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Nicole Johansen - Organo Gold

, Aldgate, Australia
Grocery Store



Hi, and welcome to my coffee business.  I am an independent distributor of Organo Gold gourmet coffee. Love a gourmet coffee and don’t have the time?  What if you could make your own barista coffee without the frothy milk anywhere anytime?  Then this coffee is for you!

Products available in Australia are:  

Black coffee - for those who like coffee without sugar;
Latte - for coffee drinkers who have milk and sugar;
Mocha - for coffee drinkers who also love their chocolate;
Hot Chocolate - for the non-coffee drinkers;
Green Tea - for people who love inner peace;
Red Tea - for tea lovers; and
King of Coffee - a smooth strong coffee.

Prices range from $30 - $39 per box with the exception of King of Coffee which is $55 per box.

Organo Gold coffee is made with Arabica beans, ground down into a fine powder and infused with 100% certified organic ganoderma.

What is Ganoderma?  It is an ancient Chinese herb that has been used for thousands of years in Asian medicine.  If you would like to know what ganoderma can do for you, you can google it, navigate to the ganoderma link on my website, or you can try my coffee and see for yourself!

Please support my business by going to my website and buying a box or three.



Ganoderma - Coffee

Proof that medical authorities are catching up with what we already know about ganoderma! Infused in all Organo's beverages with no bitter after taste, why not receive the benefits of this gem every day without thinking about it? Visit to order & have it delivered to your door.
