Empowering People Solutions
Our passion in life is to guide, nurture and teach people how to become the best version of themselves they can be. Leadership of Self is the start.
To seek a change in your life needs to start with you. The only aspect of your life that you have control over is yourself. Your emotions, your thoughts and your feelings - it all start with you.
Our passion at Empowering People Solutions is helping you discover and enhance your strenghs and skills as a person and then close the gaps on your stretches.
Our programs & coaching specialise in:
1.Self-Esteem and Self Worth Building.
2.StepMoms - Navigating the Challenges of a Blended Family.
3.The "Next Chapter" for the Empty Nesters - Rebuilding my Future.
4. Develop a Leader
We are qualified specialists in :
Extended Disc Profiling
Meta Dynamics Profiling
Neuro Linguistic Programming.
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Staying in our comfort zone is 'safe' but there's no growth there and if you want to sparkle you need growth.
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5 Common Excuses we give ourselves when we fear failure and what we could say to ourselves instead. Overcoming fears is never going to be easy, so by changing our language around them can make it easier. Our minds are interesting things and if we’ve had some of these fears for a long time we will need to work a little harder to overcome them. Firstly acknowledge the fears, recognize the challenges, set the correct expectations and then open the pathway that you get to create to meet that challenge. 1. ‘I’m not capable so there’s no point in trying” can be changed to “This goal will be difficult to reach” By acknowledging the difficulty you can begin to create a strategy and a plan and figure out what you need to reach this challenge. 2. ‘”I don’t want to try” changes to “I’m afraid to fail”. By acknowledging the fear is the first step to confronting it. Breaking down the fear into bite sized chunks and manageable steps to reduce the “overwhelm” and “procrastination”. 3. “Its not worth it” changes to “This is going to take a lot of effort and preparation”. The more meaningful and life changing the goal is – the more rewards, empowerment and life changes you will get, so it is well worth it. 4. “I’ll get to it when I’m ready” changes to “ Setting a clear start date makes me anxious”. By holding ourselves accountable to a date prevents further procrastination. It creates the kick start you need to get going. 5. “If I try hard and fail, I’ll be devastated” changes to “I’ll give it a try and see how it goes” . Switching off the excuse mindset is key. Acknowledge the fear and imagine the successes. FEAR IS A LIE
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Until you alter the way you see your current reality any change you want to make in your life will be haphazard and short. (How's those New Year resolutions going?) To make these changes permanent you need to overhaul your thinking to produce your desired outcome. Adding in visuals & high emotions to these outcomes is key.
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Wanting to Change Your Life and not sure where to start? These 6 simple steps will help you get started. The Journey of Self Discovery �Step 1. Be Present. �Sitting with where you are currently - guilt, shame, despair, regrets, disempowered, mistrust and even numb.� Step 2. Explore & Assess.� Go back to the basics - YOUR values, Your beliefs, discover YOUR automatic underlying components - Your patterns, Your Strategies �Step 3. Awareness.� Get clarity, become brutally honest with yourself - peel back all the layers of BS. Bring GRATITUDE - be grateful for where you are right now because this part of your journey is what has shaped you.� Step 4. Acceptance.� Be at peace with what is. Be content with what is. Be secure in knowing who you really are. Learn to self trust and fill your foundation trust bank. �Step 5. Action.� Live above the line - at ALL times. Communicate with actions and words, that you have new boundaries, new beliefs and new values. Act with congruency. Respectfully negotiate any conflict. Focus on YOU and not others. Go back and review steps 1-4 if you need to.� Step 6. Authenticity �Live YOUR truth. Live YOUR Life Purpose. Live confidently and live with freedom to make YOUR choices.
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Do YOU need to make changes and struggle to keep them going? Exploring the reasons why you chose or need those changes can help you with your inspiration and motivation. Inspiration comes from within inside us and change has a greater chance of occurring. Motivation comes from external sources outside of us. Which one works better? It's inspiration and when you add in your personal drivers like comfort, significance, certainty, variety, connection or contribution there's a greater chance of success. YOU are worth the effort
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Wanting to Change Your Life and not sure where to start? These 6 simple steps will help you get started The Journey of Self Discovery Step 1. Be Present. Sitting with where you are currently - guilt, shame, despair, regrets, disempowered, mistrust and even numb. Step 2. Explore & Assess. Go back to the basics - YOUR values, Your beliefs, discover YOUR automatic underlying components - Your patterns, Your Strategies Step 3. Awareness. Get clarity, become brutally honest with yourself - peel back all the layers of BULLSHIT. Bring GRATITUDE - be grateful for where you are right now because this part of your journey is what has shaped you. Step 4. Acceptance. Be at peace with what is. Be content with what is. Be secure in knowing who you really are. Learn to self trust and fill your foundation trust bank. Step 5. Action. Live above the line - at ALL times. Communicate with actions and words, that you have new boundaries, new beliefs and new values. Act with congruency. Respectfully negotiate any conflict. Focus on YOU and not others. Go back and review steps 1-4 if you need to. Step 6. Authenticity Live YOUR truth. Live YOUR Life Purpose. Live confidently and live with freedom to make YOUR choices. Looking for more - contact us
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#Changeyourthoughts Whenever we are thrown a 'life curve ball' it's really important that we look at how we can grow from this situation. Ask yourself - "what good can come from meeting this challenge resourcefully?". Focusing on the solution and not the problem, is where the gold is. What solution can you find today?
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VISUALISATION The power of visualizing yourself being something you want to be or doing something that you want to do or even having something that you want to have, has been working for mankind for a looonng time. Its what gives elite athletes the edge over their competitors, its given success full business people the motivation and drive to achieve their dream and so on. Vividly imagining yourself being, doing and having your hearts greatest desire is key. Flavouring these visual images by applying all of your senses increases the desire. Which means using bright colours, hearing the applause and feeling the hugs. Visualisations will work like affirmations by rewiring our brain neurons and attracting the thoughts and feelings we desire. Taking 10 mins every day to visualize your dream will reprogram your thoughts into resourceful actions. DECIDE WHAT IT IS YOU WANT WRITE IT DOWN MAKE A PLAN AND WORK ON IT EVERY SINGLE DAY
Copy of THE 6 PILLARS OF SELF ESTEEM – Poster by lisa.thoo
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Reprogramming Our Thoughts Have you heard the saying “We are our thoughts” or “Thoughts become things”? The latest developments in neuroscience are proving that we can reprogram our brains at anytime and at any age. When we get 'stuck in a rut' we have created a large and deep pathway in our brain that does not serve us. So how do we need to tackle these destructive or un-serving negative thoughts and create a new brain thought pathway? There are 4 proven ways to help us change our brains. One of these ways is by using positive affirmations. Repeatedly saying a positive statement numerous times a day helps reprogram our brain to “look” (both consciously & unconsciously) for something positive. It ‘fine tunes’ our RAS (Reticular Activation System or Brain Radar as I call it) to seek out what our positive affirmation is saying. Repeating these affirmations often and daily helps us change our thoughts, close the negative pathway and create a new positive thought pathway.
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As we prepare for another year it's important, well vital actually, that we plan how we are going to improve ourselves over the next 12 months. I've found the best way to start this is with having a theme for the year. My theme for 2016 was about growth. My theme for 2017 is "Bring It ". What's your theme for this year?
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