Massagebytashc - Mobile Massage in Bassendean
Mobile 0467 798 489
This is a Mobile Massage service located near Bassendean WA and will travel within a 10km radius.
BSB 116-879
Acc 477004375 Massages at your home, office or even the local park if you need a session after a workout! Time to float away and relax.
I accept Cash for first few visits.
EFT bank transfers on the day, or if your bank does Text transfers I accept this from long term clients.
BSB : 116-879
ACC: 477004375
C &N Coombs ABN 27 600 252 973
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Jungle body husbands deserve a massage too!
Election Day massages
Photos from Massagebytashc - Mobile Massage in Bassendean's post
Love visiting the team at Jetts! I will be visiting the team at Jetts Bassendean next Thursday night. Free massages between 4pm to 8pm 16/2/2017. Call into the club to get your spot.
Massagebytashc - Mobile Massage in Bassendean
Timeline Photos
A massage at home, relaxing candles, a glass of wine..... What more do you need? Gift vouchers are valid for 6 months. An hour is $70.
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Free massages at jetts dianella until 2pm!
Open day at jetts
Don't forget Valentine's Day is coming up, a nice relaxing massage is just what you want to give the gift of relaxation!
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Wishing all my clients and friends a wonderful holiday and hope you get spoilt by the ones you love.
Massagebytashc - Mobile Massage in Bassendean
1 week until Christmas !!!!! Last minute gifts :)
Busy night tonight! 2 new clients back to back. #happycouplesgetmassagesathome #relaxathome #workouttogether #relaxtogether
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Gift giving time! Prices start at $35 for 20 minutes up to $120 for 90 minutes. Vouchers are valid for six months from purchase.