Stepping Stones Daily Guidance with Christine Sinclair
Stepping Stones is a supportive journey with me, Christine Sinclair . Christine will walk with you each day, so your rhythm does not miss a beat. Stepping Stones is a supportive journey with me, Christine Sinclair, as I will walk with you each day sharing important information that affects your daily rhythm, so YOU may focused more confidently in a happier day.
Each day I will share:
* Channelled information received for you
*A Tarot Card for that day
*Numerology for that day
*Astrology for the week ahead
*Sabbaths Celebrations
*Events happening around our world
*Seasonal Information Tips
*Moon Cycles
*Feng Shui Cure Tip for that month
*Crystal Support for that month
Tips, warnings and much more.
Why these tools, because we are energy too and we all like to know what our next steps are, right!
I will walk with you personally, supporting each step you take, day by day. Walking side by side.
When you know what the energies of the day or even the month ahead (Yes, I channel a month ahead for you) there will be no reason to be slip up as we are all well warned.
I am excited to share Stepping Stones Daily Guidance with you today. Chat to you soon.
“Subscribers have told me it is like having Christine in your ear 24/7 and the like that support.”
Full commitment to your future is only 12 month subscription $200.00 (or $16.67 a month)
One step at a time 6 month subscription for only $110.00
Come try entry point is 1 month subscription just $22.00
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Catch you all there
Stepping Stones Daily Guidance
What a day we are going to have, just looked it up on my Stepping Stones Daily Guidance and I am pumped. Look out the world here we come. To find out more subscribe to: #steppingstonesdailyguidance #christinesinclair #support2107
Timeline Photos
A Sneak Peek Saturday 28th: New Moon in Aquarius Chinese New Year Our 21/3 gifts us better communications and confidence. When you see a New Moon on the Horizon know that a new way of doing life is possible and we are the only people that need to adjust to our own plans and destiny. A day still sensitive by the Moons planet Aquarius, being the water sign. The World card is in gifting us a knowing that we have all the tools at this time to move forward into a new dream of ours. We have come full circle, we will be more settled and together so to speak to adjust into a new way of doing life, by your choice of course, always. #chinesenewyear #steppingstonesdailyguidance #christinesinclair
Timeline Photos
To know what is ahead of you is just smart. Dont you think?
Please Share: Calling all artists, I am looking for monthly title works from January to December, artwork will start from July this year, for my Stepping Stone Daily Guidance. I thank Inklings with Jodie Uzzell for supplying me with the last two years of title pages. This is a paid gig, so please private message me with a sample and I will confirm with you which artist I would like to be the next title pages for Stepping Stones Daily Guidance. Thank you Christine Sinclair #artists #art #steppingstonesdailyguidance
Another Sneak Peak Friday 20th: Our 13/4 leads to foundations after a time of sorting out relationships with self and others around us. Today you may even meet with someone inspiring or a new Mentor, but remember it may not be the right time just yet to move on from a dwelling. There may be more rewards heading your way that you have not received yet and you may need to be in that place to receive. OK!
Stepping Stones Daily Guidance
Another Sneak Peak at one day in our week ahead. Friday 13th Our 15/6 leads us to family and community events. The card for today is the Chariot card again. Confidence levels must be really pumped up and no one would dare stand in your way today. Lay out your plans for the following years and enjoy the support that should come your way. #steppingstonesdailyguidance #christinesinclair #support #guidance #words
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Another Sneak Peak Saturday 7th: Our 18/9 will gift us completions. We will tie up loose ends with friends. The Queen of Cups is a soft gentle natured woman, but just sometimes it is ok to let go of those that don’t serve you so others come in that do serve you.
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Another sneak peak: Sunday 1st January 2017: Our 12/3 gifts us another lucky day when we know what we want out of our life and are ready to roll up our sleeves and get into some hard work. Already, wow this year is not messing with us. This year will be very sure and direct energies. What you state will become! #christinesinclair #newyear #2017 #Numerology #Tarot #steppingstonesdailyguidance Subscribe today so I may walk with you in 2017
Stepping Stones Daily Guidance
What a wonderful Christmas Present for YOU or a BESTIE.
A Sneak Peak Friday 23rd: Our 17/8 gifts us a successful day, where finally those loose ends are sorted. The 10 of Wands suggests, you to step up and out of your comfort zone and do something you like to do, treat yourself. There will be even more success coming your way if you do so. When we live in JOY we succeed, because joy is a magnet to manifest the new, your desires and all things good....just a thought that I prove correct to myself all the time. #christinesinclair #steppingstonesdailyguidance
Another Sneak Peak: Wednesday 14th: Full Moon in Gemini Blessings to my Bella on her 25th Birthday Our 17/8 day gifts us success. Take the advantage of our 8 day to achieve a grand bargain. There will be a practical woman in to support you now. Be guided if you have not been listening to your thought well, a very successful day, even though you may not receive the results just yet. The Gemini moon will leave you in two minds and you may feel procrastination slipping in. This won't last as life may be moving quickly till that Retrograde settles us all down soon. #christinesinclair #steppingstonedailyguidance #Tarot #Numerology #FullMoon #Guidance Grandmother Christine Sinclair