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Rener Health Centres

412 Canning Highway, Attadale, Australia
Medical & Health



Our passion is natural heath. People come to see us because they are tired, unwell and stressed. Nature is our medicine, science our foundation.  ABOUT US

Since 1970, our family has provided naturopathic services to people seeking natural solutions for their health concerns.

Naturopathy is a system of holistic medicine based on the belief that physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states of being; diet and exercise; environment and social conditions are fundamental factors of health.


We believe that prevention is always the best cure. Health is not just a matter of not being sick today. Some degenerative health conditions can take years of self-neglect before they develop into sickness and dis-ease.


We help people create balance. Health is a state of balance in which all parts of the whole are flowing freely and in proper condition. Physically, the degree of health you experience depends upon the correct balance of chemistry within your cells and your cells ability to create and make use of energy elements. When it comes to your health - energy is everything.


Energy is a fundamental quality of life. It is the power-supply, the force that sustains life.

The number one requirement for health and well-being is ‘vital force’, which means the quality and the quantity of ‘energy’ available to your cells. Vital force depends on your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states of well-being, and all are equally important to the wholeness of your health.


Health is an end result of the connective-collective ‘flows’ of life force (energies) that make up a living being, incorporating physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and environmental influences. From this holistic perspective, it is not just the individual parts of a person but also the flow and dynamics between the parts that are pivotal to health outcomes. In other words, the totality of a person needs to be recognised and addressed in health care programs.

Health is not just about what you eat and drink, how you breathe, your quality of sleep, or how often you exercise. Health is also the sum of how you live: what (and how) you habitually think and feel; what you believe; and your behaviour (actions and reactions). All of these factors either reinforce your vital force (empowerment) or drain your vital force (disempowerment).


Ultimately, what we do is assist empowerment.  We achieve this by addressing the natural energy functions of the human body as they differentiate into physical, emotional, mental and spiritual manifestations. Genuine healing is a unified activity of harmonising all aspects of being.

As naturopaths, we don’t treat symptoms. Our role is to identify ‘patterns of disharmony’. This means assessing physical function and then determining what overall deficiencies and ‘energy blockages’ have developed, irrespective of presenting symptoms. We then use the identified patterns of disharmony as a guide in selecting appropriate interventions that promote natural well-being.


Timeline Photos

HAPPY HOLIDAYS The clinic will be closed from Sunday the 18th of December 2016 and we will reopen on Wednesday the 1st of February 2017. Until we see you again ○ wishing you all the best always. Lisa Rieniets ND. be happy ○ be healthy ○ be whole

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11 Natural Sunscreen Alternatives

PROTECT YOUR SKIN THIS SUMMER It is so important to protect your skin from sun damage because we have high rates of skin cancer in Australia. Yet we also need to protect ourselves from harmful chemicals and nano particles found in many sunscreens. Covering up is the best protection from sun damage but that's not always possible. And finding the safest sunscreen can be challenging. So we thought we'd share two articles on how to choose non-toxic sunscreens for you to explore safer options. HOW TO CHOOSE A NON-TOXIC SUNSCREEN be happy ○ be healthy ○ be whole #health #naturalsunscreen #nontoxicsunscreen

Cultured Coconut Mango Popsicles — Nourished Kitchen

COOL TREATS TO BEAT THE HEAT Coconut mango popsicles are a delicious way to beat the heat this summer. And if you are looking for other healthy treat recipes ○ we have other ice-cream recipes we share on our Pinterest page ○ be happy ○ be healthy ○ be whole #health #nutrition #coconutmangopopsicles #healthysummertreats

Frito-Lay Chips Laden With Monsanto Herbicide Linked To Hormone Disruption, Reproductive Damage and Digestive Disorders

PARTY FOODS TO AVOID It's festive season and that means a lot of parties and food being consumed. If you're planning your own get together ○ make sure your party snacks are free from chemicals and pesticides. Choose certified organic nibblies ○ or even better ○ make your own and protect your well being. be happy ○ be healthy ○ be whole #health #nutrition #partyfoodtoavoid

Healthy Salad Dressings Recipes

DRESS TO IMPRESS Ditch preservatives and additives and make your own healthy, delicious salad dressings ○ perfect for summer salads. be happy ○ be healthy ○ be whole #health #nutrition #healthysaladdressings #eatingwell

Top Superfoods: Tomatoes, Avocados, Berries, Cucumbers & More Greens

PERFECT SUMMER VEGETABLES "People who consume seven or more portions of vegetables and fruit per day have a 42 percent lower risk of dying from all causes, compared to those who eat less than one portion" —Dr Mercola. be happy ○ be healthy ○ be whole #health #healing #nutrition #summersuperfoods

The Ultimate Anti-Hangover Green Smoothie

HANGOVER BUSTERS If you've over indulged after a night out celebrating ○ you need to alkalanise your body ○ soothe your liver and kidneys ○ replace lost nutrients ○ and rehydrate. To help you ○ here are some great smoothie ideas ○ and talk to your naturopath about a good multivitamin tonic, probiotics, and milk thistle to protect your well being during the festive season. MORE HANGOVER SMOOTHIE RECIPES be happy ○ be healthy ○ be whole #health #healing #nutrition #hangoversmoothies #hangoverbusters

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CLINIC CLOSING DATES Promise this is the last reminder that the clinic will be closed from Sunday the 18th of December 2016 and we will reopen on Wednesday the 1st of February 2017. It's a longer closure this year so please make sure your have all you need until we see you again. Wishing you all the best for the holiday season. Lisa Rieniets ND. be happy ○ be healthy ○ be whole

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60+ Vegan Christmas Recipes | Simple Vegan Blog

CHRISTMAS COUNT DOWN Many people have changed the way they eat to follow a plant based diet. And with these delicious recipes there is something here to suit every family member visiting for Christmas celebrations. be happy ○ be healthy ○ be whole #health #nutrition #christmasveganrecipes

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CLINIC CLOSING DATES Just another quick reminder that the clinic will be closed from Sunday the 18th of December 2016 and we will reopen on Wednesday the 1st of February 2017. It's a longer closure this year so please make sure your have all you need until we see you again. Wishing you all the best for the holiday season. Lisa Rieniets ND. be happy ○ be healthy ○ be whole

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12 Vegan Drinks & Eats for your next Party! | Elephantastic Vegan

HEALTHIER PARTY FOOD Here are some healthy recipe ideas for summer get togethers. And perfect for guests who don't eat meat or have special dietary needs. The recipes can easily be adapted to accommodate gluten sensitivity. be happy ○ be healthy ○ be whole #health #nutrition #veganpartyfood #healthypartyfood

15 minute sesame ginger noodles - Choosingchia

QUICK & EASY NOODLES For many of us, December is a really busy month. So here's a quick and delicious meal for hectic times. And where you can ○ always buy certified organic and chemical-free ingredients. be happy ○ be healthy ○ be whole #health #nutrition #quicknoodles #healthiernoodles
