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TotalFusion Australia

814 Gympie Rd, Brisbane, Australia
Yoga Studio



5 rooms, 30+ classes weekly. Yoga, pilates, functional and mixed fitness classes - FUSED. Hot, cold and warm training. Secure your foundation mbship! Five studios
30+ class styles
135+ classes each week
ONE membership

Yoga, pilates, functional fitness, spin and gymnastics: FUSED! Secure your foundation membership and experience Movement as a Way of Life.


🍀 We are getting really excited about this Saturday at Total Fusion Chermside!🍀 Have you ever wanted to give something a go but still haven't got round to it? Or have you ever wanted to see what Total Fusion is all about?! This Saturday is your chance! We are having a St.Paddy's taster day with classes running all morning for you to try. Each class is a beginner level designed to give you an insight into the real thing. Perfect if you are new to exercise, or simply looking to give TF a go! Places are limited for members & non-members, so call, message, email, or send a pigeon to book in, and feel free to bring a friend! Smoothies, Snacks and Great Discounts on the day. We will see you there! (Green attire optional!) Call the Chermside studio to book in 3084 4520!

Keep your squats low and your standards high #totalfusionaustralia

Have you got your mat yet ~ try ours, they are specially designed to be used in our studios and feel amazing #totalfusionaustralia

Your body can stand almost anything - its your mind you have to convince #mindfulness

What can you do today to create a more mindful practice? Make March Your Month #mindfullness

The best teachers always seem to have a few things in common: they see you, they hear you, and they encourage you forward #reformerpilates

There are no short cuts - none. It’s tough but worth it #barefootbootcamp

It’s finally the day! We’re so excited to see you all on the mat with us at Mt Gravatt #totalfusionaustralia

Come for the classes, stay for the community #totalfusionaustralia

⠀ We're excited to be opening our epic Mt Gravatt studio on Thursday - we've got more classes, more variety and more options to get all your yoga, fitness, pilates and cycle needs met. You need to be quick to secure your foundation memberships now.⠀ ⠀

How you look at it, is pretty much how you see it #movementasawayoflife

Are you up for the battle? Time to try a #battleropesandbells class


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