Located in the Melbourne bay side of Gardenvale, Lodge Fraternal No. 603 is a thriving lodge that meets on the fourth Wednesday evening of every month. In 1947, soon after the war, a number of brethren of King David Lodge No. 460, together with various Masonic associates set about to form a new lodge in the Caulfield area.
So it happened that on the 26 May 1947 at 4pm, The King David Lodge was sponsor of the foundation of Lodge Fraternal No. 603.
The Grand Master, MWBro. R. A. Rowe, assisted by Grand Lodge Officers installed WBro. Les Levy into the Chair of King Solomon, and consecrated the new Lodge. The new Foundation Master, WBro Les Levy with his Director of Ceremonies WBro. Alex Jacobson presided over 31 foundation members, all but 10 being officers of the Lodge. Past Masters numbered eight, with 23 Master Masons.
The first member of the Lodge to be granted Grand Lodge Honours was Newman Spielvogel with the rank of PGStdB in 1954. Newman was the composer of our visitors' song, sung to the tune of "My bonnie lies over the ocean".
We have subsequently had a number of brethren who have served on Grand Lodge Teams, or to whom Grand Lodge conferral has been bestowed. The most senior of these was the late MWBro Henry John Nathan - Past Grand Master. The current Deputy Grand Master, RWBro. Hillel Benedykt, who will be appointed Grand Master in 2014, is also a member of Lodge Fraternal; as is former Grand Master, MWBro. Carl Stewart.
We have had over 340 Brethren pass through our ranks and our present numbers are considered amongst the strongest in the bay side district of Victoria. Today we are a vibrant lodge with many younger members and officers.
Regular meetings of particular interest to visit include:
May - Installation and banquet invitation extended to wives and non-Masonic visitors
June - The annual Adolf Berger and Jack Rozenblum Memorial Lecture Night
September - Annual Grand Final dinner in the South
November - Ladies in the South: invitation extended to wives and partners and disbursement of monies to various Bayside charities
The 50th anniversary of Lodge Fraternal was celebrated on 31 May 1997 when WBro. Harry Blatt was installed as the 51st Master of the Lodge.
To highlight this grand occasion a commemorative jewel was struck which many members of the lodge still wear.
Lodge Fraternal has a proud history of supporting charities within the local area, and each year raises thousands of dollars to donate to worthy causes. As well as raising funds through monthly raffles, we also undertake charity events on an adhoc basis to build our pool of available funds for different charities.
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If you are still in town this coming Saturday and have a spare bottle or two on hand, come and join us at The Whine Club!! All Brethren are welcome for a glass of Wine, a chat, a whinge, or just a coffee. The famous “WHINE CLUB” SATURDAY’S AT 2.00 PM. at the “DENDY DELI” CHURCH ST BRIGHTON IF DRINKING PLEASE BRING A GOOD BOTTLE of Red and if it's hot a chilled "Sparkling Shiraz!!
Alex Rocha – Freemasons Victoria
Our newest member Alex Rocha sharing his story in the Freemasons Victoria Community Gallery. Well done!
Whine Club Special Event: When a Coque or Two will do- - Celebrating the Chinese New Year, “The year of the Rooster” Whinners-Special Celebration coming this Saturday on January 28. It's officially the Chinese New Year and it's the year of the Rooster, the Fire Rooster to be exact. In Chinese element theory, each zodiac year is associated with one of five elements: Gold (Metal), Wood, Water, Fire, or Earth, which means that a Fire Rooster, for example, comes once every 60-year cycle..........2017 being one. What type of Rooster are you? The typical characteristics are believed to be: Trustworthy, with a strong sense of timekeeping and responsibility at work. You know what that means? We're having a Chinese theme at the Whine Club. 1. Wear something Chinese (Something red, made in China, Bought in China etc.). 2. Bring a wine with Chinese or Chinese New Year theme - 3-EIGHT-9, Bin 8, The Black Chook Shiraz and/or Sparkling. 3. Not sure? Bring a "RED" wine - Get it? Red, China. Cutlery on the day - Chopsticks!! Expect to see: * Dim Sam /Peking Doug/ Special Fried Frankie/ Chicken Chow Ng/ Allan Bao/ Red-mond Bean Soup/ Sweet and Sour Simon / Chilli George/ Dang Dung David/ BBQ Braised Brooks/ Kap Jon Yi 2.00 pm Dendy Deli Saturday 28th January 2017. The Prez.
What's happening at Lodge Fraternal on Wednesday 25th January 2017 at 7.30 pm- Martial Arts Demonstration and Pizza and Wine Night. All brethren welcome.Rear 15 Church Street Brighton.
Lodge Fraternal 603's cover photo
If you are still in town this coming Saturday and have a spare bottle or two on hand, come and join us at The Whine Club!! All Brethren are welcome for a glass of Wine, a chat, a whinge, or just a coffee. The famous “WHINE CLUB” SATURDAY’S AT 2.00 PM. at the “DENDY DELI” CHURCH ST BRIGHTON IF DRINKING PLEASE BRING A GOOD BOTTLE of Red and if it's hot a chilled "Sparkling Shiraz!!
Photos from Lodge Fraternal 603's post
The "End of Year Break Up Party" was fabulous! We all had an absolutely wonderful time!
End of Year Break Up Party
THE WHINE CLUB 603 “END OF YEAR BREAK UP PARTY” Date: Saturday 17th of December starting at 2pm at The Dendy Deli, Church Street, Brighton. The Whine Club is open to all Freemason's and it's also a great atmosphere to bring potential Freemasons. ….. Not a regular? Bring red wine - expect to spend $20 on a Shiraz. Whine Clubbers, it's that time of year again; it's also that time of year where The Whine Club celebrates the end of year break up. 2016 - The year the Bulldogs won their first premiership in 62 years, the year where the Chicago Cubs won the World Series of Baseball for the first time in 108 years (Keep the faith Saints fans), Leicester City won the English Premier league as a 5000/1 chance, Victorian Freemasonry is now headed up by a woman, a Billionaire with no political experience and a celebrity TV performer, now has the codes to annihilate the world on his command and, George David contributed $10 to the Whine Clubs 700th Meeting !! !! What a year indeed. Some things stay the same though - we have the end of year Whine Club coming up on December 17, 2016. Cork-age: Most wines supplied by the Whine Club but people tend to bring one anyway. Oyster-age: $10 per dozen (Want a dozen Oysters? Please let me know-Prez) Food-age: Pay for what you eat plus Whine-age but the surplus collected during the year will be used for the regular regulars. Annual Trivia quiz: I'll try, but it's a bigger crowd each year - May try different format. Annual award of collar and jewel of the Middle Finger Award: Votes are cast and the recipient’s name is in a sealed envelope. Every attendee this year will receive a Whine Club Perpetual Calendar (Yes, really). RSVP now if attending - RSVP later if you forget or just show up. The Prez.
Lodge Fraternal 603
Lodge Fraternal 603 Promotional Video
Lodge Fraternal 603 Promotional Video
Lodge Fraternal 603 Promotional Video 1080HD
Lodge Fraternal 603