Middlewood Integrative Medicine
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A useful reference of the main health benefits of probiotics.
Prostate Cancer stems cells resist radiation and we now might know why
It may not be commonly known by the general public but radiotherapy treatment for prostate cancer is not as effective as we would have hoped. In fact it is now understood that radiotherapy is not consistently eradicating 100% of the prostate cancer and instead leaving behind cancer stem cells . Cancer stem cells are necessary to form new tumours and when these are left circulating in the body it increases the likelihood of the cancer returning. [ 664 more words ] http://middlewoodintegrativemedicine.com/2016/11/09/prostate-cancer-stems-cells-resist-radiation-and-we-now-might-know-why
Research shows exercise improves Quality of life for men who have prostate cancer with bone metastasis
It's Movember this month and in many countries men are asked to think about their health, to learn more about prostate cancer and to help each other live a healthy long life. Like any cancer prostate cancer is feared by men and women, but we can alleviate some of these fears by educating ourselves and sharing the important information that helps men see the bigger picture and understand the consequences of the choices they make to prevent cancer and perhaps one day the choices to treat prostate cancer. [ 252 more words ] http://middlewoodintegrativemedicine.com/2016/11/03/research-shows-exercise-improves-quality-of-life-for-men-who-have-prostate-cancer-with-bone-metastasis
UK Doctors list non-beneficial medical treatments
Source : Citya.m.com Maybe it's time to take note of this list published by the The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in London. It might help next time you find yourself or your doctor demanding something that is of no benefit and may even do more harm than good. Article Doctors have drawn up a list of treatments they say bring little or no benefit to the patient and should no longer be used. [ 752 more words ] http://middlewoodintegrativemedicine.com/2016/10/27/uk-doctors-list-non-beneficial-medical-treatments
Bacteria is everywhere does that make the “five second rule” nonsense? This MD thinks so
Melbourne is the Allergy capital of the world. Some Australian health experts say this is because of an obsession with hygiene and food allergies. The FDA recently banned antibacterial soap products and we need to ban them here too. These useless products provide no benefit and cause harm to our microbiome. Unfortunately product marketing has played on a fear of bacteria without providing a scientific context and instead making us believe we need to protect ourselves from bacteria. In reality bacteria is everywhere and only a few percent are harmful. This article from the New York Times remind us we are never far away from our tiny allies and enemies. https://middlewoodintegrativemedicine.com/2016/10/12/bacteria-is-everywhere-does-that-make-the-five-second-rule-nonsense-this-md-thinks-so/
How Vitamin D can help manage Multiple Sclerosis by protecting the nervous system.
There is evidence that Vitamin D Deficiency is associated with Multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease. Vitamin D supplementation is recommended to protect against progression of MS. In a study published in 2013, in JAMA Neurology the researchers found that higher serum 25(OH)D levels in the first 12 months predicted reduced MS activity and a slower rate of MS progression. By the end of the follow-up at 5 years, participants with serum 25(OH)D concentrations of at least 50 nmol/L (20-ng/mL, a moderate level) had significantly fewer new active lesions, a slower increase in brain lesion volume, lower loss of brain volume, and lower disability than those with serum 25(OH)D concentrations below 50 nmol/L. [ 295 more words ] http://middlewoodintegrativemedicine.com/2016/10/08/how-vitamin-d-can-help-manage-multiple-sclerosis-by-protecting-the-nervous-system
Gluten Sensitivity is not a disease it is a result of changes in your gut
It seems the idea that gluten is bad for us has become so mainstream that it is just accepted as a fact when it is not. Celiac disease is the only disease caused by intolerance of gluten and it involves a severe immune reaction to any gluten that reaches the intestines. There are specific tests for this disease and there is a genetic component. [ 317 more words ] http://middlewoodintegrativemedicine.com/2016/09/04/gluten-sensitivity-is-not-a-disease-it-is-a-result-of-changes-in-your-gut
Obesity Is Linked to at Least 13 Types of Cancer (A NYT Article)
By NICHOLAS BAKALAR A review of more than a thousand studies has found solid evidence that being overweight or obese increases the risk for at least 13 types of cancer. The study was conducted by a working group of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization. Strong evidence was already available to link five cancers to being overweight or obese: adenocarcinoma of the esophagus; colorectal cancer; breast cancer in postmenopausal women; and uterine and kidney cancers. [ 96 more words ] http://middlewoodintegrativemedicine.com/2016/08/31/obesity-is-linked-to-at-least-13-types-of-cancer-a-nyt-article
Resistance Training relieves fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors
A news study shows how regular resistance training improved fatigue and quality of life in breast cancer survivors who were previously sedentary. Fatigue is common for women breast cancer survivors and it can be debilitating. If you feel fatigued it is hard to motivate yourself to do any exercise, but this can be the very activity that will give you more energy and motivation. [ 231 more words ] http://middlewoodintegrativemedicine.com/2016/08/23/resistance-training-relieves-fatigue-in-breast-cancer-survivors
A study proves PPIs for GERD (e.g. esomeprazole) causes the symptoms it is prescribed to treat.
Proton-Pump Inhibitor Therapy Induces Acid-Related Symptoms in Healthy Volunteers After Withdrawal of Therapy It may seem obvious to say that when someone stops taking PPIs they will experience symptoms soon after they discontinued the medication. But what are the implications of this happening to healthy people who took PPIs and did not have heart burn or GERD? In this study 120 healthy people were put into two groups. [ 442 more words ] http://middlewoodintegrativemedicine.com/2016/08/16/a-study-proves-ppis-for-gerd-e-g-esomeprazole-causes-the-symptoms-it-is-prescribed-to-treat
Millions of Australians are predicted to get colon cancer. Here’s some evidence on how to lower your risk.
Millions of Australians are predicted to get colon cancer. Here's some evidence on how to lower your risk. A while ago a new report released by leading social demographer Bernard Salt, who said by 2026, 4.6 million baby boomers and 4 million Gen Xers “ will be subjected to a bowel cancer lottery” purely because of their age. (Source. [ 658 more words. ] http://middlewoodintegrativemedicine.com/2016/08/08/millions-of-australians-are-predicted-to-get-colon-cancer-heres-some-evidence-on-how-to-lower-your-risk
Is working in an office really as unhealthy as smoking?
Well yes sitting down for eight hours a day is slowly killing you and shortening your lifespan equivalent to being a smoker. Sitting for hours without any activity in the office and then coming home and slumping in front of the television is a ticket to an early grave so the experts are telling us. Good news is physical activity doesn't mean high intensity training in the gym or running 5km every day. [ 445 more words. ] http://middlewoodintegrativemedicine.com/2016/07/28/is-working-in-an-office-really-as-unhealthy-as-smoking