Metafit Mayhem Australia
We are passionate about helping you achieve your well-being goals. We do this through metafit fitness sessions & personalised nutrition programs. At metafit MAYHEM australia, we are passionate about improving fitness and well-being, and as a result, helping you to achieve your goals.
How do we do this?
Our measure of success is 20% fitness, 80% nutrition and 100% mindset.
metafit is a high intensity interval body-weight workout that keeps burning fat for 24 hours after you work out.
metafit can be tailored to suit all fitness levels, from the super fit, to someone starting out for the first time, or starting back after a long break from fitness.
Due to the high intensity nature of the workout, metafit sessions are only 30 minutes in duration.
We offer complimentary wellness evaluation consultations outside of metafit fitness sessions.
During the consultation, we ask questions based on history and current state. We also determine body composition and well-being goals; whether they be to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy, and/or maintain optimal well-being.
This enables us to design a personalised nutrition program. Up to this point, the consultation is complimentary, should you choose to commence a nutrition program, this is at a cost, which can be tailored to suit your budget.
Our motto is 'be your own Level 10', which is essentially being the best person you can be. It's not a competition with others, it's all about putting in your very best and having fun at the same time.
We are committed to creating an environment that is fun, motivating, positive, encouraging and non-threatening; a home away from home.
Come join a session near you, check out what we're all about and meet some like minded people interested in getting fit and being healthy.
For more information about metafit sessions near you, or our wellness evaluation consultations and personalised nutrition programs, please phone the number provided, or alternatively, send us a private message through this Facebook page.
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facebook.comElf Paula & Tammy - Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas xx
Well folks the end of the year has come (and boy did the year fly by)!! We've come a long way since January; a partnership with CrossFit Moonee Valley, a new venue, the addition of a new coach, new members joining, old members returning.. We have built an amazing & supportive community and we're so grateful for each & every one of you ❤️ ❤️ We have big plans for 2017, including the launch of metaPWR, which will be a 30min circuit based class using equipment...exciting times ahead!!! 👏👏 We wish to thank our members for their support and friendship; it's been an awesome year! May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a happy & safe New Year. See you back in the gym on Monday 9th of January 2017!! From the team at metafit MAYHEM australia.
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THE PROS (here are just a few) - You no longer have to slave away on the treadmill for 60 minutes at a time. - HIIT is an anaerobic activity, it will help you preserve muscle mass. You will boost HGH levels, which help you burn fat and preserve muscle. - It mimics real life situations where you actually perform short intense bursts of activity. Because seriously, in what real life situation would you have to run 3 miles? THE CONS Like all good things in life, there are unfortunately some downsides. - This is not a workout for lazy people. If you’re going to do HIIT, then you can’t half-ass it. If you’re told sprint for 30 seconds, then you better perform an all out sprint for 30 seconds (For help, imagine yourself being chased by a cheetah). - HIIT can definitely impair recovery. This is not a workout that you can do every day. If you do HIIT every day, then you could be looking into some serious overtraining problems.
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We had our 2nd last AM & PM sessions for the year on Monday night & yesterday morning. We unleashed December metafit workout, Polaris, and as usual both crews absolutely smashed it!!! 💪💪 Though our poor Monday PM crew had to endure Polaris in the sweltering 30 degree heat on Monday; the bottom photo shows them post-Polaris 😂😝 They still gave it their all and I'm so proud of each & every one of them!!! 👏👏 Last sessions for the year tomorrow; Thursday 23/12 @9:30am & 6:30pm. Get in before the holiday cheer hits us haha 😂 Then we'll be back in 2017, raring to go on Monday 9th January!!! "Like" & "follow" our Facebook pages for updates: #JoinOurCommunity #HangOutWithFriends #Supportive #Fun #ChildFriendly #GetResults #MakeFriends #TakeAction #MetafitMayhemAustralia #MetafitAirportWest #Metafit #FitCamp #MetafitAtCrossfitMooneeValley #CrossfitMooneeValley
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On Saturday, we celebrated the year by hosting our Christmas party for all CrossFit, Metafit & PT clients. On the night, we also presented our esteemed awards; "Metafit Athlete of the Year 2016" and "Metafit 'Tough as Nails' 2016" 🏆🏆 Lisa Mammola took out the Metafit Athlete of the Year 2016 trophy - Lisa's been a loyal client with us for 2 years and no matter how she feels on the day, she turns up and gives it everything she's got. Lisa is consistent, determined and kicks arse every single workout. She started off with regressed metafit movements and now smashes out the full, harder version of most metafit movements. Lisa's been officially named our "Little Pocket Rocket". Alice English was awarded the Metafit 'Tough as Nails' 2016 trophy - Alice's also been a loyal client, with us for 1 year. She books in for classes a week in advance, she's committed, she's driven, nothing is going to stop her and no matter whether she's injured (or now pregnant), she turns up, we work around her injury or pregnancy and she gets it done. Alice has the deepest squat I've ever seen, she "drops it like a squat", every session! Well done ladies; very well deserved! Keep up the awesome work!! 👏👏👏 We also read out "Novelty Awards" for all our clients... I know there's a lot, but take the time to read them, you'll have a laugh 😂 Alana Mitchell - "The most graceful metafitter I've ever seen" Award Aleisha Deighton - "Everything in my body is injured" Award Amber McCabe (Bree's sister) - "I like to confuse Coach Paula by wearing the same colour as my twin sister" Award Amy - "Stand down the back, but kick arse every session, quiet achiever" Award Bree McCabe - "I couldn't possibly injure another body part...or could I?" Award Emily Mathams - "I can squat, push up & hold a plank with a child hanging off me, super mum" Award Janet Munro - "I saw Jenine struggling to walk at work; so please don't hurt me too much" Award Jen Luplow - "Most in advance class booker" & "I love metafit, I'm going to tell my whole mothers group about it and bring them along with me" Award Jenine Riley - "I love pain, please make sure I hurt tomorrow" Award Julia Vendy - "Get in, get out, get it done, stealth mode" Award Kate Toppi - "I still manage to kick arse in the metafit session, even with one eye on Zali the whole time" Award Melissa Garrett - "I love metafit and I do so awesome at it, until there's a long weekend and I have a weekend on the piss" Award Michelle Dowdle - "Improved with leaps and bounds" Award Priscila Philips - "My first session I looked like I'd been doing metafit for years" Award Rachelle Phabmixay - "Kick arse every class...except when I wag" Award Renee Szabo (Bree's other sister) - "I have the best sisters who come with me to help look after my bubba while I workout" Award Silvia - "Attempting the harder version of each metafit movement (and Doug an awesome job), even though I'm new" Award Styliana Angelakos - "I have the best baby, who falls asleep during the session, even with DJ Willy blaring and Coach Paula yelling" Award Celeste Osman, Charlyn, Doreen Nick Greco, Lisa Montgomery, Michelle Fink, Monica Matic, Natalie Santilli, the other Renee - "I've gone off the grid" Award Tammy Brilliant - "Get in and get it done and no matter what's going on in my life, I'll always have a massive smile on my face" Award "Like" & "follow" our Facebook pages for updates: #JoinOurCommunity #HangOutWithFriends #Supportive #Fun #ChildFriendly #GetResults #MakeFriends #TakeAction #MetafitMayhemAustralia #MetafitAirportWest #Metafit #FitCamp #MetafitAtCrossfitMooneeValley #CrossfitMooneeValley
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What's the most used cue by metafit coaches during the Reverse Plank? "Lift your hips, squeeze your butt!" Now you know why; it's all about dem glutes and hammys... So if you want a rock hard and peachy 🍑 booty, lift and squeeze!! Haha 😂😂 #LiftAndSqueeze #RockHardBooty #BootyLift #BootyLicious #AllAboutDemGlutes #GetResults #JoinOurCommunity #ChildFriendly #Metafit #MetafitAirportWest #MetafitAtCrossfitMooneeValley #MetafitMayhemAustralia #CrossfitMooneeValley
Metafit Australia & New Zealand
What is the most common phrase used by metafit coaches during the reverse plank??? "Lift your hips, squeeze your butt!!!" Now you know why... Works the glutes and hammys, but only when you lift and squeeze!! Haha 😂😂 #LiftAndSqueeze #TightGlutes #GetResults #JoinOurCommunity #ChildFriendly #Metafit #MetafitAirportWest #MetafitAtCrossfitMooneeValley #MetafitMayhemAustralia #CrossfitMooneeValley
Because all we want for Christmas is.... Watch the video to find out.... Then after watching the video, if you agree that's all you want for Christmas, then guaranteed you'll need to check out our AWESOME Christmas deals to get your fitness on leading to Christmas and in the New Year!!! 🍸🍷🍺🍞🍤🍝🍪🍰🎄🎅🏻😆 Check out our never to be repeated Christmas deals here - #AllIWantForChristmas #GetFit #GetResults #JoinOurCommunity #ChildFriendlyFitness #Metafit #MetafitAirportWest #MetafitAtCrossfitMooneeValley #MetafitMayhemAustralia #CrossfitMooneeValley
CrossFit Moonee Valley Home Page Logo
CrossFit Moonee Valley: Xmas Specials
MetaPWR the long awaited new workout from Metafit™ is here. MetaPWR coach certification courses commence in January 2017, ready to launch MetaPWR classes at metafit MAYHEM australia and Crossfit Moonee Valley: Airport West in February 2017 👏👏😊😊 MetaPWR is a new metabolic workout using functional kit and exercises mixed with our unique brand of metafit timings, commands and music for a 30 minute power workout. Here's a teaser: #Metafit #MetafitAirportWest #metaPWR #LaunchingFeb17 #metaPWRAirportWest #MetafitAtCrossfitMooneeValley #metaPWRatCrossfitMooneeValley #metaPWRatMetafitMayhemAustralia #MetafitMayhemAustralia #CrossfitMooneeValley
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Smash out a session, get results, and all in a super supportive community. Here's our super mummas after destroying their metafit workout, just hanging out, having a chat, while the kiddies run around and have a ball!! It's the place to be, so join us today!! WHERE: Crossfit Moonee Valley 4/34 Marshall Rd (enter via Louis St) Airport West TIMETABLE: Monday: 6:30pm (Metafit) Tuesday: 9:30am (Metafit) Thursday: 9:30am & 6:30pm (Metafit) How to register, pre-pay & reserve classes: 1. Visit: 2. Scroll down and click on the "Fitcamp" tile, follow the prompts and "sign up" for the class/payment option of your choice. 3. You'll get an automated email with your Zen Planner login details. Download the app, Zen Planner, login, and choose the class/es you'd like to reserve your place in. 4. Before you come to class, sign our online waiver here: PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST RESERVE YOUR PLACE to attend classes. If no one is reserved in the class, it WILL NOT run. ** Reservations can be made up to 7 days prior to the class. ** Reservation cut off is 1 day prior to the class. For further information, please call Paula on 0413868689. "Like" & "follow" our Facebook pages for updates: #JoinOurCommunity #HangOutWithFriends #Supportive #Fun #ChildFriendly #GetResults #MakeFriends #TakeAction #MetafitMayhemAustralia #MetafitAirportWest #Metafit #FitCamp #MetafitAtCrossfitMooneeValley #CrossfitMooneeValley
Crossfit Moonee Valley: Airport West
Just announced - AWESOME Christmas deals at CrossFit Moonee Valley and Metafit Mayhem Australia. If you're into CrossFit or Metafit, or want to be, check out our deals, you won't be sorry!!
Metafit @ CrossFit Moonee Valley - NEW WORKOUTS!
Coach Paula post-metafit workout, Drop Zone!! "Put me on my ass" 🙊 Total body HIIT workout, Metafit Drop Zone, launching at our Monday 6:30pm & Tuesday 9:30am classes THIS WEEK!! So come on down and try it out for yourself!!! See you there peeps! Have an awesome weekend in this gorgeous weather 😎😎 WHERE: Crossfit Moonee Valley 4/34 Marshall Rd (enter via Louis St) Airport West TIMETABLE: Monday: 6:30pm (Metafit) Tuesday: 9:30am (Metafit) Thursday: 9:30am & 6:30pm (Metafit) How to register, pre-pay & reserve classes: 1. Visit: 2. Scroll down and click on the "Fitcamp" tile, follow the prompts and "sign up" for the class/payment option of your choice. 3. You'll get an automated email with your Zen Planner login details. Download the app, Zen Planner, login, and choose the class/es you'd like to reserve your place in. 4. Before you come to class, sign our online waiver here: PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST RESERVE YOUR PLACE to attend classes. If no one is reserved in the class, it WILL NOT run. ** Reservations can be made up to 7 days prior to the class. ** Reservation cut off is 1 day prior to the class. For further information, please call Paula on 0413868689. "Like" & "follow" our Facebook pages for updates: #JoinOurCommunity #Supportive #Fun #ChildFriendly #GetResults #MakeFriends #TakeAction #MetafitMayhemAustralia #MetafitAirportWest #Metafit #FitCamp #MetafitAtCrossfitMooneeValley #CrossfitMooneeValley