Olivia Hume Remedial Massage Therapist
Remedial Massage Therapy within Chiropractic clinic
Claim through your health fund
Specialising in:
-Trigger Point
-PNF Stretching
-Sports Massage
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Have you got Health Insurance? Check your policy, you may be covered for Remedial Massage Therapy 😁
*ATTENTION* I have some free appointment times after 12 o'clock TOMORROW if you need a massage. Call 8297 3164 ❤️
Foam rolling the ITB and led based paint – What do these have in common?
Attention people seeking a massage. 🙌🏻 I've got a vacancy tomorrow 20th at 2.15pm if anyone would like a 1/2 hour, 45 minute or 1 hour massage. Give the clinic a call tomorrow morning on 82973164 ❤️
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You may have seen this sign? 😊
*Facebook Promotion* The first 10 people to book in with me here at the Cross Rd Clinic get $10 off their appointment. Just ring the friendly reception staff on 82973164 and tell them about the promo. Hope to see you soon. 😊 Ready Set Go! #oliviahumeremedialmassagetherapist
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This is up on the waiting room wall. Thank you to my good friend Relly for creating it. Sirelle Mollison