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facebook.com12 years old girl, fall, wrist pain: Your Treatment ?
Monteggia fx ped.
14 years old boy, Handball injury. No ekstenstion of the knee and sweeling. CT-scan shows 2 fragments about 1-1½ cm each. Operation done as showed: ORIF plus Fiberwire a.m Tenstion-Band. Would you do it other wise ? Post op plan: Knee-Hinge 0-30 , no weight-barring for 3 weeks week 3-6 : 0-60 weight-baring as toleranted. Week 6-8: 0-135 full weight-barring. Would you recomment oterhwise ?
5 yars ago, operation for Hallux valgus and metasalgia, Now recurrent Hallux valgus, toe over 1. toe. Pain at bunion. Treament opt ?: 1) Remore clip,Bipolar Chevron ? 2) Remove clip, Scraf-osteotomy ? 3) Arthodesis of 1. MTP ? 4) 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 + Derotational Akin ? 5) Other opt.?