Tea Time
Australian Bush Flavoured Foods for
* Workplace Morning Tea's, Lunches & Meetings
* Private Events
* Children's Parties
Buy products at our online shop Artisan snacks, baked goods, lunches, oven and microwave ready meals with an emphasis on Australian Bush Flavours.
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Featured Products and Reviews
Rosella Flowers - dried
Tea Time's Recipe Collection
Featured Products and Reviews
Lemon Scented Gum - powerful #repellent# for #mosquitoes# and #sandflies# and the richest source of #citronella# in the world! A great thing to have on hand for summer. Go to Tea Time's Photos, then 'Featured Products and Review Folder' to see our review.
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Tea Time's Native Australian foods and #gifts# #online#store# Shop for Tea Time's Museli blends, cake mixes, native herbs, spices and teas plus native #Australian#essential#oils#soaps# and more.
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What's Tea Time Foods been doing? Creating #delicious# #Australian#bush#herbs#and#spice# blends#to add to your favourite dish. Coming soon,#Lemon#Myrtle#bush blend for#chicken#
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Pre order your Rocky Road & Rum Balls for Christmas #Chocolate#Christmas#gift#ideas#sweets# #yum#
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Christmas is coming. Who likes Rum Balls? #Rum#Sweets# #Christmas#Treats#Chocolate#
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#Australian #Tropics# Museli with #lemon#scented# myrtle