Core Chiropractic Centre
Health and wellness based chiropractic clinic in Bassendean 1/85 Old Perth Rd
Bassendean, Western Australia, 6054
To make and appointment you can call us on (08) 9379 2112 or use the online booking system on facebook or our website.
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Make sure to book in for next week if you need to see us before the New Year. From all of us at Core Chiropractic we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Gut Health Workshop
Are your health issues due to Leaky gut or parasites? We don't like to think about being a host to a parasite - but when was the last time you completed an anti-parasitic protocol? A parasite is a live creature that invades and lives off its host, most often causing harm. They multiply inside you as they eat your food, steal your nutrients, and in some cases live off your flesh and as thanks leave behind toxic waste. Parasites vary in form from tiny microscopic organisms to worms growing several feet in length, to lice and ticks. They can be transmitted by air, food, water, insects, animals and people. The World Health Organization estimates that one quarter of the world's population suffers from chronic intestinal parasitic infections. Humans can play host to over 100 kinds of parasites. If you have a long term health issue that has not been resolved by normal treatments than parasites may be an issue Come along to this free and thought provoking workshop. Feel free to invite your friends too. Workshop date is December 7 at noon
Auto-Immune Disease Workshop
People Who Exercise Have Bigger Brains. - Australian Spinal Research Foundation
Some great research showing the strong links between movement and it's importance to a healthy functioning nervous system. Think of your brain as your car battery, keeping it functioning well and fully charged needs regular movement, so don't let your battery go flat!
Detox Demystified
Chronic Stress – The Effects On Your Brain - Australian Spinal Research Foundation
What are the long term affects of raised stress levels? An interesting read.
Hormone Workshop
GUT Health - Workshop
Maybe you have been told you have irritable bowel syndrome and you just have to put up with it!! ? Maybe you have heard of Leaky Gut and you think you may have that? Maybe you have been reading about parasites and you are scared it may be that! How much is this affecting your life? Are you sick and tired of feeling like your digestive system is controlling your life? Book now to join our free workshop on Wednesday 24 August at noon You will go home with steps you can take to start to control your health.
Greater Strength, Muscle Function And Less Fatigue - Australian Spinal Research Foundation
Anyone looking for improved performance? Chiropractic care can increase strength, decrease fatigue and improve the brain’s ability to drive muscles.
Should Early Scoliosis Checks Be Routine For Parents And Health Professionals? - Australian Spinal Research Foundation
Have you or a health professional checked your child's spine for signs of Scoliosis? The earlier it's detected the better the long term prognosis. Book your child in for a complimentary Scoliosis & postural assessment 93792112