HIIT Bunker
HIIT Bunker is a Boutique Team Training Studio in Brisbane South! Designed hard to make everything outside of it feel easy!
Achieve great REAL results!!
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Does the business you work for currently have an employee health and wellness program? Do you think this would be something that would be awesome at your work place? To have a trainer that attends your workplace for you and your colleagues/managers? Do you have someone to come in and put the team through a boxing sessions or group training session once a week as apart of a team exercise? We all sit at desks for most of our day, think about how productive we could all be with a quick 30 - 45 min boxing session to lift spirits, morale, motivation and help regain focus on the task ahead! Whether it be a board room, a car park, a functions room, a park across the road or any space available. If you think this would be an awesome opportunity at your place of work. Then get me in front of your boss so we can explain what we do and how we can benefit their most important assets... YOU! Please comment below or shoot me a message if you would be interested and i'll be in touch. www.hiitbunker.com.au
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The HIIT Bunker team will be down at the Corner Cafe Sunnybank again this Saturday morning for another heart racing Box Fit session kicking off @ 8:30am!! Bring along your mates and family for a boxing session then grab a coffee and refuel with breakfast from the cafe! All fitness levels and all ages welcome! This is great for beginners that would like to try something new! Download the "HIIT Bunker" app to save your place for this Saturday! Numbers strictly limited! www.hiitbunker.com.au
Photos from HIIT Bunker's post
'TYRED' of boring commercial gyms?? Jump into HIIT Bunker and check out the hottest new HIIT Group Training programs!! 💥www.hiitbunker.com.au💥
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4pm Fat Furnace session was going off!! Great turn out! Pushed hard!! 💪 Check it out 👉👉www.hiitbunker.com.au
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"Self doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will" Don't waste anymore time thinking you can't do it! Work with a team that helps you achieve your goals through our powerful HIIT Training program, constant motivation and encouragement. We do not allow you to fail! 👉👉www.hiitbunker.com.au👈👈
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NEW WEEK ABOUT TO COMMENCE!! ARE YOU READY FOR IT?? HIIT Bunker is the Hottest Functional Team Training Studio to launch in Acacia Ridge! Join us @ 👉www.hiitbunker.com.au👈 🌻 Fresh new sessions daily! 🙅🏻 No day ever repeated! 👊 Indoor & Outdoor Sessions 🏃🏻 Fat Furnace Full Body Training 🏋🏽 Body Skuplt Resistance Classes 👌 Existing Injuries okay 👍 All fitness levels welcome! 💃🏼 Studio Dance Effect Lighting Download our "HIIT Bunker" app to view session times and get started! 👉www.hiitbunker.com.au👈
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Perfect weather for a Bootcamp this morning!! 7am crew smashing out one tough circuit!! Check it out 👉👉www.hiitbunker.com.au👈👈
Photos from HIIT Bunker's post
Thanks so much to the team at Corner Cafe Sunnybank for hosting our HIIT Bunker Box Fit session this morning!! Was a great turn out and an awesome way to kick off the weekend! We will be there punching out a session every Saturday morning at 8:30am! Download the "HIIT Bunker" app to and save your spot!! www.hiitbunker.com.au
Saturday morning Box Fit @ the Corner Cafe Sunnybank! 8:30am every Sat morning. $10 box fit or $20 box fit and breaky combo!
HIIT Bunker
Kicking off tomorrow morning!! Download the HIIT Bunker app to book your spot!!
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Do yourself a favour and check out Acacia Espresso Bar for absolutely amazing coffee!! Best in Acacia Ridge 100% ✅
Photos from HIIT Bunker's post
What an EPIC "Junk Yard" session that was! Absolute killer cardio smash with nothing but a car tyre! Proud of everyone tonight!!