Remedies for Life
Urban Remedies is here to help you find and maintain your perfect state of health while living among the common chaos of today’s typical urban lifestyle.
We are here to educate you about your own unique bodies, promoting self sufficiency through knowledge and support. Showing our clients their own personal healthy way forward, not one of us has the same body as another.
We strive to create an open awareness to lifestyle habits that are both pleasurable and nourishing, inspiring you through passion and support.
It’s not what we can do for our clients, but what we can teach them to do for themselves that will empower them in their journey of wellbeing.
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facebook.comFree SIBO Summit coming up! Lots of fantastic speakers talking about all things SIBO. Follow the links to register. Only free for a limited time. 🤓
Interested in finding out what's happening in your microbiome (all the bugs in your guts)? uBiome is offering free kits at the moment when you use the code "RADIO3"! Free domestic shipping both ways, would just need to pay for international shipping. 😍
Our Digestive System! What a fabulous little video. Could be the best, most simple, one I've come across yet. How come the voices are always so serious though? 😍🍴😍
Do you know if you're fat? As in what's going on in the inside? "It's simple, if it jiggles, it's fat" - Arnold Schwarzenegger He should know. One of the most ripped humans in history I reckon! If you don't know, and you want to, I have 5 fun little tests you can play around with home. Read my latest post here to find out what you need to do: Monday resolution coming up? ;-)
Additives! 😷 Not all are bad, but I'd definetly avoid these ones as much as possible. Future FB Live on reading food labels is on the cards! 😍
Friday lol's! 😍 #naturopathhumour
#newblogpost! Eating out? Fun! With food intolerances? Not always. My latest blog post has some restaurant tips for those that may have been feeling left out while trying to manage their food intolerances. #getsocialagain
#recipe! Little carrot cake muffins! Tasty and low FODMAP. Treat for the tastebuds. Treat for the tummy. 🍰
Hahaha. What did you have for Sunday Brekkie?! 😂