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HUB Forensics

76 Fegen Drive, Brisbane, Australia
Professional Service



Professional medical forensic service by Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam Arya Chakravarti at the Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB) Legal Department. 1. Medicolegal research
2. Medicolegal consultations via internet
cost $300.00 per hour


The Police Drop their Prosecution The Queensland Police Service has quietly dropped their charges against me for supposedly breaching a 'Domestic Violence Order' taken out against me by my father, Dr Brian Senewiratne. The submission I made to the Police Prosecutors that I posted on the HUB Forensics page had the desired effect. Thanks to everyone for their support.

Fentanyl and Haldol toxicity and Janssen-Cilag The latest drug scourge in the USA and Canada is Fentanyl, a synthetic opiate about 100 times as strong as morphine. Fentanyl is available as tablets and patches and has been responsible for hundreds of fatal overdoses (often mixed with heroin and other injected drugs). Fentanyl was discovered by the Belgian doctor and founder of Janssen Phamaceuticals, Paul Janssen in 1960. Janssen merged with the Swiss Cilag in the 1990s and is now owned by the American giant Johnson and Johnson. Janssen-Cilag is one of several companies that market Fentanyl preparations legally for prescription by the medical profession. Two years before he invented Fentsnyl, Paul Janssen invented haloperidol, which was marketed as an antipsychotic and an alternative to the horrible chlorpromazine (Largactil/Thorazine) for the treatment of schizophrenia and mania. Haloperidol, which blocks receptors for the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain is marketed by Janssen-Cilag (Johnson and Johnson) to this day and is included in the list of "essential medicines" by the World Health Organization (WHO). Dopamine is an important catecholamine neurotransmitter that is synthesised from DOPA, synthesised from the amino acid tyrosine. Dopamine is also a metabolite and a precursor to the other catecholamine neurotransmitters noradrenaline and adrenaline (called norepinephrin and epinephrin in the USA). There are several types of dopamine receptor in various parts of the brain, and it is involved in movement (via the basal ganglia) as well as emotional reactions (via the limbic system) and hormonal secretion (via the pituitary gland). The role of dopamine in movement is evident from the known pathophysiology of Parkinson's Disease, known to be caused by depletion of dopamine-secreting neurones in the substantia nigra of the basal ganglia. The substantia nigra is so named for the black pigment in these cells, the pigment being melanin, the same pigment that gives colour to the skin, eyes and hair. Melanin is a polymer in indole quinone and catechol quinone. It is possible that melanin can be metabolised into both indole amines (melatonin and serotonin) and catecholamines (dopamine, noradrenalin and adrenaline). Depletion of these pigmented cells in the basal ganglia is responsible for idiopathic Parkinson's Disease, characterised by stiffness and a shuffling gait, tremor and emotional flatness and depression. This is an unexplained degenerative disease, though the same symptoms arise from repeated traumatic damage to the base of the brain in boxers ("punch drunk"). Haloperidol (Haldol) and all the "typical antipsychotics" block dopamine receptors by binding to them and cause drug-induced Parkinsonism, the severity of which is related to dose and race (dark-skinned people suffer symptoms at a lower dose). The standard treatment for drug-induced Parkinsonism is the addition of drugs that are used for idiopathic Parkinson's Disease rather than stopping the causative drug. In addition, all the dopamine-blocking antipsychotic drugs can cause permanent, incurable brain damage in the form of tardive dyskinesia (TD) a horrible condition characterised by involuntary writing movements of the limbs and contortions and grimaces of the face, such as repeatedly poking out the tongue and puffing the cheeks. This incurable disease is caused only by this class of drugs and had no treatment. The grimaces and involuntary movements are cruelly stigmatising, since they make the sufferer seem mad. Another stigmatising side-effect of haloperidol and the other dopamine-blocking (and also the SSRI drugs) is akathesia, which causes a distressing restlessness and urge to pace. When confined to a mental ward the patient with akathesia paces around restlessly as a direct effect of the drugs they marketed as "major tranqullisers". The fact that dopamine is involved in emotional reactions and Parkisonism is characterised by flattened emotions and affect (appearance to the diagnoser of emotions) has relevance to the aetiology of "chronic schizophrenia" which is diagnosed, inter alia, on the basis of "flattened affect". These drugs, as well as the stigmatisation that results from being labelled as having a "sick mind" and the loss of confidence that predictably ensues, contribute to depression and suicidality as well as "downward social drift" and lack of motivation that are regarded as "negative symptoms of schizophrenia" typical of the chronic form of the mysterious disease. In 1995, Janssen-Cilag sponsored a publication by the World Health Organization titled "Management of Mental Disorders - Handbook for the Schizophrenic Disorders" authored by Professor Gavin Andrews of St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney. This handbook promoted Haldol, among several alternatives, for the treatment of "unusual thoughts". These were to be determined under the American "Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale" by asking the following questions: 1. Have you been receiving any special messages from people or from the way things are arranged around you? 2. Have you seen any references to yourself on TV or in the newspapers? 3. Can anyone read your mind? 4. Do you have a special relationship with God? 5. Is anything like electricity, x-rays, or radio waves affecting you? 6. Are thoughts put into your head that are not your own? 7. Have you felt that you were under the control of another person or force? Affirmative answers are to be diagnosed as "delusions" if they are "patently absurd, clearly false or bizarre ideas" that are held with full conviction. Inevitably this pits the belief system of the "health care worker" against that of the "patient"/victim. The people doing the diagnosing and treating are obviously unlikely to regard their own ideas as absurd, false or bizarre.

HUB Forensics

My Neighbour's Spy Notes on Me The following documents were provided to me in a dossier from Russo Lawyers, in support of charges Queensland Police Service (QPS) have brought against me. They are the handwritten notes of my next-door neighbour, Jeffrey "Jeff" Miller of 74 Fegen Drive, Moorooka and his wife Heidi. The notes were written down for a whole month in September 2015, and detailed his constant watching of my movements, a task for which he recruited the elderly female neighbours on the opposite side of my house. Miller reported and wrote down whether my car was parked in the driveway, whether I was running my taps and what he thought my phonecalls were about (listening for ones where I raised my voice and trying to identify which members of my family I had rung), He even reported that my car was parked in a street near the Princess Alexandra Hospital, after he'd got me locked up there again. While I was locked up, according to his notes, he applied to the Brisbane City Council for "the job" of "clearing" my "yard". What was done, while I was locked up and unable to protect my home and possessions, was to decimate and vandalise my garden, stealing all the beautiful, flowering native plants and ferns and flattening my rock gardens, filling in the ponds I had dug by hand with earth. The saplings and established shrubs and trees I had planted and irrigated for 8 years were chopped down. Many were killed; a few survived but were chopped down again a month ago by Miller and my father Brian Senewiratne (who organized the destruction of my garden and my businesses in 2015 and again in 2016) As you can see from these notes, Miller also wrote down when I was playing music (ringing up the police repeatedly to complain about the "noise") and when he rang various people in his campaign of harassment, which has been going on for many years - in fact since shortly after my mother bought the house and I moved in to renovate it and tend its beautiful, but overgrown, garden. Over the past 8 years he has successfully had me locked up, misdiagnosed and tortured on more than 10 occasions, by ringing my father, the hospital and the police and making false and misleading claims about my actions and behaviour. At the same time he taunts me for being a "mental patient" and also subjects me to racial abuse, along with my neighbours on the opposite side and across the road who have called me a "black bastard", and a "fucking gollywog". This is an unusual degree of racism. I get on well with everyone else in Moorooka - it is only my immediate neighbours who dislike me and want me "out of the neighbourhood". The first page contains the information that Miller contacted the office of Councillor Steve Griffiths, our local councillor. Griffiths is a social worker-turned politician and I visited him in his office in 2013, shortly after I had been locked up on the basis of Miller that I was "running my taps" and "flooding my yard". I was indeed running my outdoor taps, since I was trying to breed Green Tree Frogs and Striped Burrowing Frogs which, I have found, are native to the area, but under threat by the long-standing water restrictions, deforestation and ecologically harmful actions of the Brisbane City Council. According to Miller's notes he was told to speak to a man called Col Griffiths. When I rang Steve Griffith's office today I was told that Col is Steve Griffith's father. The notes also indicate that Col, after being rung by Miller, agreed to contact the police on Miller's behalf for "$12.30 approx". Miller's last entry is on my 55th birthday last year - 22nd September, when he makes 4 entries in worsening handwriting. This was the day that he reported that I was making a "public nuisance" by going armed with a home-made knife, which he claimed, to Police was done in a deliberate attempt to "intimidate him" and that he feared for his safety. As the Police records indicate, when they came out to my house, apparently also having been contacted by the PA Hospital I was found, not brandishing a knife at my neighbour in the street, but in my bath, washing off the dirt from my morning's gardening and ready to do some more art with the Melaleuka bark I had carefully cut off from the tree across the road (triggering Miller's hysterical and malicious report). Nick Giunta and the other policemen threatened me with Tasers while I was still in the bath (it would have fried me if they fired) but then grabbed me, pulled me out of the bath and handcuffed me. I was then marched stark naked to the police car and made to sit in it, naked, in the street while Giunta and his mates went back to speak to Miller and my other neighbours. I was never shown the ATR Giunta and Benjamin Gray have said was issued, at the same time, by the PA Hospital and the hospital won't tell me who signed it. After I had been locked up for 2 days I was visited by the arresting officer, Nick "Con" Guinta, in the locked West Wing of the PA Hospital. He told me I was being charged with "going armed so as to cause fear" and "possession of a dangerous drug" (Constable Benjamin Gray has written that they found some green leafy material in a bowel (sic) also containing tobacco. It wasn't a bowl anyway. It was my favourite plate, with a design from Sri Lanka, that I had bought at the local discount shop before it closed down and was replaced by a bank. I was then told by the treating psychiatrist Justin O'Brien that I would never be able to return to my home and that my parents had "put all my things in storage" and sold the house. This was due to a note he received to this effect from my father, Brian Senewiratne, who indeed trespassed in my house after gaining access through my mother, who had a key, and emptied my house of all its contents. I have known Justin O'Brien since 2002, when he introduced himself is a most peculiar way. I had been abducted from my home in Fairfield by police and psychiatric workers from the PA Hospital after another false report about me by my parents. I had been handcuffed and roughed up before being taken to the hospital and I was justifiably angry, though fully in control of myself, having been in such situations many times in the past. O'Brien came into the room, not with his hand extended in friendship and a smile on his face, but surrounded by burly security guards and a choice for me. I could either take the cup of Valium in his right hand, or I could have the injection in his left. He didn't introduce himself and I later found out his name (I later studied his Facebook page, which is very revealing). O'Brien was then a psychiatry registrar, now he is a consultant, having gained a business degree in Melbourne. His initial qualification is from Ireland, rather than Australia and his LinkedIn page says that this portly little man is a Mormon who like snow-skiing, parasailing and Latin dancing! I do not accept the authority of Justin O'Brien or any other psychiatrists at the PA Hospital (or anywhere else) to "diagnose" me and force "treatment" on me. Their entire paradigm is fatally flawed. Psychiatric diagnosis and treatment consistently makes individuals and society at large more unhealthy. It creates chronic illness from acute crises, and creates crises where there are none to start with. They waste extraordinary amounts of money on injectable and oral drugs which have the result of the mental patients in Australia having a life expectancy twenty years less than the rest of the population (and even worse than Aboriginal mortality). The diagnosis and treatment, and inevitable stigmatisation also drive many people to suicide, and the current problem with dexamphetamine abuse ("ice") stemmed from the psychiatric and medical promotion of amphetamines ("speed") for "attention deficit disorder"(ADD) and "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" (ADHD) since the 1990s. In a dramatic change speed was prescribed to children as young as 3 or 4, and children in the West were increasingly labelled with this "mental disorder" and trained to reach for a stimulant pill when they experienced problems. It has been known, for more than 100 years, that all amphetamines are addictive. While I was locked up in September and October 2015, my Holistic University Network, Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB), HUB Art Gallery and Black Diamond Industries were totally destroyed. My office was ransacked and the precious art of my daughters Ruby and Zoe were torn down from my walls and thrown in the rubbish, along with other treasured possessions, including a stone Buddha, photographs of Aboriginal men from all parts of Australia from the 1950s (which was thrown, pointedly, on the floor as one of the few things left behind in the house). The racial aspects of the attack were obvious, since they also threw in the garden my Sri Lankan Naga Yaksha Mask and Ebony Mask from Tanzania. The Buddhist shrines and ponds I was building in the garden as I landscaped it with flowing water were destroyed and my sacred frangipani trees were cut down, including the one I had planted, in the Greek tradition, over the placenta of my daughter Zoe (who was given a Greek name by her Italian-Australian mother). In addition. they chopped down and stole dozens of ferns I had planted around the house, my pot plants, and also, interestingly given Miller's complaints about my music, my Yamaha stereo amplifier and Canon video camera. They also chopped down two beautiful Grevillias I had planted to attract birds to my garden and a flowering wattle that was already attracting heaps of native bees and other pollinators. My taps were turned off, and all my tadpoles died as a result. There is evidence, from the sudden death of other plants in my garden, that they also applied poison in the back garden, in addition to chopping down and killing the beautiful broad-leafed Gum I had planted just outside my window, so I can watch the birds visiting it and its leaves blow in the wind from the desk I am sitting at now. Today I turned my taps on again. My garden was dying, and I can't have that. My birds were looking worse for wear and in need of water. I can afford to feed them, too, as well as breed another batch of frogs. If they take me away again, you'll know why! Dr Romesh Senewiratne Romesh Senewiratne Alagaratnam Arya Chakravarti

My Neighbour's Spy Notes on Me The following documents were provided to me in a dossier from Russo Lawyers, in support of charges Queensland Police Service (QPS) have brought against me. They are the handwritten notes of my next-door neighbour, Jeffrey "Jeff" Miller of 74 Fegen Drive, Moorooka and his wife Heidi. The notes were written down for a whole month in September 2015, and detailed his constant watching of my movements, a task for which he recruited the elderly female neighbours on the opposite side of my house. Miller reported and wrote down whether my car was parked in the driveway, whether I was running my taps and what he thought my phonecalls were about (listening for ones where I raised my voice and trying to identify which members of my family I had rung), He even reported that my car was parked in a street near the Princess Alexandra Hospital, after he'd got me locked up there again. While I was locked up, according to his notes, he applied to the Brisbane City Council for "the job" of "clearing" my "yard". What was done, while I was locked up and unable to protect my home and possessions, was to decimate and vandalise my garden, stealing all the beautiful, flowering native plants and ferns and flattening my rock gardens, filling in the ponds I had dug by hand with earth. The saplings and established shrubs and trees I had planted and irrigated for 8 years were chopped down. Many were killed; a few survived but were chopped down again a month ago by Miller and my father Brian Senewiratne (who organized the destruction of my garden and my businesses in 2015 and again in 2016) As you can see from these notes, Miller also wrote down when I was playing music (ringing up the police repeatedly to complain about the "noise") and when he rang various people in his campaign of harassment, which has been going on for many years - in fact since shortly after my mother bought the house and I moved in to renovate it and tend its beautiful, but overgrown, garden. Over the past 8 years he has successfully had me locked up, misdiagnosed and tortured on more than 10 occasions, by ringing my father, the hospital and the police and making false and misleading claims about my actions and behaviour. At the same time he taunts me for being a "mental patient" and also subjects me to racial abuse, along with my neighbours on the opposite side and across the road who have called me a "black bastard", and a "fucking gollywog". This is an unusual degree of racism. I get on well with everyone else in Moorooka - it is only my immediate neighbours who dislike me and want me "out of the neighbourhood". The first page contains the information that Miller contacted the office of Councillor Steve Griffiths, our local councillor. Griffiths is a social worker-turned politician and I visited him in his office in 2013, shortly after I had been locked up on the basis of Miller that I was "running my taps" and "flooding my yard". I was indeed running my outdoor taps, since I was trying to breed Green Tree Frogs and Striped Burrowing Frogs which, I have found, are native to the area, but under threat by the long-standing water restrictions, deforestation and ecologically harmful actions of the Brisbane City Council. According to Miller's notes he was told to speak to a man called Col Griffiths. When I rang Steve Griffith's office today I was told that Col is Steve Griffith's father. The notes also indicate that Col, after being rung by Miller, agreed to contact the police on Miller's behalf for "$12.30 approx(imately)". Miller's last entry is on my 55th birthday last year - 22nd September, when he makes 4 entries in worsening handwriting. This was the day that he reported that I was making a "public nuisance" by going armed with a home-made knife, which he claimed, to Police was done in a deliberate attempt to "intimidate him" and that he feared for his safety. As the Police records indicate, when they came out to my house, apparently also having been contacted by the PA Hospital I was found, not brandishing a knife at my neighbour in the street, but in my bath, washing off the dirt from my morning's gardening and ready to do some more art with the Melaleuka bark I had carefully cut off from the tree across the road (triggering Miller's hysterical and malicious report). Nick Giunta and the other policemen threatened me with Tasers while I was still in the bath (it would have fried me if they fired) but then grabbed me, pulled me out of the bath and handcuffed me. I was then marched stark naked to the police car and made to sit in it, naked, in the street while Giunta and his mates went back to speak to Miller and my other neighbours. I was never shown the ATR Giunta and Benjamin Gray have said was issued, at the same time, by the PA Hospital and the hospital won't tell me who signed it. After I had been locked up for 2 days I was visited by the arresting officer, Nick "Con" Guinta, in the locked West Wing of the PA Hospital. He told me I was being charged with "going armed so as to cause fear" and "possession of a dangerous drug" (Constable Benjamin Gray has written that they found some green leafy material in a bowel (sic) also containing tobacco. It wasn't a bowl anyway. It was my favourite plate, with a design from Sri Lanka, that I had bought at the local discount shop before it closed down and was replaced by a bank. I was then told by the treating psychiatrist Justin O'Brien that I would never be able to return to my home and that my parents had "put all my things in storage" and sold the house. This was due to a note he received to this effect from my father, Brian Senewiratne, who indeed trespassed in my house after gaining access through my mother, who had a key, and emptied my house of all its contents. I have known Justin O'Brien since 2002, when he introduced himself is a most peculiar way. I had been abducted from my home in Fairfield by police and psychiatric workers from the PA Hospital after another false report about me by my parents. I had been handcuffed and roughed up before being taken to the hospital and I was justifiably angry, though fully in control of myself, having been in such situations many times in the past. O'Brien came into the room, not with his hand extended in friendship and a smile on his face, but surrounded by burly security guards and a choice for me. I could either take the cup of Valium in his right hand, or I could have the injection in his left. He didn't introduce himself and I later found out his name (I later studied his Facebook page, which is very revealing). O'Brien was then a psychiatry registrar, now he is a consultant, having gained a business degree in Melbourne. His initial qualification is from Ireland, rather than Australia and his LinkedIn page says that this portly little man is a Mormon who like snow-skiing, parasailing and Latin dancing! I do not accept the authority of Justin O'Brien or any other psychiatrists at the PA Hospital (or anywhere else) to "diagnose" me and force "treatment" on me. Their entire paradigm is fatally flawed. Psychiatric diagnosis and treatment consistently makes individuals and society at large more unhealthy. It creates chronic illness from acute crises, and creates crises where there are none to start with. They waste extraordinary amounts of money on injectable and oral drugs which have the result of the mental patients in Australia having a life expectancy twenty years less than the rest of the population (and even worse than Aboriginal mortality). The diagnosis and treatment, and inevitable stigmatisation also drive many people to suicide, and the current problem with dexamphetamine abuse ("ice") stemmed from the psychiatric and medical promotion of amphetamines ("speed") for "attention deficit disorder"(ADD) and "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" (ADHD) since the 1990s. In a dramatic change speed was prescribed to children as young as 3 or 4, and children in the West were increasingly labelled with this "mental disorder" and trained to reach for a stimulant pill when they experienced problems. It has been known, for more than 100 years, that all amphetamines are addictive. While I was locked up in September and October 2015, my Holistic University Network, Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB), HUB Art Gallery and Black Diamond Industries were totally destroyed. My office was ransacked and the precious art of my daughters Ruby and Zoe were torn down from my walls and thrown in the rubbish, along with other treasured possessions, including a stone Buddha, photographs of Aboriginal men from all parts of Australia from the 1950s (which was thrown, pointedly, on the floor as one of the few things left behind in the house). The racial aspects of the attack were obvious, since they also threw in the garden my Sri Lankan Naga Yaksha Mask and Ebony Mask from Tanzania. The Buddhist shrines and ponds I was building in the garden as I landscaped it with flowing water were destroyed and my sacred frangipani trees were cut down, including the one I had planted, in the Greek tradition, over the placenta of my daughter Zoe (who was given a Greek name by her Italian-Australian mother). In addition. they chopped down and stole dozens of ferns I had planted around the house, my pot plants, and also, interestingly given Miller's complaints about my music, my Yamaha stereo amplifier and Canon video camera. They also chopped down two beautiful Grevillias I had planted to attract birds to my garden and a flowering wattle that was already attracting heaps of native bees and other pollinators. My taps were turned off, and all my tadpoles died as a result. There is evidence, from the sudden death of other plants in my garden, that they also applied poison in the back garden, in addition to chopping down and killing the beautiful broad-leafed Gum I had planted just outside my window, so I can watch the birds visiting it and its leaves blow in the wind from the desk I am sitting at now. Today I turned my taps on again. My garden was dying, and I can't have that. My birds were looking worse for wear and in need of water. I can afford to feed them, too, as well as breed another batch of frogs. If they take me away again, you'll know why!

HUB Legal Department

A Personal Touch from Metro South. Last week I received this letter, the fourth one in month, each giving a different date and explaining that my "involuntary treatment order" has been changed from "community category" to "inpatient category" and that this means that my "mental illness" can be treated against my will. Unlike most of the mail I receive from the PA Hospital, which pointedly calls me "Mr" Senewiratne, this letter from the stigmatising "Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Services" addresses me as "Dr R Senewiratne". It has a Queensland Government logo but it is unsigned. Instead, it contains the typed name "Lisa Thomson" of the "Princess Alexandra Hospital Authorised Mental Health Service" and the number (07) 3156 9892. I rang and spoke to Lisa Thomson. I explained that I was a mentally and relatively physically fit 56 year-old doctor, who was a graduate of the University of Quieensland with over 30 years of experience as a medical doctor, including a great deal of psychiatry in the context of Family Medicine. I explained that my father worked for the hospital and that he knew all the senior medical, surgical and psychiatric staff. This, I explained, was why the hospital had consistently sided with him against me, and accepted the lies he told them about me as true. They also "diagnosed" me with "schizophrenia" for maintaining that my father, Brian Senewiratne, was a lobbyist for the Tamil Tigers which, in fact, he was (and can be proved by numerous clips on YouTube). The response of Lisa Thomson was the expected one. She said she'd inform "the team" about my call. I asked who "the team" comprised of. She told me her records showed that I was "under Dr O'Brien". She was referring to Dr Justin O'Brien who, I was told by the psychiatry registrar in Casualty, had signed the "ATR" (Authority to Return) for police to take me back to the hospital (which they did at 9.00 pm on Tuesday 1 November, long after the day staff had gone home). In addition, I was then told that Justin O'Brien was no longer working at the hospital. This surely means that the ATR he signed was not legal. Besides, I was not mentally ill or disturbed, certainly in comparison to Dr Justin O'Brien, who first introduced himself to me in 2002 when he was the psychiatry registrar in Casualty at the PA. This introduction was to walk into the locked cell with security guards behind him, carrying a cup of Valium in one hand and an injection in the other. He told me I had a choice between the Valium or the injection. He did not, as normal colleagues would, extend his hand in friendship. I was so infuriated with O'Brien that I named him in my formal complaint to the PA Hospital and Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) in 2002, when I also named Dr Paul Schneider, long-time Clinical Director of Psychiatry and the psychiatrist who assumed authority over me and ordered that I be repeatedly injected for "schizoaffective disorder" in 2002 as well as his resident Sean Tracey. Tracey is now also a consultant psychiatrist at the PA Hospital was was responsible for my being sent to the ward rather than sent home with an apology on the morning of 2 November. The men in charge of all of this have never deemed to come down to the ward and meet me and see whether, in fact, the repeated incarceration and drugging of one of their colleagues was clinically justified. These are an Indian psychiatrist by the name of Belugi Motomari and the psychiatrist in charge of the entire Metro South Hospital Mental Health System, a middle-aged white man by the name of David Crompton. I have asked to meet David Crompton, but he won't even speak to me on the phone. He did reply to a letter of complaint I sent him many years ago, in which he denied that the hospital had done anything wrong. So now I have to wait for a phone call from the Case Manager Nigel Lewin telling me he's coming around to inject me again with another $450 of Paloperidone which is guaranteed to sterilize me again and make me even more prone to diabetes and heart disease. The question is, on whose orders? Can any lawyers and law students out there tell me what you think? Can I appeal to habeus corpus laws? I don't know much about it. Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

HUB Legal Department

July 1983 massacre of the Tamils by the Sinhalese – an Apology to the Tamil people from a Sinhalese

BRIAN SENEWIRATNE AND "BLACK JULY" I have wondered for many years whether my father, Brian Senewiratne played a role in organizing the 1983 massacre of Tamils in Colombo in order to get them into the separatist war he had planned and carefully researched between 1968 and 1975 when he was working as a doctor in the Kandy Hospital and a lecturer at the Peradeniya University. My suspicions regarding groundwork for the war in the early 1970s was centred on "research trips" he and his team did in the North and East, when, using my grandfather Winslow Alagaratnam's irrigation maps she drew detailed maps of the waterways, roads, tanks and irrigation supply. In addition, my father had access to a range of toxic chemicals, including cyanide if he wanted it, when he established a "medical research laboratory" at the Kandy Hospital, with funding from the Nuffield Foundation in the UK. He had contacts with a number of British peers when he studied in Cambridge, and was the house officer of Lord Max Rosenheim, who commanded the alllied medical corps in Asia in World War Two. This led me to wonder whether it was the British that engineered the war in Sri Lanka, given than Anton and Adele Balagingham were protected by the British government, and my father, Brian Senewiratne and other bosses of the LTTE medical system were protected by the Australian government. This was the case throughout the 1990s, since 1983, when the "civil war" began, ostensibly between the Sinhalese and the Tamils. My father has said to Tamil audiences that he has been calling for a separate state since 1942, when he was 10. The date he gives may be too early, but if he did blame the British Colebrook-Cameron Reforms for " for unifying three states" as a unitary Sri Lanka and thus denying the Tamils their rights, it is likely that he was parroting the opinion of his uncle Edmund Samarakkody, who was a Marxist politician and was a big influence on him when he was in his teens and boarded with him in Colombo (after he got expelled from the boarding school of St Thomas's). My father was last in Sri Lanka in 1983, the year of the massacre, after which he wrote an "apology" to the Tamils and later expanded it into his first attempt at writing a book. This was followed by another self-publication called "Human Rights Violations in Sri Lanka", of which only a few hundred copies were printed. I have one copy and have studied it carefully. I noted that it had a dedication to Bishop Laxman Wickremasinghe, who he praises as being the only Sinhalese leader who went to Jaffna after the violence and that his "grief killed him". Overwhelming grief doesn't kill very often - the LTTE did. In a recent speech to the TGTE or maybe the British Tamil Forum (it is not clear from the video) my father told a Tamil audience in the UK that he supported the 1971 militancy by Sinhalese youths in 1971. This was when he was a lecturer at Peradeniya University, where he lectured to many young Tamil medical students, who later formed a network of LTTE-supporting doctors within the Tamil diaspora. I will write more about this network in the next few days. My father said he spoke to Bishop Wickremasinghe on the phone shortly before he died and he has also said that his second cousin Chandrika Kumaratunga's husband, Vijaya, met him while he was in Sri Lanka shortly bepore Vijaya was killed. My father obviously had contacts with the Socialist left as well as the supposedly "Marxist" LTTE. Prior to 1983, when I was still living in his home (studying medicine at the University of Queensland) he used to express his disdain for "Colombo 7 Tamils" and "sleeping Tamils", which he still accuses my mother of being (though she was born and raised in Jaffna, later moving to Colombo when her father Winslow Alagaratnam became Director of Irrigation). He was angry that they weren't interested in fighting for division of Sri Lanka. I have read that the 1983 targeted "pogrom" of Tamils emanated from the Irrigation Department in Buller's lane, where a list of Tamil properties was stored. Does anyone know if this is true? If so, it increases the chances that the "Black July" events were an attempt by Brian Senewiratne and the LTTE to "wake up the sleeping Tamils" in Colombo and terrorise them into joining the war for a separate state. Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam HUB Forensics

Tamils In The North-East Protest At Last

GENOCIDE BY MY FATHER, BRIAN SENEWIRATNE In this recent article published in the anti-Sri Lankan Colombo Telegraph (based in London) my father expresses support, indeed rapture, at a protest march in Jaffna that closed all the shops. This is because the protest leader Wigneswaran bowed to pressure and made a speech agreeing that there has been "genocide" of Tamils occurring in Sri Lanka at the hands of successive Sri Lankan governments and that it was still going on. Since the 1990s my father has been trying to convince people that the Tamils were being subjected to genocide, writing article after article presenting quasi-legal arguments as to why what was going on in the "Tamil North and East" amounted to cultural, economic and educational genocide. This he blamed on the Sri Lankan government, which he falsely claimed was a "Sinhalese government", rather than on the Tamil Tigers, who DID attempt genocide of Sinhalese and Muslims in the areas they controlled, and failed to spend any of the hundreds of millions they raised, from the professional Tamil expatriates in the West on educating the Tamil civilians. There is more grounds to call this educational genocide than my father's weak, but much repeated, and loudly shouted, claims about how his aunt Sirima Bandaranaike "put the bar higher for Tamils entering the university" in the 1970s and this was an example of "educational genocide" that prompted the "Tamil youth taking up arms". He makes a mockery of the suffering of Jews and Gypsies at the hands of the Nazis when he makes such claims and is guilty of slander and defamation when he accuses the Sri Lankan political and military leaders of being "like Hitler and the Nazis". London was the centre of LTTE propaganda dissemination during the early escalation of the war in the 1990s. My father was actively involved in this activity as a writer, character assassin and networker. London is also home to Amnesty International of which he says he has "been a member since they were first floated in 1962". He says he was a newly graduated doctor and was employed "for a few shillings" to copy out protest letters. He says he asked the Amnesty founder Peter Benenson, whether writing protest letters to "tyrants and dictators" was likely to be effective, and wouldn't they just "throw them in the dustbin"?. According to him (in a speech he gave to a Tamil audience in Sydney in 2009) Peter Benenson answered "maybe, but let their bins be filled". This is another example of my father spinning bullshit. All my grown life I have known him to be a bullshit artist, but he is a dangerous bullshit artist. At present (and for the past 10 years) he has been making wild claims about "genocide" of the Tamil people. He has hoped that this would convince the "International Community" to gain support for what he insisted was a "liberation struggle" by the Tamil Tigers who he insisted were not terrorists. He was driven around the world by unpaid Tamil "chauffeurs", as he has called them, to give speeches on what he claimed was "educational, cultural and economic genocide" of the Tamils of the "North and East" and lobby for the LTTE to be de-banned. He claimed that the demands of the LTTE were "very reasonable" though he knew and admits that the "Eelam" claim is for two thirds of Sri Lanka's precious coastline and a third of the landmass. In his current book claiming an "epidemic of rape by the armed forces" he is trying to pressure the UN to send "peace-keeping forces" into Sri Lanka, or even to have India invade Sri Lanka. He says that they should do this if Sri Lanka continues to refuse entry to "credible human rights organizations" of which he has repeatedly mentioned only three - Amnesty International (his original demand, in the 1980s), Human Rights Watch (based in the USA) and International Crisis Group. Lankaweb has recently published an article by Shenali Waduge that exposes the fact that AI, HRW and ICG are funded by George Soros. I told my mother this, today. She asked "Who's George Soros?". I'm sure my father would know. My father has accused the Sri Lankan government of committing "economic genocide" against the Tamils, because there were sea curfews at one time to fight the Sea Tigers (LTTE Navy). These he said were depriving Tamil fishermen of their livelihood, and this was "economic genocide". He has repeatedly said and written that it is all in the intent - "if the intent to commit genocide is there, the ways of committing genocide are endless". My father has obvious intent to commit genocide against Sri Lankans. He has waged and campaigned to wage economic warfare against this small, poor nation, saying "how easy it will be to render that miserable country broke". Destroying Sri Lanka's economy will harm all Sri Lankans, especially the poor, of all races. My father has shouted to Tamil audiences that "if the Plantation Tamils down their tools it will bring the Sinhala political leaders to their knees". This is how much he cares for the Indian Tamils in Sri Lanka, whom he experimented on in the 1970s, and still generalises as "Plantation Tamils" (he admits that "they" used to call them "coolies"). Today I asked my mother about my father's claims of "economic genocide". "Isn't that what he's doing?" she responded, much to my surprise. I was expecting to have to convince her that my father's campaign for a total economic and sports boycott (and "sanctions") against Sri Lanka amounted to economic warfare and was, by his own definition, an act of "economic genocide". My mother surprises me from time to time.

Dear Mr. Obama, Please Lift The Ban On The LTTE

EFFORTS TO REVIVE THE LTTE (TAMIL TIGERS) The Canada-based Usha Sri-Skanda Rajah has written an open letter to President Barack Obama urging him to lift the ban on the LTTE (Tamil Tigers). This gives the lie to the claim by Gordon Weiss, working for the UN in Colombo and author of "The Cage" that the LTTE leadership had all been killed at the end of the war and therefore could not be held accountable for their undoubted war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as their many acts of terrorism. Sri Skandarajah (whose Tamil name is spelt differently in her various publications) is a regular writer for the anti-Sri Lankan Colombo Telegraph, which is based in London and edited by a self-styled "journalist-in-self-imposed-exile" by the name of Uvindu Kurukulasuriya. A couple of weeks ago Uvindu sent my father, Brian Senewiratne, the comment I had written on his latest publication to CT and did not publish the comment. This comment was on an article praising the Northern Provincial Council leader Wigneswaran and a new Tamil nationalist organization that organized a march through the streets of Jaffna. My father claims there were 15,000 people marching, but my father is not a reliable witness. Usha Sri Skandarajah and my father, Brian Senewiratne, are both "senators" of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE), which is a pompous and ineffective political organization based in the USA, but with "ministers" and "senators" in other countries with large Tamil expatriate populations. I do not know how much these "senators" and "ministers" are paid; the TGTE is secretive about such things. The organization is headed by a man who is called and calls himself the "Prime Minister of Tamil Eelam" - Vishvanathan Rudrakumaran, who is a Sri Lankan Tamil lawyer based in New York. Showing the obvious links with the LTTE and its criminal history, Rudrakumaran was the LTTE's chief lawyer, and represented the LTTE at the 2002 peace talks and other "peace negotiations". My father is on record urging the Tamil Tigers not to take these peace talks seriously and for the LTTE to send a "podian" (Tamil for small boy, but with derogatory connotations when used for an adult) rather than the "A Team" which, he said, was Anton Balasingham. The London-based Balasingham was, by his own description, the "strategist and theoretician" for the LTTE. My father wrote a glowing obituary when Balasingham died, apparently of natural causes, in 2006. What would be the point of de-banning the LTTE if, as my father claims, the organization has been "crushed"? Sri-Skandarajah's article suggests there is an attempt to revive the Tamil Tigers by the TGTE. Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

Dr. Brian Seneviratne's Speech at Pongu Tamil in Toronto 1-3

Submission to Brisbane Police Prosecutors (part 9) In 2008 my father organized another trip to Canada because, in his own words, “the Tamil people were depressed and despondent” because they thought they were losing the war (which they were, if they were on the side of the Tamil Tigers – noting that many Tamil people were not and were actively resisting the tyranny and terrorism of the LTTE). The speech was at an event organized by the LTTE in Canada called Tamil Pongu at which he was the star speaker. The audience of several thousand were waving mass-distributed posters of the LTTE leader Prabakaran as well as Tamil Tiger flags, cheering him whenever he said anything in support of the LTTE, separatism and their inevitable victory in the war for a separate Tamil state (Tamil Eelam). It should be clear from the video evidence provided that my father is a dominant, intimidating man who is authoritarian and outspoken. He has made many enemies over the years and when he falls out with people or takes a dislike to them from the outset he spreads poisonous words about them. These have included his professional and political rivals and they have also included me. It was vexatious, inappropriate and illegal for him to take out a domestic violence order against me, when, despite considerable provocation, I have never been violent to him or threatened violence against him. These are important laws to protect vulnerable women and children from domestic violence. In my case, my father used to hit me (frequently enough for me to be scared of him) when I was a child and then used his glare and cruel words, disapproval and control of money to keep me in line and ensure my obedience when I was older. When I stood up to him in my thirties, established on my own as a successful family doctor, husband and father, he declared me mad and made every effort to have me locked up and silenced. He tried to render me destitute and devoid of family support or social support, and did what he could to sabotage my medical career and businesses. He has had me locked up and injected dozens of times since 1995, and continues to do so to this day – either in a psychiatric hospital or in jail (his objective in taking out a DVO against me). When I rang my mother in January 2013 it was to ask her if she knew where my daughter was, and not to speak to my father and he lied to the police about the supposed conversation we had and that I was speaking nonsense. I do not speak nonsense. He also lied to police when he said he picked up the phone “by mistake”. My father doesn’t make such mistakes and had a long-standing habit of listening in on my phone conversations with my mother. When he picks up the other phone I can hear it, but if I ask him if he’s listening he doesn’t answer and sometimes puts the phone down. But it’s all done deliberately and not by accident. Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

The Future of the Tamil People in the North & East of Sri Lanka

Submission to the Brisbane Police Prosecutors (part 8) My father is a fanatical opponent of the Buddhist clergy of Sri Lanka, whom he has long blamed as being behind the war and other violence in Sri Lanka. Recently he has continued this paranoia about Buddhist priests who he says are “very violent” and he wouldn’t put it past them to assassinate the (Buddhist) president of Sri Lanka (Maithripala Sirisena) “if the need arises” emphasising that in the 1950s “(his) uncle the Prime Minister SWRD Bandaranaike” was killed by a Buddhist monk. The video above was uploaded to the Brian Senewiratne YouTube site on 7 November 2015. It has not had many views and takes the form of a video address to a future TGTE conference audience in South Africa. In addition to denouncing the “politically active Buddhist monks” and the Mahavamsa, he has harsh words for Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary General of the UN, the new Sri Lankan Prime Minister and President as well as the previous Rajapaksa government members but lavish praise for two female Indian South African lawyers – Navi Pillay and Yasmin Sooka, who he says should be employed by the Tamils to take the Sri Lankan government to court. He says that “if Rajapaksa is guilty of war crimes, so is Sirisena” referring to current president Maithripala Sirisena and former president Mahinda Rajapaksa, because at the end of the war, Sirisena was apparently the acting defence minister (in the Rajapaksa government). He claims, against all reasonable evidence, that things have got worse for the Tamils despite the end of the war and the change of government and that there is an “epidemic of rape in the North and East” by the “Sinhalese armed forces” and their employees. This is an epidemic of rape that only he appears to be aware of, about which he has self-published a book that he is currently marketing (and has been marketing for the past two years). This book bizarrely proposes that the Indian government invade Sri Lanka under the auspices of the UN to ensure that “internationally credible human rights organizations Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and International Crisis Group are allowed into the country”. He also urges that Sri Lanka be invaded by UN troops under the “R2P laws” to rid the north and east of Sri Lanka of a “military occupation” by the Sinhalese Armed Forces, which he says are “treating the Tamil people like the spoils of war” and engaging with impunity in an “epidemic of rape” of Tamil civilians. He lambasts the new Sri Lankan president for refusing to “end the military occupation” of the North and East. In truth there is no Sinhalese military, there is only a Sri Lankan military, and they have a duty to protect all of Sri Lanka including its north, east, south and west. During and after the war the Sri Lankan government has tried to attract Tamils to serve in the armed forces. Their activities were kept secret from the LTTE, since they were targeted for killing as “traitors”. My father played a key role in spreading hatred against these so-called “traitors to the Tamil cause” who were really loyal and courageous patriots with a multicultural, inclusive vision of Sri Lanka, who regarded themselves as Sri Lankan ahead of being Sinhala or Tamil. Since the war ended the Rajapaksa government expanded a policy of trilingualism in Sinhalese, Tamil and English in order to foster harmony and reconciliation and President Mahinda Rajapaksa (who is a human rights lawyer) even learned enough Tamil to give speeches to Tamil people in the North and East of Sri Lanka in Tamil. This is never mentioned by my father, who accuses ex-President Rajapaksa and all the previous Sinhala leaders of “anti-Tamil racism” but never bothered to learn a word of Tamil from his wife in 50 years of dominant marriage. In fact, it is my father who is obsessed by race and ethnicity and bigoted against women, Tamils, Sinhalese, Chinese, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Timorese, non-professionals and a range of other groups, including “politicians” despite accepting a public role as a “senator” of the farcical “Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam” (an obviously political appointment). At the end of the video, which is titled “The Future of the Tamil People in the North and East” my father further embellishes his version of the meeting between him and Archbishop Desmond Tutu and “some of the leaders of the ANC” , leaving out the fact that the trip was organized by the LTTE, who were encouraged by Tutu writing that ANC leaders who were regarded, during the Apartheid regime, as “terrorists” are now “honourable members of parliament”. They and my father have tried to draw parallels between “the Tamil struggle”(the separatist war of the LTTE) and the struggle of the ANC against the white-supremacist Apartheid regime. My father has repeatedly made this comparison, even taking credit (as “us”) for defeating Apartheid. He played no role in the South African black rights movement whatsoever. His embellished version of his meeting with Desmond Tutu (which he has elsewhere referred to as an “audience” with the archbishop) has Tutu “walking up and down” saying, “isn’t it wonderful that a Sinhalese from the majority community should be campaigning for so long, six and a half decades, for the rights of the Tamil people to exist”. He exaggerates whatever the exchange really was, to claim that “when I heard that for the third time I said, ‘Bishop Desmond Tutu, with due respects I disagree. This is not a Sinhalese problem or a Tamil problem, it is a humanitarian problem that should arouse the concerns of every human being if he calls himself a human being’.” This is one of his standard, much rehearsed and repeated lines, which he uses at every opportunity, after disingenuously drawing attention to the fact that he was one of the few Sinhalese who was “campaigning for the Tamils”.

Brian Senewiratne Pages.....

Submission to Brisbane Police Prosecutors (part 7) When we were In Sri Lanka I attended Trinity College, a private boy’s school, where I was a prize and scholarship-winning student from grade 4 to grade 10, after which I continued to win academic prizes in Year 11 and 12 at the Church of England Grammar School in Brisbane. In 1977 I was awarded the Tyrwitt Cup (dux) of the Church of England Grammar School (Churchie) and entered the medical school at the University of Queensland. I graduated in 1983 and worked at the Royal Children’s Hospital and Royal Brisbane Hospital until I entered family medicine in 1987. I moved to Melbourne and was working as a successful family doctor in my own clinic in South Dandenong when my father and other members of my family arranged for the first of numerous involuntary admissions to the public hospital system as a mental patient. My older sister Shireen was a year ahead of me, also studying medicine and later to become a plastic surgeon, while my father had an appointment as a “Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine” at the University of Queensland and was a consultant physician at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, while also engaged in private practice, the overseas doctors program and a range of political activities. These included support and propaganda activities, in writing, interviews and speeches for the Tamil Tigers on whose side he was on in the separatist war in Sri Lanka. Between 1995, when he first started claiming that I was mentally ill because of our medical and political differences and May 2009, when the Tamil Tigers lost the war, my father acted as a propagandist, lobbyist and international organizer for the LTTE (Tamil Tigers). This can be confirmed from numerous documents, videos and interviews that have been published on the Internet on pro-LTTE websites, You Tube and Brian Senewiratne’s own blog (“Brian Senewiratne pages”): I returned to Brisbane from Melbourne in 2008 after I was rendered homeless and incomeless after another psychiatric detention instigated by my family. I was forced to live in the garage of a man called Pawel Obrocki for a year before my mother bought this house in Moorooka, into which I moved with my girlfriend Sara, who followed me up from Melbourne and was soon pregnant with our only child, Zoe, who was born on 30 August 2009. Two days after Zoe was born my father and Pawel Obrocki reported me to the PA Hospital. Obrocki also called the police claiming, falsely, that I had “barricaded myself in my house with my newborn”. This false claim was repeated by the police to the PA Hospital where I was locked up for 5 days. I was devastated about missing out on these special days with my new daughter. The day before, I had a confrontation with my father over the phone, when I told him that it was I who had reported him to the Federal Police (via the National Security Hotline) towards the end of the war in April 2009 after watching the 13 DVDs he was selling on the black market of his home-made propaganda and recordings of speeches he had given in Australia and overseas. I was induced to ring the National Security Hotline towards the end of the war, when TV reports showed that the Tamil Tigers were shooting Tamil civilians who were trying to cross to the government side as well as cadres who wanted to surrender. After I called the National Security Hotline I was visited by counter-terrorism officers from the Australian Federal Police who came to my house in Brisbane and asked for a recorded interview. I gave them my father’s propaganda DVDs and provided what information I had about the LTTE’s international operations. After the war had ended with the defeat of the LTTE I had a letter of thanks from officer Nicole East who conducted the interview, with the returned DVDs. The LTTE cadres were indoctrinated to commit suicide with cyanide if captured in order to preserve the secrets of the organization. They also had a division known as the Black Tigers, who were specially trained and commemorated suicide bombers. Many of these were women and the LTTE pioneered “suicide vests” with hidden explosives. In addition to assassinating the Prime Ministers of India and Sri Lanka, they blew up trains and buses killing hundreds of Sinhalese civilians, and attacked Singhalese and Muslim villagers whom they drove out of their homes in the hope of creating a militarised mono-ethnic state for Sri Lankan (or Eelam) Tamils. They also attacked Buddhist places of worship and killed Buddhist monks. The Tamil intellectuals and others who were opposed to separatism or who worked with or for the government, and especially for the military were specifically branded “traitors” and targeted for killing all over Sri Lanka. Numerous Tamil leaders were killed, in addition to members of rival Tamil armed groups and Sinhalese political and military leaders (plus members of the Sri Lankan armed forces that battled them over 30 years). The LTTE also forced poor Tamil children to fight for them, and were notorious for their use of child soldiers, who were ritually garlanded with a vial of cyanide poison that they were supposed to swallow of captured. The LTTE was financed by millions of dollars raised in the West and channelled to buy weapons for the “Tamil struggle”. They were involved in smuggling drugs and people, credit card fraud and wanton acts of terrorism, massacres, murders and torture. Throughout the war, which my father made a career of talking up, the LTTE used poor Tamil civilians as cannon-fodder and human shields, terrorising them to give up at least one child “to the cause”. These children were mistreated and brainwashed into fanatical hatred of the Sinhalese and Buddhists, especially those of the armed forces who they were indoctrinated to fear would rape them, torture them and kill them if they were caught (hence the cyanide capsule was promoted as a “safety measure” against a worse death at the hands of the “barbaric Sinhalese army”). The FBI described the LTTE as the most ruthless terrorist organization in the world and the organization was eventually banned in over 30 countries, including the European Union, India, Canada and the USA, but, significantly, not in Australia. Some of my father’s propaganda DVDs have been uploaded to YouTube as well as speeches he has given between 2008 and 2009 in which he clearly supports the LTTE and consistently calls for their de-banning as well as justifying their deplorable and illegal recruitment of child soldiers and suicide bombers. He is completely silent about the LTTE’s many atrocities while shouting (through a megaphone at times) that the Tigers were the sole legitimate representatives of the Tamil people “because they were the only ones prepared to lay down their lives for our people”: Significantly, my father is not Tamil, though he has claimed to be on the “Tamil side” of the conflict in Sri Lanka. He simultaneously makes much of the fact that he is of Sinhala ethnicity and belongs to the “majority community” – the Sinhalese. The fact is that he cannot read Sinhalese or Tamil, understands no Tamil at all and only a smattering of Sinhalese. One reason he became an enemy of the Sinhalese was because he blamed his failure to get into Medicine at the Colombo University in the 1950s on his failure to pass the year 10 Sinhala language exams. The fact is that my father is deeply racist to both the Sinhalese (his own race) and the Tamils. He hides this racism and only reveals the fact that he regards the Tamils as intelligent but stingy to his wife, my mother, who is Tamil, though both she and my father were brought up speaking English at home and educated in the English language in addition to calling themselves as Protestant Christian (most Tamils are Hindu and most Singhalese are Buddhist).

Dr Brian Senewiratne Deported From Singapore After Locked In A Small Cell

Submission to Brisbane Police Prosecutors (part 6) My father has been the sole “Sinhala senator” of the TGTE since 2010 in which capacity he has made several overseas trips, including trips to the UK, USA and South Africa. He has been deported from Singapore and Malaysia in the past as a terrorist threat. In 2016, after more than 5 years as a “senator” my father attended a ceremony in the USA where he was awarded a “lifetime achievement award” by none other than Rudrakumaran. It was publicised by another “senator” of the TGTE, a Canadian Tamil writer by the name of Usha Sri-Skandarajah, who has recently published (also on Colombo Telegraph) an appeal to President Obama of the USA to lift the ban on the LTTE. If the LTTE no longer exists, as my father has claimed since the end of the war, what would be the purpose of de-banning it? At the same time my father has written that it is a sign of paranoia to believe that the LTTE is trying to resume its activities.


NEAR HUB Forensics