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The Baxter Bookshop

96-106 Shop 2 Baxter-Tooradin Road, Baxter, Australia




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Every. Single. Time.

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The reviews are starting to come in... woot!

The Baxter Bookshop


Wow! What a day! Non stop stream of people through the door and so many copies of Isaac and Amiculus sold (we almost sold out!!) Thanks to everyone who came down and showed their support, you guys made today what it was and trust us, we had so much fun! Now we're exhausted and unwinding with some hard earned pizza and beer. It's a hard life being a book seller ;) Once again, thank you so much everyone from the Baxter Bookshop team. You guys are THE BEST.

Due to unexpected complications, the printers have not delivered Amanda's book in time for the book launch tomorrow :( Sorry for any disappointment. A new date will set once the books arrive. We'll keep you all posted. Thanks for your understanding.

Photos from The Baxter Bookshop's post

I remember when I was first given the proof of this book, my thoughts were "oh god please no not another awful book by an unknown author, I just can't take any more" As I settled in to what I thought was going to be a painful process of labouring through a book I didn't like, you could have knocked me over with a feather because I was so stunned at how wonderful it was. A total page turner for me, I could not put it down. I was whisked away to a magical world weaved beautifully by the author. This book will tug at your heart strings (I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying, I've just been cutting onions ok???) and give you a new found love and respect for your animal companions. I didn't want the book to end, I need so much more. Lucky this is the first in a series. So come down with the kids on October 15th and meet the author Amanda Lewer and pick yourself up a signed copy of the book, I promise you wont be disappointed (I wouldn't be hosting the book launch at my store if I didn't think it was a great story, how's that for an endorsement??) You'll even get to meet her Charming husky friend. She insists his name is "Hugo", but whatever, I'm going to call him Amiculus. Hugo is actually the puppy on the cover of the book! but call him Amiculus alright? tell Amanda I said it was ok.

Photos from The Baxter Bookshop's post

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Spent the day climbing up and down a ladder getting this new signage on the shop. We were long overdue for something a bit nicer looking. What do you all think?

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Hamish is here so much we decided it was time he started earning his keep so he's working the register now. It's his first day so you'll have to forgive him if his customer service skills are a bit ruff.

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Sarah's Scribbles

Who can relate? It speaks to me on a very deep level. This comic understands me.

Sarah's Scribbles


NEAR The Baxter Bookshop