The page is designed to provide information for our current players and families and for those who wish to pursue basketball in Ararat. Our aim is provide opportunities to all Ararat & District people to play basketball and to assist them to strive to be the best they can be at our wonderful Sport of Basketball.
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facebook.comVolunteer Domestic Referees Coordinator Wanted: Requires making rosters for the domestic competition, making up referees weekly pay, ideally being at games on Mondays and Wednesdays as much as possible to be able to monitor referees, dealing with any issues quickly and promptly, being contactable in case referees pull out at short notice. Rosters have previously been done weekly, but can be done as many weeks in advance as the coordinator decides to make them. Paying referees involves entering all games into a spreadsheet, putting money into correct envelopes, sometimes distributing them to people throughout the week. Being at the games ensures all referees are following the rules put in place such as showing up to umpire, wearing correct uniform, starting on time, etc. Failure to do this will result in demerit points being taken off referees which must also be recorded by the coordinator. Coordinator must be contactable in case a referee pulls out at last minute or does not show up for their scheduled game. Must be able to deal with this quickly to ensure games don't run behind. For more information contact Chloe 0448 008 897 or to apply inbox Donna Dunmore
Volunteer Aussie Hoops (Little RedBacks) Coordinator Wanted: Every Tuesday night from 4pm - 4.45pm at the Ararat Fitness Centre Must be able to teach beginners and children who have never played basketball before aged between 4- 8 yrs, the general rules and skills required for them to be able to go into domestic basketball and briefly know what to do. Looking for someone who is patient, good with kids, can be there every week (or most weeks), experience is preferred. For more information call Donna 0427 521074
REMINDER : Basketball and Futsal Registrations are only open until Friday 20th January. Get your registration in today so your child doesn't miss out. Futsal forms at the Centre, Basketball online registration. Any questions call Donna 0427 521074
Under 14 Skills Days - BVC
REMINDER U14 Skills Day/Academy Try Outs are being held on Sunday 19 March 2017 at Minerdome NOT SUNDAY 26 MARCH. Here is the link (On-line entries not open as yet)
Junior Futsal forms are at the Ararat Fitness Centre on our noticeboard, please get them filled in and get registered for next season ASAP, entries close Friday 20th January 2017. All enquiries to Donna 0427 521074
News - Ararat Basketball Association - SportsTG
Registrations are now open for the 2017 Term 1 & 2 Basketball Season. Please click on the link below and then click Register Here on the right hand side of the page. A reminder that payment is due at the end of the form by credit card, juniors please tick the Association Administration Fee box for the full fee. If you do not have a credit card or wish to contact me (Donna 0427 521074) about a payment plan please email or phone me. Unfortunately the BVC fee must be paid when registering but we can help out with the rest. Entries will close on Friday 20th January 2017 as teams need to be completed.
The Ararat Advertiser
I am very happy to announce that we have managed to secure another grant this time from the Ararat Rural City for $6554.00. This money is to assist us with the replacement of the net between the two courts. With this latest grant we will now be able to work really hard on getting this done over the school holidays. We thank both the Ararat Rural City and Pacific Hydro who have assisted us with grants to get this done FINALLY! :)
This Saturday sees the Ararat RedBacks Basketball Club assisting BVC with the running of the Basketball Victoria Country U14 Regional Championship Qualifiers at the Ararat Fitness Centre. The Ararat boys team will be playing at : 9am against Bacchus Marsh, 11am against Melton, 1pm against Colac, 5pm against Portland. Our boys need to finish in the top 2 to continue onto the Victorian Country Championships in April. It would be great to see lots of people from the Ararat community come down and support our U14 boys.This is an opportunity to see some high class basketball from these young basketballers in our own town.
SENIOR MIXED NETBALL Starting Monday 3rd October 2016, last chance to enter a team, entries close Wednesday. Running Term 4 & 1. Draws will be done Thursday. Forms are available for emailing. Please contact Donna 0427 521074 or
Photos from Ararat Basketball Association Inc.'s post
Our referees learning some valuable skills today. Big thanks to Jayden, James and Neil from Ballarat Basketball again for their time.
Basketball Ballarat
I think there may be a couple of us going if anyone else is interested.🏀🏀🏀