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facebook.comToday the State Government announced a $35.2 million redevelopment and expansion of Her Majesty's Theatre on Grote St. Planning on the project will start immediately and it should be complete by late 2019.This redevelopment is great news for all South Australians. Every year more and more South Australians attend arts events. In 2015 over 980,000 people visited Adelaide Festival Centre which was our biggest year ever. With the redevelopment of the Adelaide Riverbank Precinct we think this number will grow even more in the future. The redeveloped Her Majesty's Theatre will allow the performing arts to flourish and provide audiences a vast range of arts, culture and entertainment. What's even more exciting is this means more musicals and other theatrical productions that have by-passed Adelaide recently will have a space to put on shows AND increased availability to our South Australian arts companies and festivals, especially Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, State Opera of South Australia and Adelaide Festival of Arts. In the long term, the increased range of artistic product will create direct employment opportunities for: • Artists • Production/technical staff • Ticketing staff • Front of House staff • Food and Beverage staff • Marketing, publicity, programming staff A redeveloped theatre would also generate increased economic activity in the private sector in advertising and publicity for the new shows, as well as in tourism related industries. The redevelopment will also provide 213 construction jobs. Have a look at these artist impressions of what the redevelopment could look like.