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Ngalla Maya: Aboriginal Employment Access

50 Belvidere Street, Belmont, Australia



Ngalla Maya provides employment access to the Aboriginal people of Western Australia My name is Mervyn Eades i am a proud Minang man of my Tribe of Noongar Peoples of the South West of WA. I established Ngalla Maya on the idea of creating Education Training and Employment opportunities for my Aboriginal Peoples upon release from the prison systems of WA. Up until 13 years ago i was myself a prisoner within this system and i was fortunate enough to have broken that cycle of offending behavior and have not re-offended since. My incite into the system of prison is of personal experiences and i have recognized a Gap that needed to be addressed to help the prevention of my Aboriginal Peoples of the State of WA being incarcerated at the highest imprisonment rate in Australian. Education Training and Employment are the main areas my peoples struggle in once released into the community after re-entry to the community and as we are all aware employment means getting monies and to have any chance of not re-offending ex-prisoners after being released need to provide for themselves and for ones families and that is where i came up with the idea to be that person to help provide these Employment opportunities for my Aboriginal Peoples of WA.      


WA Prison Offers' Union Secretary John Welch said some findings of the report remained concerning. "For both terms of the previous State Government, our members and this Union continued to raise concerns about the serious over-crowding and lack of resources in WA prisons," he said. "Sadly this latest independent report shows the prison system is still struggling under an ever-increasing prison population, and lacks the proper resources to meet the needs of both remand and sentenced prisoners." The report also noted high levels of unemployment and insufficient education, training and rehabilitation programs being available for prisoners. "When prisoners are underemployed or can't access programs in a timely manner, they can become bored and restless, and this can sometimes lead to them lashing out, particularly at staff," Mr Welch said.

Inmates at one of Perth's biggest jails are being denied "dignity and privacy" in a facility so overcrowded that a toilet is sometimes used as a temporary holding cell for prisoners, a new report has found. Two prisoners are routinely being crammed into what were designed as small single cells at Casuarina Prison — conditions the Inspector of Custodial Services described as "dreadful". The report also found detainees were being denied appropriate health care, food for prisoners was being prepared in a potentially unsafe way and inmates' hopes of mounting a successful appeal were being dented by the level of overcrowding.

Since he was granted early release at the beginning of this year, Mr Voller has often found himself in the media spotlight: from giving speeches at rallies to testifying at the royal commission that his story helped to launch. On top of this, he's successfully completed a rehabilitation program and then gone on to work with at-risk youth. He even briefly considered running for a spot on the Alice Springs Town Council, but eventually withdrew from the race. Mr Voller has inadvertently found himself as a voice for a group who largely remain unheard in our society — Indigenous youth in incarceration. He credits the love and support of his family, friends and the wider community for giving the strength to take on such a complicated role.

Australians are spending more on prisons and police than ever before.

Positive policing is so important - this reminds me of the Blue Light Discos we used to have as kids! #CommunityIsEverything


NEAR Ngalla Maya: Aboriginal Employment Access