Heritage-listed as the first commercial tenancy in West End with previous incarnations as a general store and chemist. LNL is perfect for a quiet drink after work, a quick lunch, casual dinner or a relaxing weekend breakfast with friends.
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Happy Monday Sunshine! For those of you who have to work today ... CHILLAX it's a Public Holiday tomorrow, so stop in at LNL for some 'After Work Drinkies' this Happy Day Monday arv! *** THE BAR IS NOW OPEN*** *** REMINDER: We are CLOSED tomorrow, January 26, 2016 for Australia Day ***
Lock'n'Load Bistro's cover photo
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ExSQUEEZE us ... but where has Chloe Marks Music been & why isn't she HERE at LNL more often?! Catch this magical songstress this arv from 3pm!!! You won't regret it.
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Open your gobs! The famous LNL Towers are out & this week's Sunday sesh has officially begun!!!
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THEY'RE BACK! Inkaza, the kick ass Brazilian band who play some hot ass beats are here TONIGHT, playing LIVE from 10pm!
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Pimms Anyone? Delight in our knockoff cocktail & beer jugs this arvo all while giving back to the community! That's right $2 from EVERY JUG ordered goes to the AMAZING Suited to Success Women's Program, @DressForSuccess Brisbane! JUGS OUT SATURDAYS - only at @LocknLoad - from 12pm - 6pm - CHEERS!!! For more info about this fantastic inititative:
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In case you missed it there's something amazing waiting for y'all this weekend at Lock'N'Load!! #grilledzucchini #haloumi #turkishtoast #mint #labne #thesekidscancook #brunch #breakfast #foodporn #summerspecial #summernevertastedsogood #ohmy
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TONIGHT we've got the young & upcoming, Brisbane based band, EASTWOOD, playing LIVE from 10pm!!! Soak up their unique sound combination of Blues & Soul - It's gonna be GrOoVy!!!
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It's Friday & we're all FRIED ... literally get FRIED this arvo at Lock'n'Load Bistro for FREE FRIES FRIDAY!!! Groups of 4 or more get free fries with your after work drinkies!!! The bar is *** NOW OPEN ***
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Soy, Chilli & Ginger Pork Belly Salad w noodle nest #goodfood #instafood #thesekidscancook #summernevertastedsogood #summerspecial #porkbelly #foodporn #latelunch
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Feelin' Fresh with this weekend's brekkie spesh at Lock'n'Load...Turkish toast with spiced labne, grilled zuchini, peas, fresh mint, crispy halloumi, poached eggs and housemade dukkah! Available Friday to Sunday - 7.00am to 11.30am. See you all soon!!! 😎
Lock'n'Load Bistro's cover photo
The BIGGEST stag horn ever 🍃🌿

I am beyond blessed to be able to play music for a living. I genuinely love my job.

Celebrating the baby sister getting her drivers licence by drinking from the fountain of the gods (read: glorified beer bong) and making her drive us olds around 🍻 #sundaysesh #beertower #longweekend

In case you missed it there's something amazing waiting for y'all this morning at Lock'N'Load!! #grilledzucchini #haloumi #turkishtoast #mint #labne #thesekidscancook #brunch #breakfast #foodporn #summerspecial #summernevertastedsogood #ohmy

#brisvillage #friends #beer

Soy, Chilli & Ginger Pork Belly Salad w noodle nest #goodfood #instafood #thesekidscancook #summernevertastedsogood #summerspecial #porkbelly #foodporn #latelunch

Yep, it's that time of the week again... Choice of four tasty burgers w a sch of tiger for only 15 bucks every Thursday from 3pm #thirstythursday #tastyshoutouts #chipsoptional #brisbane #thesekidscancook #barfoods #countermeal #goodfood #instafood

#lookingaroundatlocknload #justsomelightreading #coldbeer #heineken #cashmonies #globalcrisis #barlyf #instabooze #bar #bartender #itsaREALpaperback

Open fr. 3pm for late #liquidlunch #manicmonday #chalkboardhumour #gin #banana #brisbane #bar #illonlyhaveonedrink #ginandtonic #fitdrink #instabooze #lol #wesupportresponsibledrinking #promise

Brekkie hangs with @easy2operate @locknloadbistro can't beat bacon and eggs!! #bae #baegoals #baconandeggs #bacon #eggs #brisbane #brisbaneats #brisbanebrekkie #brisbanebreakfast #igersbrisbane #igers #bne #brissie #locknloadbistro #sundays #lazylikeasundaymorning

Enjoying breakfast with the family, especially having a big breakfast with coffee!! #Coffee #BigBreakfast #Breakfast #Yum #FamilyTime
