Mackenzie Special School
Our school is part of Education Queensland & we cater for students with an intellectual disability in the moderate to severe range, aged between 5 & 18.
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Whatever is happening in your life right now, you are doing an amazing job and we are so happy to have you as part of our tribe.
Carers Queensland Brisbane South
Community Month | ThemeParks are celebrating community heroes this month by offering FREE admission to members of the Australian Emergency Services, Doctors, Nurses and Carers, Defence Force Personnel, TEACHERS AND EDUCATIONAL STAFF. This includes teacher aides as well as School Administration staff! There's also entry discounts for additional family members. See the link for more details.
Community transport
Did you know that you may be eligible for Community Transport to help people who have a disability travel for shopping and social activities and medical appointments. Click the link to find out more.
Timeline Photos
Reminder- Parent craft group tomorrow morning. Please see attached for details
Timeline Photos
Moving autism on TV beyond the genius stereotype
Has anyone caught Julia on recent episodes of Sesame Street? Do you think she is a helpful representation of autism?
Timeline Photos
Reminder! Tomorrow is a public holiday for Labour Day. School resumes on Tuesday 2nd May.
Carers Queensland Brisbane South
Carers Link
Timeline Photos
Start practicing those smiles! **PHOTO DAY - Tuesday 9 May** Envelopes will be coming home in the next few days. If you would like to order photos, your order envelope must be returned on the day and you can either complete the details on the envelope or order online. See the attached flyer for more info.
Down Syndrome Australia
It's never ok to use the 'R' word and it's always disappointing when high profile people do. We must continue to educate the wider community on why the use of the 'R' word is hurtful to those with intellectual impairment.