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Integrative Health Solutions

13 Laffers Road, Belair, Australia
Medical & Health



We aspire to provide a centre for excellence in Integrative Medicine, in SA. We welcome you to our practice & empower you to achieve your optimal health. Integrative Health Solutions offers you the services of a variety of modalities under one roof.  Integrative Doctors, Allied Health Practitioners and Complementary Therapists work alongside each other to help patients achieve their optimal health.  Detailed information regarding our practice and services is available on our website.


Christmas / New Year Opening Hours: Integrative Health Solutions will be closed on all Public Holidays, as well as the 31.12.16. Outside of these days, the clinic will be open as normal. Thank you for your support throughout the year and a very Merry Christmas to you all.

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Merry Christmas from all of us at Integrative Health Solutions.

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Photos from Integrative Health Solutions's post

Just a few happy snaps from our One Year anniversary and Christmas Party. As you can see, our team has grown a lot during our first year! We feel blessed to be working with such a fantastic group of people. So from our family to yours, we wish you all a safe and merry Christmas.

Photos from Integrative Health Solutions's post

Integrative Health Solutions's cover photo

Integrative Health Solutions's cover photo

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Today marked the one year anniversary of the opening of our practice. We would like to take the opportunity to thank everybody who has been a part of our practice over the past year! From those who worked tirelessly during our set up such as the wonderful team at Metron, Adcom, Easom Images and Cybersquad IT. The fantastic team at Southern Orthopaedics who have welcomed us onto their site. Our wonderful staff, Practitioners and Doctors who have supported us through the chaos and helped to make our practice a pleasure to work in. We are grateful to our site partners Infinity Compounding Pharmacy, Family Time Australia and the team at Clinical Labs. Most of all we would like to thank our existing patients who have embraced our new home, and been understanding throughout our transition and the new patients we have been blessed to meet. We thank you all for your support and look forward to many more years together!

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Congratulations on a wonderful article and well deserved awards for your work in Kinesiology Nayda!

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David Perlmutter, M.D.

An interesting article relating to Exercise and cognitive function. Book an appointment now with our Exercise Physiologist, starting in February!

Integrative Health Solutions

REMINDER: The final yoga taster for this year begins tomorrow! If you would like to try Dru yoga, now is the time! Bookings are essential and can be made online, or over the phone. Would you like to try Yoga? We are pleased to introduce Hope Deane, who will be bringing Yoga Tuesdays to life at Integrative Health Solutions, in 2017. Hope teaches a personalised blend of coaching, Dru Yoga & creative practices to manage energy & strengthen connections. Top yourself up before Mid-Summer madness & create a Body, Heart & Mind Practice for yourself over time… Come along and try a taster class with her in December, as follows: DECEMBER 13 10-11.30 Yoga for Recovery from illness & injury $25/ $22 12.45-1.15pm Lunchtime Refresher Session $12/ $10 3.30-4.30pm Over 55’s Rejuvenation Class $22/ $20 Hope is happy to accept your IHS voucher to receive ten dollars off your first visit for these yoga classes! We welcome Hope to the IHS Family and look forward to Yoga Tuesdays beginning next week!

Integrative Health Solutions

Heal Your Skin from the Inside Out - Naturally | New Leaf Health and Wellness

An interesting piece on the connection between skin health and diet.

A big thank you to all who contributed to our first public talk series. We hope those who attended gained some useful tips to optimise their health. If there are topics you would like to know more about, please let us know by commenting here and we will try to incorporate them into next year's calender. Our public talk series for 2017, will begin on the first Thursday in February. Enjoy the sunshine! :)

Afternoons - 29 November - ABC Radio

If you missed hearing Dr Bode speaking on ABC radio regarding Vitamin C, this is the link to hear the discussion. This link is only available until Monday, so be quick (You will find Dr Bode, 1 hour into the discussion).

Afternoons with Sonya Feldhoff | 891 ABC Adelaide | Australian Broadcasting Corporation

It is that time again. Tune in to radio 891 at 2.00pm today, to hear Dr Bode discuss Vitamin C with Sonya Feldhoff.


NEAR Integrative Health Solutions