Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ballarat is the largest obstetrics practice in Western Victoria under the care of our specialist obstetricians and gynaecologists. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ballarat is the largest obstetrics practice in Western Victoria. Under the care of our specialist obstetricians, and practice midwives, more than 400 babies are born per year.
Our gynaecology services include laparoscopic surgery, laparoscopic hysterectomy, treatment of endometriosis, fertility care, colposcopy and treatment for abnormal pap smears, and pelvic floor surgery for vaginal prolapse.
When you visit Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ballarat, you can expect to be treated in a respectful and supportive manner from your first contact with our reception staff to the care provided by our experienced clinical team.
The doctors and nursing staff at Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ballarat take great pride in providing you with the highest quality of care, with an emphasis on clear communication, provision of up to date information, and a range of treatment options.
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Update: NIPS (non invasive prenatal screening) There have been significant advances in the testing available for chromosomal abnormalities in pregnancy. The traditional “First Trimester Combined screen” has been available now for many years and is still a reliable test. This measures 2 hormones in the mother’s bloodstream, usually taken at around 10 weeks gestation, and these results are combined with a measurement of the baby’s neck thickness on ultrasound at 12-13 weeks (“Nuchal Translucency”), along with the mother’s age. The result is an estimation of the risk of Downs’ syndrome in the pregnancy (as well as 2 other chromosomal abnormalities, Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18). This test will detect most but not all of affected pregnancies. The major advance relates to our ability now to obtain DNA from the placenta simply by taking blood from the pregnant mother, from 10 weeks on. At this time there is enough DNA to enable a diagnosis of Downs’ syndrome, as well as Trisomy 13 and 18. The gender of your baby is also known, with certainty. This test is called NIPS (Non-invasive prenatal screening). Other chromosomal abnormalities may also be detected depending on the condition. The NIPS test is mostly followed by a detailed ultrasound at around 13 weeks as an early assessment of the baby’s anatomy. Neither the first trimester combined screen or NIPS is routine, but are widely available should a couple choose to have testing. NIPS has significantly reduced the number of women requiring amniocentesis and CVS. The results are generally available within a 4 day timeframe. Your OGB Obstetrician will be able to discuss these tests with you at the time of your first antenatal visit. More info as always on our website:
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A big thank you to our patient Rebecca who nominated us for the Little Cup Cake Christmas giveaway! We all enjoyed these beauties today! Merry Christmas to all...
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Happy Christmas and New Year to all associated with OGB. Here are some snaps from our KK party today...enjoy!
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OGB is pleased to welcome Dr Chantelle Stubna back from maternity leave. Chantelle will be practicing private obstetrics and would be delighted to see both previous and new obstetric patients. Chantelle will be working closely with Russell and the “two Michaels” to ensure that OGB patients receive the very best of Maternity care.
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Happy Birthday to Russell for Tuesday! Post your birthday message in the comments below!
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Antenatal classes are an important part of the service OGB patients receive. When you attend OGB for antenatal care, you will have the opportunity to attend a series of classes conducted by our experienced, caring and knowledgeable midwives. Julianne, Cherise, and Megan will guide you through all the aspects of pregnancy care. They will provide the relevant information regarding signs of labour, what to do in early labour, and all aspects of your care during labour. Breast feeding is often the most concerning part of looking after a baby for first time mothers. When you attend the class dedicated to this important part of being a mother, you will feel confident and informed, giving you the best chance of breast feeding working for you and your baby. Antenatal classes are included in most of the Obstetric care packages at OGB. Antenatal classes at OGB are also available for pregnant women who are not attending OGB for pregnancy care. Simply call OGB to find out about the fees involved to attend. Phone: 03 5339 8100 More info:
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The OGB annual footy tipping competition has been run and won! 1st place Sarah, 2nd Wendy and 3rd Trish. (not sure about the Collingwood support!) Well done to all tippers.
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OGB Senior Registrar Antenatal Care Package:- Are you planning your second or third baby? Wondering whether you really need private antenatal care? If you’ve had a perfect pregnancy and birth of your baby in the past, you may wish to consider our new OGB Senior Registrar antenatal care package. With out of pocket costs from around $1400, the benefits of personal care from our OGB Senior Registrars, a hospital stay as a private patient, and the reassurance of back up support from Russell and Michael B, our senior consultants should you have any problems, you can now avoid the public system and enjoy the arrival of your next baby. For more information, please visit the OGB website.
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Read our latest blog post on the website today. Is my baby the right size and growing well? Antenatal care provided by an experienced Obstetrician or Midwife is important. One of the most important aspects of your antenatal care is the careful monitoring of your baby’s growth during the pregnancy. Read more here,
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Welcome to the new OGB brand - launched this week with a new website, full of useful information about O&G. Check it out at and comment here what you think!
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ballarat
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We're there!!! Thanks to everyone for your kind comments and shared memories on our Facebook page. Here's to the next thousand👍👍