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facebook.comWelcome to Friday friends of EYEC We began our morning together at the table with language group time. The children began with the good morning song, the today is song, days of the week and months of the year. We then sang songs such ciao bungirno, ABC, I'm a little teapot, the wheels on the bus, bumble bee, leo the lion, twinkle twinkle little star and baa baa black sheep. The children then went through colour and shape flashcards. Miss Maria named them and the children repeated. The children then were asked to name the flashcard individually and the children did so correctly and confidently. We also went through weather flashcards. Miss Maria showed the children the flashcard and the children named the weather and then described the weather. Miss Maria then read a book called teddy builds a boat. The children listened well and further developed language and listening skills. After morning tea the children sat with Miss Maria and the children did a learning web on transport. The children were asked what different transports are there and and where do where go with this transport. The children named bikes, cars, trucks, boats, trains, planes, bus and walking as a form a transport. We then named different places we can go with these transports and the children said home, the shops, family, the park and to doctor. The children then watched a short documentary on different types of transport. The children then continued with their bus from yesterday. The children decorated their buses with yellow and black crepe paper. The children further developed sensory skills
Welcome to Thursday friends of EYEC We began our morning together at the table. The children sat with Miss Maria and she laced the magnetic animals and magnetic boards. the children were encourage to pick up the animals and explore them. The children picked up the animals with both hands and they explored them by naming the animal and describing them. The children then were encouraged to place them on the magnetic board. The children did so further developing language and listening skills. We then moved onto language group time. The children sat on the mat with Miss Maria and the children began with the good morning song the today song and ciao buongirno. We then sang songs such as baa baa black sheep, the wheels on the bus, old McDonald had a farm, twinkle little star, ABC, and leo the lion. We then explored the numbers in English and Arabic from one to ten. Children also explored the English and Arabic alphabet. The children then listened to a story called check on me. The children listened to the story well and then had a discussion on the story. The children further developed language and listening skills. We moved onto school readiness were the children sat around the table with Miss Maria and the children explored the letters of the alphabet in upper case letters. The children traced the letters and then went through each letter with Miss Maria. The children were then assisted to find the letters of their name. children further developed language and letter recognition skills. We started our new topic of transport today and we began with exploring a bus. The children described what a bus is and we need a bus. The children then decorated a bus using glue, yellow and black crepe paper. Children showed a high interest in this activity and further developed sensory skills.
Welcome to Wednesday we began our morning together with free play. The choice chose to sit together on the mat and the children were looking at books together. The children placed the books on their laps and they began exploring the books. The children used both hands to explore and hold the books. The children were talking to each other and they were pointing to the pictures in the book. The children began described what happed in the pictures. The children further developed social skills and language skills. We then moved onto language group time were watched assorted nursery rhymes on you tube, The children sang along to the songs and they followed the actions of the songs. The children showed a high interest in this by smiling and laughing. The children then sang the good morning song days of the week and months of the year. The children then went through the numbers 1-20. The children went through number flashcards. The children named the object and then the children counted the number of objects on the flashcard. The children then listened to a story called eyes, ears nose and tails. the children listened well and further developed language and listening skills. The children then moved onto outdoor play were the children engaged in bubble play, ball play and riding the large cars
Welcome to Tuesday friends of EYEC We began our morning together with free play. The children were able to pick from a range of toys. The children chose to play with the cause and effect toys. The children placed the toys in front of them on the mat. The children began to explore the toys using both hands. The children then discussed amongst themselves what sounds the toys were making. The children used their fingers to press the toys. The children further developed social skills and fine motor skills with this activity. We then moved onto English group time were the children sat on the mat with Miss Maria. We began with the good morning song, the days of the week and months of the year. We then sang different songs such as ABC, if your happy and you know it, the wheels on the bus, leo the lion and these little chicks in Arabic. We then went through object flashcards and the children were encouraged to name the object and describe the use of the object. The children explored the flashcards well further developing language and listening skills and thinking skills. Miss Maria also read a book called Muddy pups. The children listened well and then had a discussion on what happened in the book. We then moved onto social games and the children gathered on the mat and we played sandy boy/ sandy girl and also sleeping bunnies. The children participated well further developing social skills and turn taking skills. The children showed a high interest in this activity by smiling and laughing. we also had outdoor play were the children engaged in different activities such as bubble play with Miss Ash, ball games and cubby house play. the children further developed gross motor skills
Welcome to Monday friends of EYEC. We started our morning today with group time by recognizing number flash cards. The children sat on the table and called out the numbers shown by Ms Ash and they drew them in the air using their index finger. The children that didn't recognise specific number were able to remember them easily after drawing them in the air and making them look like something else. For instants 7 is an up side down 'L' and 6 looks like a 'b'. The children then sang songs like 'months of the year' and 'days of the week'. Morning group time helped the children to further develop their cognitive skills. During arts and craft today the children drew pictures using coloured pencils that explained their weekend. The children explained through drawing and then explained their drawing to their friends. Monzer drew a beach using blue for water and yellow for sand and explained that he went to the beach with his family. Jabril folded his drawing and put it in his bag to show his dad. This activity further developed the children's creative skills. The children then transitioned to outdoor play where they did some exercise which consisted of jumping on the spot, star jumps, hoping on one foot and body stretches. The children had the chance to chose a an exercise activity like running on the spot, or from wall to wall. The children further developed their gross motor skills as they used their whole body during outdoor play. Free play was interesting today as the educator set out the home corner and added costumes for the children for dramatic play. The children pretended to be nurses and doctors, police and chefs. They interacted with one another while playing with the pretend house in home corner. Douha was a nurse/doctor and took care of the 'sick babe'. She took the babies temperature, gave it medicine and put it to sleep. She then showed her friends and said the baby was all better.
Welcome to Friday friends of EYEC. We began our morning in the preschool room today with group time on the mat. The children recognised number flash cards and alphabet cards to further develop their cognitive skills. The children sang suitable songs that matched the alphabet cards for instants "d is for duck-5 little ducks" and "c is for cow-old McDonald had a farm". The children then sand songs like open shut them, heads and shoulders and sleeping lions which all-required movements. During outdoor play today Mohamed asked the educators if the children could blow bubbles. The children ran after the bubbles jumping up and down and chasing them. this further developed their gross motor skills. The children took turns blowing bubbles and taught one another how to blow bubbles. The children then transitioned to the Arts and Craft table where they further developed their sensory skills by making collage using different typed of textured materials such as colour glitter paper, straws, coloured sticks, balloons, cotton and foils. The children sat patiently at the arts and craft table waiting for their educator to set the table. They then started their craft activity talking amongst each other. This also further developed the children's creative skills as they chose the sensory materials they wanted to use. During spontaneous play today Ms Ash set out the train/car set for the children as she realised Monzer was playing with the cars early and thought it would be a good idea for him to add different objects into his play/game with his friends. Most children chose to play on the construction mat during free play as they enjoy playing with the particular set of toys. This activity further developed the children's cognitive and fine motor skills as they join the puzzle set together. Monzer was very excited when he saw the set and called his friend Jabril and other friends to the construction mat. GREAT DAY!
Welcome to Thursday friends of EYEC. We began our morning in the Preschool room today by recognizing the Alphabet flashcards. the children sat on the mat with Ms Ash and listened to her ask 'what letter is this?' while showing the children the Alphabet Flashcards. The children further developed their cognitive skills as they recognised each letter and sounded them out. The children then explained to one another about their day yesterday, what they did at home, what they ate etc.. During spontaneous play the educator set out the blocks and legos onto the construction mat for the children to play with. The children interacted with one another as they helped each other make tall towers, houses and cars. The children named the colour of the blocks they wanted when asking their friends if they could give to them. the children then transition to outdoor play where they further developed their gross motor skills by having turns picking a exercise move which their friends can copy. Each child participating in the activity had a turn, Mohamed chose to jump so they all jumped in circles laughing and giggling with one another. The children then did the 'hokey pockey' by holding hands and singing all together with the educators. It was a fun outdoor experience for them today. Arts and craft was very interesting today as the children made magic paintings using candle wax and wet paint. They sat on the Arts and craft table patiently waiting for their educator to show them what to do. They then used the Candle to make a drawing which they couldn't see until they used the paint that revealed their original drawing. It was very fascinating for the children as they were really curious to see their picture after painting and what it looked like.
Welcome to Wednesday friends of EYEC. We began our morning with group-time on the mat with Ms Ash. The children participated in group time by interaction with one another, singing songs like "Days of the week", "I Wonder What Your Name Is" and naming different fruits using flash cards. The children chose to name fruits as it was nearly morning tea. Khaled said, "time to wash hands" and the children lined up to wash their hands. They then transitioned to morning tea were they ate their fruits which they recognised from the flash cards. During outdoor play the children further developed their gross motor skills as they exercised their body by kicking the balls to their friends, chasing them and throwing the balls to their educators to catch. Moving on to Arts and Craft today, the children made drawings using coloured pencils to show what they did on Tuesday as a follow up from the 25.1.15 for Australia day. This activity further developed the children's creative skills because they explained through drawing. The children showed one another their drawing and some decided to take their drawings home to show their parents. Monzer said, "I'm going to put my drawing in my bag so i show my mum". The children also found it fascinating that their creations from Monday (opera house painting/craft) was hung up on the walls. they were very excited and wanted to show their parents also when they come to pick them up. The children further developed their fine motor and cognitive skills today by interaction in the lace activity set up by their educator. The children interacted in this activity by sewing laces through holes on different pictures like dogs, shapes and transport pictures by using their fingers. The children also used their very good sharing skills during this activity.
Welcome to Monday friends of EYEC. We began our morning today with group-time on the mat. The children sat on the mat ready to choose a book for Ms Ash to read. They chose "Check On Me" and listened very quietly. Once the book was finished Ms Ash asked the children how they go to bed at night times. Monzer said "my mum kisses me' and it became a discussion amongst the children. Some explained that their parents read them bed time stories and some children explained that they get pat to sleep. The children sang songs during group time which consisted of 'Days Of The Week', counting songs, and the Alphabet 'A Is For Apple' song to further develop the children's cognitive skills. The children then sat on the Arts and Craft table where Ms Ash explained the meaning of Australia day followed by an Australia day painting and collage activity of the Opera House using paper plates cut up and with fire works above it in the air using glitter. The children asked their educator many questions about Australia day and the Opera house. Khaled said "i seen fire works as well". To further develop the children's sensory skills today, their educator put some boards with the children's coloured pins so they could use their creative skills to design a picture/creation. This helped the children understand that picture are not always flat but they could also have different textures, in this case their created pictures were bumpy. The children shared boards to make their creations as this helped them to share amongst one another. During spontaneous play today the children used dramatic play to pretend they were families, cooks and pets as the home corner was set up appropriately for them to do so. The children explained that they pretend (dramatic play) they are mums or dads when they play at home, they look after their 'babies' very good like their real mums and dads.
Welcome to Friday friends of EYEC. We began our morning combined together on the mat singing nursery rhyme songs. The children sat on the mat and each child chose a different song to sing. We then used the flash cards to sing the Alphabet and sound out each letter. The children used the Gross motor skills to dance and exercise using music that Mrs Vivian put on for them. They danced to the 'hokey pockey and followed a exercise routine for children. The children put in great effort to the activity. The children used their Creative skills to help the educators re organise the home corner. The children helped move the light toys while the teachers moved the rest. The children then enjoyed playing in the new setting. The children then used their fine motor skills to do free drawing in on the arts and craft table. The children showed each other what they drew and explained what is was. Some of the children asked for the educators to keep their drawings so they can show their parents. The children then moved to playing with white-boards and magnetic animals. The children stuck the animals on the board and pretended it was a farm. They then sang 'old Macdonald had a farm' with Ms Ash. The children enjoyed this activity as they interacted with one another and mad animal noises. The children sat on the mat and recognised different fruits and named them in English and different languages. The children could recognise all the fruits and say them English and are slowly learning them in other languages such as Arabic.
Welcome to Thursday friends of EYEC We began our morning together at the table with a problem solving activity. The children were given magnetic boards and they were given a puzzle where the children had to make. The children had to dress up the bears. The children used their thinking skills and imagination skills when dressing the bears. The children discussed the clothes the bears were the wearing. The children displayed a high interest in this activity. We then moved onto language group time were the children sat on the mat. The children began with songs such as the good morning song, the today is song, the days of the week and months of the year. We also sang ABC, johnny papa. open shut them, ciao bungirno, people around the world and these little chicks in Arabic. We then explored the numbers from 1- 10. Miss Maria read the story in the number book and then we counted the objects. We then sequenced counted from 1-10. After morning tea we headed to the mat for music and movement. The children danced and exercised to the froggy song, heads shoulders knees and toes and Im a little teapot. The children held hands and followed each others actions. The children further developed social skills and gross motor skills. We then moved onto free play and the children were able to pick the toys they wished to play with. The children chose to play with the road tracks and the cars. Also the children played with the dolls in the dollhouse
Welcome to Wednesday friends of EYEC We began our morning with language group time. We began with exploring alphabet phonics. The children watched the alphabet phonics on you tube. The children sang along to the songs. As the object came on the children were shouting the object. The children displayed a high interest in the songs. The children sang and participated well. The children then sang different songs such as the good morning song, the today is song, days of the week, johnny papa, rain rain go away, incy winsy spider, ABC, baa baa black sheep and ope shut them. The children then listened to a story called who sank the boat. The children listened well and had a discussion on what happened in the story. The children further developed language and listening skills. We then after morning tea moved onto indoor play were children went to the shelf and pulled out the magnetic pipes and boards. The children placed the magnetic pipes and boards on the mat and they began to explore them with both hands. The children then began using their right hands and they began stacking the magnetic pipes on the board. The children used their imagination skills and pretended it was a cake and the children pretended to blow the candles out and eat the cake. The children further developed social skills and imagination skills with this activity. We then moved onto art and craft were the children sat around the table with Miss Vivian and the children created flowers using bottles and paint. The children were given a piece of paper and they were encouraged to place the bottle in the paint and paint with it. The children used green, red, yellow, blue and purple to create their flowers
