389 is the best little bar in Bondi. Come down, listen to good tunes, eat good food, drink some good drinks and shoot the breeze with good people X
The journey begins in North Bondi, or “NoBo” as it’s colloquially known. The Military Road patrons have the pick of the seats, the prized asset being the window seat opposite the back door. The bus sets off and hangs a left onto Blair Street before performing an inexplicable loop via Wairoa Avenue only to return minutes later, only very slightly further down Blair Street. At this stage, the Glenayr Avenue passengers nervously check their watches with darting eyes to the roundabout, anticipating the bus to emerge, occasionally fooled by the masquerading school bus. The 389 is already starting to get comfortably full. People are deliberating whether to stand for the duration of the trip or commandeer one of the red seats and run the gauntlet of awkward glances at stomach bumps that could possibly be misidentified pregnancies. Swinging just across the road from this very spot, more Bondi Bubblers are squinting down the street, pondering if they have the stolen seconds to order a flattie from Bondi Picnic. This is a dangerous game, played only by the brave. The O’Brien Street passengers have it tough, often watching on as packed buses speed by with the driver offering only a consolatory wave. The Old South Head Road passengers suffer a similar fate but sympathy is subdued because, to be blunt, it’s only a lazy stroll to the junction. It’s around about now that the passengers collectively wonder whether the bus will make it up the cliff edge past Penkivil Street. The engine roars with exhaustion as the driver floors it in first gear. The top of the hill is where the X89 conspicuously diverges. The X89 route via Edgecliff Road is somewhat sly and underhanded. The 389 may take an extra few moments but at least it’s honest. Bondi Junction is where the majority of the passengers disembark, most catching trains to the city. We don’t know where the 389 goes after that and, quite frankly, we don’t care. What we do know is that when the 389 brings you home to the beach after a long day, we will be waiting for you as you stop in for a drink and a bite to eat.
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Incredible live set by Peter Conaty Music
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Xmas party season is upon us! This year there is no better place to make a fool of yourself in front of friends/ employers/ your office crush/ all of the above than at Bar 389 Bondi. If you're looking for a cool little spot to call your own for the night, eat some good food, pop some prosecco and maybe throw the lips on a colleague then shoot us a message to make your booking!
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ANNOUNCEMENT: Peter Conaty will be playing a live set tonight from 8pm. Peter will be performing songs from his new EP 'The Joe Babley Sessions' which is available now on Spotify and iTunes. See you tonight!
Sydney Soiree Events
Peter Conaty
We are massively excited to announce that Peter Conaty will be performing live tonight from 8pm. You don't want to miss this! If you're not already a fan, check him out at
Hungry As Fork
Cheers for the review Hungry As Fork - Glad you had a good time!
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Take me to the weekend please! #weekend #summeriscoming #bondi #bondibeach #whereeverybodyknowsyourname
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The mean streets #bondibeachsydney #bondibeach #bondi #summeriscoming
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Date night @bar389bondi #datenight #wine #wineandcheese #champagne #pinxtos #pinchos #bondi #bondibeach #bondibeachsydney
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Bar 389 on Glenayr, the perfect place to park yourself in Bondi this summer!