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Steve Kepert - Independent Candidate for Bicton

, Bicton, Australia
Political Candidate



Independent Candidate for Bicton
WA State Election 2017


Big Chinese donation swells Liberal coffers

I wasn't born yesterday and neither were you. There's a reason why the main political parties simply won't govern with your interests at heart. It takes a special type of naivety to believe they are not corrupted by other peoples' money. We must restore integrity to our parliaments and ban corporate donations to political parties.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas for what has been an eventful 2016. I am particularly mindful of those doing it tough and I want everyone to know I am as determined as ever to right some of the unnecessary wrongs that force hardship on others. I hope those who have to work have an easy time and stay safe if you're lucky enough to be enjoying holidays.

Homeowner arrested during WestConnex eviction

Will we see similar scenes of residents being forcibly removed from their homes in Palmyra soon? Who knows? It's anyone's guess where that multibillion dollar road goes. But that hasn't stopped the Barnett government from ripping up the area unnecessarily.

Blind Freddy can see new harbour needed, not Roe 8

Australians 'disaffected with political class', study shows

Australians disaffected with politics? Wow, I wonder why. Maybe because of a couple of major parties that both work for unknown lists of investors, ignore tax evasion, inflate the property market, make it harder to find work, don't listen to the electorate, use politics to further their own careers and only stand for anything after analysing opinion polls...... It's just a hunch I suppose.

Rethink The Link

I am appalled at this reckless vandalism curently taking place for a pointless and unplanned vanity project.

Analysis: Labor election win may not save Roe 8 wetlands

So, as we've always known, the only way to prevent the PFL and prevent reckless government spending is to force a hung parliament and elect independents and/or minor parties opposed to the project. I am very proud to stand by my policy of scrapping the project entirely as this level of recklessness creates a very dangerous precedent that embarking on unplanned multibillion dollar projects can be used to threaten the electorate in future. I'm also proud to be standing in that photo regretting I wore a suit jacket that morning and unable to lift my arms!

Steve Kepert - Independent Candidate for Bicton

Steve Kepert - Independent Candidate for Bicton

The Town of East Fremantle has released a draft of the vision for Leeuwin Barracks. This is a very special area for me: I spent a lot of time here as a cadet when I was a teenager where many friendships were formed. I am particularly appreciative of the local council's strong liaison with the public during the planning stage (of which I was part). Homage to the site's Aboriginal, nautical and military histories were key themes which I believe have been met in the planning stage.

Kadidjiny Park Christmas Market

Make sure you get to Kadidjiny Park Christmas Market in Melville this Saturday from 5pm onwards. It's a seriously fun park which will have food vans and Christmas gift ideas. Yours truly will also have a stall there to hear from local residents.

Kadidjiny Park Christmas Market

Steve Kepert - Independent Candidate for Bicton's cover photo

Steve Kepert - Independent Candidate for Bicton's cover photo

Lynn MacLaren Greens MLC WA

On a total of SEVEN occasions, the Labor member for Willagee refused to answer the reporters' very reasonable questions this morning about whether or not a Labor government will just build the Perth Freight Link anyway. This is very telling. We don't need arrogant responses, we need MPs that actually stand for something. Have a backbone, stand for common sense and scrap the PFL entirely.
