NTHLD EarlyOn - Trent Hills
Welcome to the Northumberland EarlyON page. http://www.northumberlandcounty.ca/en/departments_communitysocialservices/EarlyON_Centres.asp
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facebook.comGood Morning Everyone. So we have a couple of names who are interested in Baby's Own and we would love to add to the list. If you are interested could you please give me a call at 705-632-1144 and give me your information so we can contact you when we have a firm date for our Baby's Own group:). Thanks everyone!!!!
ISLAND PARK UPDATE!!! due to an outbreak at Island Park we are NOT going to be able to visit tomorrow March 20. We will visit them in April. Please let anyone know who you think may not see this notice!!! Thanks everyone. We will be going ahead with the Dental Screening here at the centre. 10 - Noon. Drop in and have your child's teeth looked at!!!.
Please NOTE the Campbellford site will open Monday March 19 @ 9:30am. Also Baby’s Own will be rescheduled for April start. If you wish to join please contact me to be on the list. Have a great evening everyone!!!!
Happy St Pat’s!! Thank you Patrick Kelleher for the tunes today (13 year tradition). 125 in attendance for our Let’s Get Physical Program.
Upcoming Next Week at Campbellford Early ON............. Monday, March 19 Come & Read to me 10:30 am Tuesday, March 20 Island Park Circle Time 10:30 am Tuesday, March 20 Dental Screening 10 - Noon Wednesday, March 21 Storytime with Dan 10 am Thursday, March 22 Rub a Dub Dub What's in the Tub 9 am Please join us for tons of fun!!!!!
BABY's OWN ALERT!!!!! If you are planning to join the health unit for the Baby's Own group at the Campbellford Early ON centre in Campbellford can you please let me know right away. That particular group is a SIGN UP Only group so we need to know if we will have any interest. Please sign up no later than Thursday at 4 pm.
For field house dates please see the brochure. 🙂
Campbellford Early ON Centre will not open until 9:30 Wednesday March 7th. Deb will be joining you for the morning. Have tons of fun everyone!!!
Hastings: Wed March 7, the centre will be closed (staff training).
Please note that the Campbellford site will open at 9:30 on Thursday March 1 and Wednesday March 7. Thanks everyone!!!
In Campbellford Early ON centre on Wednesday FEb. 28 we will celebrate Pink Shirt Day!!! Wear Pink to show support. We will read the story ONE. Hope to see everyone in their PINK!!!