Personal Injury Law, Family Law, Wills & Estates, Conveyancing, Business Law
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS response to the below video, here's what happened! I’d been away on a 5-day work conference (a bit of learning and a bit of fun) and was delighted to be picked up from the airport by my Fiancée and 11-year-old daughter. I was glad the public shaming on Facebook with pictures of my credit card statements had stopped and I could spend some quality time with my family. The mood in the car seemed a bit edgy and quite tense. I asked my Fiancée why she was so nervous which was strenuously denied and I retreated quickly as I saw the volcano rumbling in anticipation of an argument. The tension continued to build all the way home. I couldn’t work out why until I opened the front door of the house. It looked like we had been robbed! The oversized 1990’s dining room table and chairs were gone, the funky egg chair I bought as a bachelor was missing, most of my clothes were neatly folded on the floor where the dining table had been. There I was thinking, is this it? Are my bags packed and it’s time to head to the nearest Best Western? Apparently, the videos my Fiancée had been posting on Facebook while I was away selling all my stuff was real. I’ve been accused of being a hoarder which I strenuously deny despite the 13 umbrellas I’ve kept for a rainy day. Thankfully all of this behavior was caused by that and I wasn’t being turfed out of the house….. We have some great family lawyers here at McNamaras, luckily I’m not going to need one…. this time.😂
Now, while McNamara & Associates Managing Partner, Peter Wilkinson was away last week on a 5 day conference, his Fiancée thought she would do a little house-keeping! Tomorrow, we'll hear what Peter thought when he walked through the front door! 😜
A recent national survey has revealed that approximately 1 in 4 Generation Y Australians are eagerly waiting on an inheritance to purchase a home. The survey that asked 1000 people across Australia, found that over 26% of them were relying on a windfall to back them into a home purchase, thanks to the soaring house prices, particularly in capital cities. Read More:
McNamara & Associates are the major sponsor of the upcoming Daffodil Golf Day at Gatton Jubilee Golf Club. It is always a great day. If anybody is interested in playing, donating prizes or sponsoring a hole contact Brock of our Gatton office TODAY!
In this week's edition of Peter's Rant, "Horror Stories, Happy Clients and Something Very Spooky!" Have a read:
Congratulations to these fine lawyers on not only being great at what they do, but being so focused on providing great quality service to our clients! (Incidentally if you haven't watched Peter & Robyn's story on working with Abe, it's a great testimony to his work: )
How amazing is this story:
In today's Queensland Times........what are the odds of Rebekah's desk being in the exact same spot as to where her grandmother's desk was 67 years ago as a student at the Technical College. The photo with the article is of Rebekah and her Nan outside of the window of which they both shared a view....67 years apart!
It has come to our attention that there may be a serious systemic error involving AMP Superannuation with the calculation of tax deductible on total and permanent disability (TPD) payouts. The error seems to be in AMP using the incorrect calculation date from which the TPD payment was to be paid. In some cases, the calculation error was as much as $7,400 that was over-taxed. Read More:
2 Minutes with our "awesome" Janelle May who is our Senior Property Officer at McNamara & Associates! :)
Warren Lund is one happy man! He won our dinner for two competition at Dovetails Restaurant
McNamara & Associates is a member of the Lockyer Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Gatton staff attended the Local Business Recognition Dinner on Friday 28 July 2017 along with over 150 local business owners, staff and Lockyer Valley Regional Council Mayor, Deputy Mayor and some of the Councillors as well as Committee members. At the dinner awards were presented to various local businesses ‘old and new’. Some of the local businesses receiving awards had been operating for many years, some over 30 years. Another local business winner is owned and operated by a young married couple and is proving a success! Past business owners were also honoured. The night was enjoyable and the award winners chatted with the M.C. giving all who attended a few stories and laughs as well as some insight. Committee members gave those attending some details of plans for upcoming events. Our congratulations to the award winners and the Committee members and Lockyer Valley Regional Council officers who contributed to the well organised event. Our staff certainly enjoyed the evening!