Elite Health and Performance
Elite Health and Performance is an allied health hub specialising in sports injury management, prevention and rehabilitation.
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facebook.comSometimes the VMO needs a little more attention than just exercise. Active release technique is a great way to relieve the tension out of the muscle, release any muscular adhesions, create more range of motion and allow for increased proprioception #fascia #muscle #softtissue #therapy #treatment #flexibility #art #activereleasetechnique #chiropractic #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #health #exercise #exercisephysiology #rehab #prehab #rehabilitation #elitehp #brisbane
Unilateral Eccentric Sit-To-Stand Continuing on from our wide stance squat focusing on VMO activation & strength development, this exercise targets eccentric (lowering phase) loading through a single leg stance. The eccentric phase of many movements contributes a great deal to strength development and adds a higher element of control, allowing an appropriate knee tracking movement. To start, place one foot in front of the other. The foot closest to the bench is the leg we are loading our body weight through. While maintaining a high beam chest & keeping our hips even, slowly start sinking your hips backwards to the bench. This allows our body weight to sit into the heel applying more bodyweight through our hips. After controlling the downward eccentric movement, place both feet together & stand up using both legs. Ensure pain free for 10-12 reps with control #squat #glutes #knee #hip #vmo #stability#functional #functionaltraining #exercise #exercisephysiology #rehab #rehabilitation #prehab #pilates #yoga #wellness #weightloss #weightlifting #health #chiropractic #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #brisbane #elitehp
The VMO muscle is very often inhibited with many different knee injuries. Depending on the severity of the injury it will atrophy and then lead to functional movement deficits. These deficits can then cause secondary injury such as patellofemoral pain syndrome and ITB syndrome. Dry needling and electroacupunture are great modalities in retraining the body in activating this muscle as well as redeveloping knee proprioception. Here you can see the distal attachment of the VMO being dry needled and electroacupuncture given to part of the muscle belly. #acupuncture #dryneedling #electroacupuncture #vmo #knee #itb #rehab #rehabilitation #prehab #chiropractic #physiotherapy #exercise #crossfit #weightloss #weightlifting #yoga #pilates #brisbane #elitehp
Another VMO exercise is the wide legged squat. Here it can be seen to be performed using a ball to stabilise and make sure the correct line and depth is achieved so that focus can be on activating the VMO. If VMO activation is in its early stage of rehabilitation I suggest very gently touching the muscle. This can help with neural feedback and stimulate muscle activation. #squat #glute #vmo #quads #rehabilitation #prehab #rehab #acl #mensicus #injury #mcl #knee #bodybuilding #strong #strength #stretch #stability #crossfit #weightlifting #weightloss #pilates #yoga #physicaltherapy #exercisephysiology #exercise #chiropractic #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #elitehp #brisbane
Knee Tracking Single Leg TheraBand Lunge Now that we have discussed the hips and glute function, lets move our attention to the knee. The patellar (knee cap) tracks between a groove in the lower portion of the femur acting like a hinge when you flex and extend the knee. Patellar tracking disorders are very common and can be a result of a tight ITB and Vastus Lateralis (Outside of Quadriceps) which can pull that patellar out. This can cause grinding, pain and weakness throughout movements such as running, squats, walking up stairs and even become irritated while seated for long periods. This exercise will target adductor and Vastus Medialis (inner thigh and Quad). To start, strap a light to moderate TheraBand around a sturdy post. Place the band around the inside of the knee and stand in a lunge position. Focus on lowering the BACK knee with control to ensure the leading knee doesn’t move too far forward as this will raise the front heel. Driving up through the front heel while maintaining resistance against the band. 8-12 reps with control, doing this in front of a mirror will assist with correct knee tracking. #knee #glutes #lunge #squat #exercise #rehab #rehabilitation #prehab #strong #stretch #strength #stability #functionaltraining #weightlifting #bodybuilding #weightloss #exercisephysiology #chiropractic #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #pilates #yoga #crossfit #brisbane #elitehp
Over the past weeks we have been focusing on stabilising the hip. Now that this has been achieved certain tissues will require lengthening to have the hip back moving efficiently. One of the most common issues I come across is the lack of posterior capsule motion specifically in the squat. To address this I recommend doing a goblet squat holding a kettle bell. During the movement be sure to keep the abdominals engaged by breathing through the diaphragm and drawing the belly button slightly up and in. By doing this it will minimise the lumbar spine collapsing forward and trains the body to move through the correct angles. Hold the bottom of the squat for 30 seconds and return to starting position and repeat 5 times. I would not recommend this directly before squatting as this may decrease power generated as the muscles will be inhibited for a short time. Try doing this at the end of training or at a different time in the day. #squat #kettlebell #glutes #stability #strength #mobility #hips #rehab #rehabilitation #legs #prehab #chiropractic #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #exercisephysiology #weightloss #weightlifting #bodybuilding #crossfit #stretch #yoga #pilates #brisbane #elitehp
The arabesque or single leg dead lift is a powerful end stage rehab technique. This exercise not only loads the glutes but the entire posterior chain training the body correct firing sequence of muscles whilst being challenged with stability. Furthermore the stability training in this exercise has a strong transfer into sports and movements in everyday situations and has a strong link to injury prevention. To perform after rehabilitation or to incorporate into a training routine it is best to practice the hip hinge pattern first. I recommend starting the exercise at bodyweight, then with a barbell doing Romanian deadlifts then once this is mastered progress to a dumbbell or kettlebell in one hand. The most common fault with this exercise is having the hips rotate due to poor stability and control. It may be a good idea to use a mirror while starting out to keep an eye on this to perfect your form. #squat #deadlift #glutes #bootyfordays #exercise #fitness #fitnessmotivation #bodybuilding #weightlifting #fitspo #crossfit #prehab #rehab #rehabilitation #chiropractic #exercisephysiology #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #strong #strength #stability #balance #pilates #yoga #injury #elitehp #brisbane
Single Leg Step Up Now that we have worked on a wide range of Glute Medius activation & control, it’s time to apply this to a functional movement that engages both the Glute & Quadriceps. Throughout this particular exercise, as it is single leg, there is a great deal of ankle, knee & hip stability required. As you can see, this is done slowly so I can maintain balance but I am also focusing on my posture & correct muscle activation which is why I have my hand palpating my Glute. Simply start in a lunge position, focusing on dropping the back knee than slowly standing up by driving the body weight through the front heel on the step. Ensuring the leading knee is running relatively in line with the toe. At the top of this exercise, I have encouraged further Glute Medius activation by doing the ‘hip drop’ movement as demonstrated & explained in our previous post. Begin with controlled reps at 10-12, if you feel yourself fatiguing through quadriceps too quickly or any pain increases, reduce the rep range before balance and control is lost.
Tennis Elbow | Elite Health & Performance
Tennis elbow is a very common injury within the workplace and with repeated or forceful gripping in the gym. In early stages this can easily be managed if the correct home exercises are used. If you have had it for over two weeks I highly recommend coming in and having one of our practitioners assess and treat it as we all have a strong background in managing upper limb injuries. http://elitehp.com.au/tennis-elbow/
The glute medius crab walk is a commonly prescribed glute activation exercise but time and time again I see patients performing it in an uncontrolled manner and minimising their results. There are several key points to follow when performing this exercise. Firstly take baby steps, larger steps will tend to lead to the use of muscles we are trying to inhibit mainly the QL in the lumbar spine. Secondly slow it down. Momentum can create a swinging hip motion and stop the on off activation of the glutes which is required to teach the muscle to contract in the right sequence. Finally keep an eye on where the foot is pointed. It should point straight in front if it turns out this is the hip flexor trying to aid the motion which we want to avoid. It can be seen slightly here in the first couple of steps before I correct it. Also don't forget a little dance it's the end of the week and it's time to celebrate 💃🏻🎉 #glutes #squat #bootyfordays #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #exercisephysiology #chiropractic #rehab #rehabilitation #prehab #hips #lowbackpain #bands #crossfit #weightloss #weightlifting #bodybuilding #fitness #fitnessmotivation #exercise #elitehp #brisbane
Daniels first attempt at a handstand after having his shoulder treated. Nailed it first go! 💪🏻