Hijama Clinic Adelaide
Professional Hijama (Cupping) Therapy administered by Qualified and registered health practitioners, done in a hygienic and safe environment.
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Narrated 'Amr b. Suh'aib: On his father's authority, said that his grandfather reported the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to the more or less meaning: "Anyone who practises medicine when he has not been taught medicine will be held responsible." (Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadeeth 4569, Hadeeth is Hasan)
Hijama Clinic Adelaide
Hijama days for Adelaide coming soon - 2nd and 5th March Dr Latib has returned Alhamdulillah and will be performing Hijama sessions for new and current clients on the 2nd and 5th of March Insha'Allah. Dr Latib is the author of the famous book on Hijama (available free from www.hijamahbook.com) Dr Latib is a licensed practitioner registered with the AHPRA to perform Hijama. (The treatment is done in accordance with the legal requirements for Hijama within South Australia) The treatment consists of assessment and diagnosis of your health condition together with the appropriate Hijama treatment for your individual condition as well as advice on the use of dietary therapy and herbal medication if required. New patients are given a full assessment including pulse diagnosis to determine any underlying conditions that may be present or may occur in future if not addressed early. There are a limited number of patients that can be seen on the two days, please book early by clicking the bookings tab above. The cost is $120 for new patients, $80 for current patients. (A female assistant will be present to administer treatment for female clients who do not want to be treated by a male.) Click here to book: https://www.facebook.com/hijamaclinicadelaide/app/586754694734475/?ref=page_internal