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Experience Yoga

2A Regent Street, Brighton East, Australia
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Experience Yoga teaches traditional yoga & meditation, therapeutic courses & consultations, bringing health & wellbeing to those seeking a balanced life. Experience Yoga offers the teachings of Integral Yoga® in a hatha yoga class format, which provides a practice that systematically produces an easeful body, a peaceful mind and a useful life, consistent with the intentions of Sri Swami Satchidanada.

Restorative yoga, Relax & Renew®, is offered in individual and group classes for the therapeutic benefits to renew and restore, particularly from injury, pain, illness, stress.


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Calm, beautiful, peaceful, rejuvenating. Sending you all these qualities from the ashram, so that you relax and surrender into these festive times. Hug the ones you love and remember all those who have gone before us. Om xxxx

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Always a beautiful vegetarian dinner with my ever faithful, regular and divine Thursday night yogis. I always miss my students over the break and look forward to another year of teaching in 2017. OM SHANTHI

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The wonderful words of Integral Yoga, given to me as Christmas decorations. Look closely: May the entire universe be filled with peace and joy, love and light. OM xxx

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Give the gift - the gift that keeps on giving.. You or your loved ones will treasure the opportunity to replenish before Christmas or de-stress over the break. You chose the value on this professionally printed gift voucher which is valid for up to 1 year, can be posted directly and is available here

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The Law Of Attraction

A lovely reminder as we start the week.....Om xx

The Disease of Being Busy

How is your heart today? Our dis-ease of busy-ness.....become a human BEING not a human DOING! This article hits the note... Om xxxx

'Extra-super Moon' on November 14 to be closest of 21st century

Hello fellow star gazers. The moon tonight will be the brightest, fullest and closest to the Earth this century! Given daylight saving time, it will rise around 7.40pm in Melbourne and be at its fullest at 00.52am tomorrow, Tuesday. Enjoy!

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I'M SO EXCITED AND I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT!! I was totally in awe yesterday to receive this 'certification' and to currently be one of only SEVEN Yoga Therapists in Australia to obtain this international standard. My gratitude to the hard work of many yogis to pave this path and to my teachers for their inspiration, encouragement and belief. Ommmmm

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Yoga Australia

I love this sentiment! Just show up on your mat, warts, tears and all! Ommmm xxx

Yoga Australia

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This Song Circle looks to be a peace-filled and beautiful experience. Sing and immerse in layers of Ancient Sanskrit, pure vowels and Indigenous Australian song. Align intentions with the added power of combined resonance. Sunday 6 November @ noon in Carnegie. More details here

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Join us this summer in Melbourne, to learn from an authentic yogi and master of Integral Yoga, Swami Ramananda from San Francisco Institute. On behalf of the Victorian Integral Yoga Association Inc, he is offering evening classes, day and weekend retreats - something for everyone! Read more below and don't miss out. LOVE to see you there. Om Shanthi

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NEAR Experience Yoga