At IMC Prospect we cater to all ages in teaching Kempo Karate, Muay Thai Kickboxing and MMA. We are a family run club with a good friendly atmosphere
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Not sure what to do with your spare time? Check out our timetable and make the most of your day!
JUNIOR KARATE STUDENTS Please make your best efforts to come to class tomorrow at 5pm as we will be practicing our clash sparring and don't want anyone to miss out! See you then guys!
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FEBRUARY SPECIAL Try any of our awesome styles this month and receive 2 weeks of free training AND take home a free t-shirt and free uniform or gloves upon joining. limited time only exp. 29/02/2016
IMC Kemps Creek
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IMC annual Thailand training camp is coming up in April to Chiang Mai. Anyone going needs to pay as we need to book everything and get our numbers.
Technique of the week: K-1 veteran shows how to land and defend spinning attacks
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BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL Book in now for your FREE TRIAL. Receive a month of FREE TRAINING and a FREE UNIFORM valued over $250 upon joining.
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2016 Means a new start and new goals!! Let us help you reach those goals with the gift of martial arts Start now and receive a month of free training and uniform or gloves.
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Kids getting bored these school holidays? Join our school camp!! Only a few days away and limited spots available.
Classes are back and running today! First class Intermediate/Advanced Karate 4:30pm See you all on the mat.
Great day of sparring

