. Then daga. Fundamental targets for thrusts and cuts, then intermediate targets and cuts and thrusts combined. Daga Pallit Pallit, moving into counters and dealing with opponents counters etc. Worked fundamental 8 attack zones, hand to knife, knife to hand with all fundamental footwork variations. We detailed appropriate receiving and responses across the board for all angles relating to the fundamental 8 zones. Miles... Then Pallit Pallit putting everything together daga vs daga. Played around with the little of the Abiniko system I know. Freestyle drill. From the top 😎 That and lots that I can't be bothered to write lol Thanks Jas for coming to play with me. And mostly thank you for putting up with my constant talking. Did you notice all my chairs are now stools 😎 Miles and miles and lots of smiles.
Photos from Conrad Lee Martial Artist's post
Blast from the past... 1. With my Karate Sensei Vince Morris and two of my colleagues at Cyril's Gym in Nottingham 1993 2. With my two principle Sensei in Japanese Budo; Sensei Vince Morris and Sensei Patrick McCarthy at Cyril's Gym in Nttingham1995 3. My old boxing club at the Phoenix Centre in my home town of Windermere where this Westmorland Dragon began learning how to fight.
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Pallit Pallit daga training with Maestro.
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Iti va yasya samvittih kridatvenakhilam jagat. He knows true reality who sees the entire universe as the play of ParaShakti, of ParaShiva, the Universal Consciousness Spanda Shastra Om Namah Shivaya
August challenge... My idea is to use August to develop my fitness and to work on core fundamental principles, in whatever chosen field is most relevant to you. Mine is of course centred around the fighting arts. Yours could be whatever; athletics, cycling, gym, whatever works for you and comes from your passion. I will re-strengthen my foundation by daily training for the complete month of August, that's 31 days straight without any days off! Period. That's the concept. It's a self driven endeavour for self and for anyone who wishes to use this to improve themselves. You can be as hard or soft as you wish. You can include strict diet or not. You can keep a log or not. It's pretty open. However I am here to correspond with for anyone wishing to have some type of support framework as they go. I would be honoured if anyone wishes to join me in a month of daily commitment to your chosen field. Domo Arigato Gozaishimasu
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This photo was actually around 2003/4, when I was training all day everyday at Busen... Back when I used to have my family around me, my Brothers in Budo. Back when I would assist everyone unconditionally to appropriate Hanshi McCarthy's system. Back when I was very popular amongst the students coming to learn at Busen. Where are all those people who I thought were my friends now? The few real friends I forged in Busen I'm still close with. All you other guys simply showed me whom you really are. There's nowt as funny as folk 😎
Photos from Conrad Lee Martial Artist's post
Double baston & single baston - double and single cane practice. By the way, both of my canes are straight!!! What's the difference between an intermediate fighter and a master? Mr. Miles. Miles... Miles and miles. Repetition, rote drilling, and knowing the difference between where you are and where you want to be, and knowing how to get there. The destination is never the goal in Budo... It's the journey. Do Mu Gen - no end to learning the Way.