Description | We invite you to learn about this wonderful place. Angkor, since 1992 added to the UNESCO World Heritage Convention is one of the most fascinating place in the world and visited by a lot of tourist. But not only the temples are very interesting, also Siem Reap, which is close to Angkor, offers a lot of places of interest.
If you want to know more about Cambodian culture and the Language Khmer, we offer you our smartphone application Learn A Language Khmer. It will be available in autumn 2012.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS[iP] Quite a long time ago, I found this Khmer New Year photo on Cambodian Wikipedia. Funny: This photo is uploaded by a - let me say - special user, titled with "own work" 😎 Well, I know that's NOT TRUE ... Original one is by my friend Lee Heng Hoeurng, who was so kind by giving me the permission to use it - you can see here in this article: - phtotos this year are by Van Soun and Boramey ❤️ HAPPY KHMER NEW YEAR 🙏❤️🙏
Sus’Dei Chnam Thmei - HAPPY KHMER NEW YEAR 2018 - the year of the dog. And warmest welcome to Angel Mohothareak Tevy ❤️🙏
(Pb) Apsara dance near the temples of Angkor Wat
(PB) Angkor tHOM
(Pb) Banteay Schmar
[iP] Finally: E-Payments for Angkor Tickets soon!
(Pb) Kampong Kleang is a flotting village in the rain season,
(Pb) Country side near Siem Reap, Cambodia
(Pb) Campong Kleang , Cambodia
( Pb) Kampong Kleng, children go to school
(Pb) Beng Melea, temple
(Pb) Terrasse of the elefant, Angkor Wat Area