At Antahkarana Wellness Centre we provide high quality wholistic health and wellbeing services, including counselling, meditation, massage, and workshops.
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facebook.comHere is an introduction to Esoteric Acupuncture from founder Mikio Sankey
Advanced Energy Healing - Friday 1pm Consultation
Esoteric Acupuncture and Advanced Energy Healing - Come and Try Sessions. PRIVATE SESSION – full healing session During this session Alison will work with 3 people only, giving the full experience of an Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing Session. This is an intimate experience where you will receive a full healing and observe Alison’s work with the other people in the session, observing the energy matrices being activated through this powerful work. Friday 12th May lpm - 3pm 2hr Private Session (Limited to 3 participants) Cost $150 per person Bookings SHARED SESSION – Small group practice session During this session Alison will give shorter treatment sessions for you to come learn some basic principles and activation sequences that you can practice and share with the others in the group. Friday 12th May 3. 30 – 6pm or Saturday 13th May 10am – 12.30pm Shared Session – Limited to 6 participants (ideal to share with interested colleague ) Cost $120 each ANTAHKARNA MEDITATION Friday 11th May 6.30pm – 9.30pm Cost $98 per person (or $48 if you have registered for one of the private or shared sessions) This workshop is open to all who seek, those curious to know ‘how to’ and ‘why would you want to’ build an Antahkarana, a Rainbow Bridge or an Inner Spiritual Antenna. Workshop includes: • Work book • Audio guidance to support ongoing practice • CPD's Certification 3hrs Download your FREE eBook and begin building an Antahkarana NOW Bookings: GROUP HEALING SESSION Saturday 13th May 1pm -2pm Cost: $20 Group healing with Selenite Sword, activating group energy for healing and renewal. Includes general discussion and celebration ALL SESSIONS WILL BE LOCATED AT Kirinari Community School 18 Trimmer Tce, Unley, SA, 5061 For more information or to make a booking contact Fiona Glover on 0412613600 or email:
Advanced Energy Healing: Esoteric Acupuncture Come & Try Sesions
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Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing FOUNDATION Level I & II 11th, 12th, 13th & 14th May 9-5pm 4 Day workshop ADELAIDE – CPD's 28 hrs Workshop includes: Working with the Spiritual side of Acupuncture Hands on practice of the New Encoding Patterns that relate to the treatment protocols of Tiers of Density Diagnosis & Tools Concept of Esoteric Shaoyin Sequencing of New Encoding Patterns as referred in Esoteric Acupuncture Vol l - Vl What does Expanding Consciousness mean? Recommended reading: any volume of Esoteric Acupuncture by Dr. Mikio Sankey especially Esoteric Acupuncture Gateway to Expanded Healing Vol I and Esoteric Acupuncture Vol Vl Celestial Fullness Book Now - Registration: Early bird $1,149, Student $989, Repeat $559 Queries, ask Fiona Glover EP: 0412 613 600 Or ask Alison Clarke-Daly o422 845 105 on any aspect of this workshop, be that questions on your qualifications to attend, prerequisite reading, CPD's, deposits or requirements of a payment plan. Venue: Kirinari Community School, 18 Trimmer Tce, Unley, SA, 5061
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Advanced Energy Healing Session Come and experience a powerful and transformative session that will help you identify the blocks that are getting in the way of realising your goals and dreams. During this session we will talk about the resistances, beliefs and patterns that are holding you back. We will use Theta Healing, Counselling and Energy Balancing with the Selenite Swords to release the blocks and help you integrate a more uplifting and expanded blueprint for your being, as well as giving you practical strategies for you to take your next steps forward. For more information contact Fiona on 0412613600
Photos from Antahkarana Wellness Centre's post
HAVE YOU MET? Iona Leckie Massage Therapist My interests have always been about connecting to our beautiful planet, our forests, and wonderful animal kingdom. Most of us are so disconnected from the real world now. We are rushing here, and there, trying to cope with so many things, and in the process our minds and bodies suffer.Through my own harsh experiences, and self destructive behaviour, I turned a corner 26 years ago, which lead me on a journey of healing. After being stuck by a car as a pedestrian in my twenties, I sustained a few injuries, which although healed, created more health issues for me.So by changing my diet, my attitudes and by using various types of body work to facilitate in the healing process, I'm in better health now than all those years ago! Working as a Remedial massage practioner for 12 years, running my own business, and having the opportunity to work with many chiropractors, has taught me a lot. Over the last number of years, my training has taken me into the world of energetic healing. Through different modalities such as Polarity and Reconnective healing I've come to understand,it's ones energy which requires balancing, and everything flows from that! When the energy currents are brought into balance through Polarity therapy, clients will often comment on how calm and relaxed they feel. These types of modalities bring energetic balance back into the physical body, which in turn allows us to be more connected to the real world and ourselves .Scientists are now realizing, how our thoughts,food and exercise, all affect the health of our cells. The cells in the body are constantly vibrating,when processed food, or too much stress etc is part of one's life style, the energetic vibration or frequency is lowered, and that's when disease/ dis ease in the body is born. Through taking the time to care for oneself, the cells vibrate at a higher frequency, which in turn allows for a healthier and more balanced life! Contact Iona for a treatment today! Phone: 0407 564 184 Email:
Fiona Glover Consulting
Here is call out to all Energy Workers, Healers, Acupuncturists and Lovers of Light Work. This is a fantastic workshop to assist in raising the energy frequencies and build the Antahkarana (rainbow bridge) using advanced healing techniques and esoteric acupuncture. CPD points are available for acupuncturists and TCM therapists.
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Have you secured your place yet for the December Monthly Healing Circle with Kathryn? Call now to secure your spot - 0414 905 114 #Healing #HealingCircle #Antahkarana #Love #Compassion #Joy #Mindfulness
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Need some help coping with family stress this festive season? Do Christmas differently this year by being calm and centred. A Silly Season Survival Session with Fiona Glover will set you on the path of being calm while chaos reigns around. Call Fiona now to see how a Survival Session could help you be the peace you wish to have this #Christmas Phone: 0412 613 600 #Calm #Peace #FestiveSeason #Healing #Wellness #FionaGloverConsulting
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Have you wanted to experience a Healing Circle, but not sure what to expect? Let Kathryn take you on a journey within. Her words will tell a story of what is needed collectively for the group in a safe and nurturing environment.
Photos from Antahkarana Wellness Centre's post
We had an amazing selenite sword & esoteric acupuncture workshop last weekend with Tom Ledder and Maryka. The energy created by the inspiring, powerful and creative women lifted the roof off our beautiful Centre. Working with the swords had taken my healing work to a whole new level! For those of you who missed Tom's workshop he will be back again next year in November. If you are interested please join our mailing list for updates. Thanks to Meg Huppatz for all her hard work co-hosting the workshop with me.
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Need some help coping with family stress this festive season? Do Christmas differently this year by being calm and centred. A Silly Season Survival Session with Fiona Glover will set you on the path of being calm while chaos reigns around. Call Fiona now to see how a Survival Session could help you be the peace you wish to have this #Christmas Phone: 0412 613 600 #Calm #Peace #FestiveSeason #Healing #Wellness #FionaGloverConsulting