International Strategic Business Consultant
Raja Mahendran is an International Strategic Business Consultant, Executive Coach, Sales Trainer, Strategy Workshop Facilitator, Speaker, International Distributor and open networker.
Based in Switzerland and operating worldwide. Providing strategic analysis of your company and markets, developing business plans to take your business to a higher level, executive coaching to help you realize your long term goals faster, providing sales training that transforms you and your team to excel in sales, facilitator of strategy workshops that are hands on but cuts through to success, international distribution of your local product to the world through my international network. What are you waiting for? Where do you want to go? Let me take you there and results are guaranteed.
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Why would a One Day Strategy Workshop help you Stand Out from the Crowd to maximize your sales, profits and professional image in a way never focussed before? Here is why! Your product or service may be technically superior to the competition. But the consumer and or purchasing manager may not be able to see or feel the difference out of the product or service. Increasingly all products and services appear the same to the buyer. This results mainly in price based decisions and not value based decisions. How to break this price trap and help buyers to see your product and or service is superior? It is by transcending your company in the mind of the buyer to be the more trusted one to do business than your competition. This is by individually transforming your team to bring about change in mindset from product or service focus differentiation to be people who are better liked, who establish credibility and are better trusted to do business. So how do you achieve this? Contact Raja Mahendran International Strategic Business Consultant for a proposal to facilitate a workshop exclusively for your company in house or in your city for several companies.
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International Strategic Business Consultant's cover photo
How to sell ice to an Eskimo!
Feeling awesome to see myself featured in Sri Lanka's top financial news daily. I was interviewed by Sri Lanka's very best journalist and writer going by the pseudonym Oceanid. This was regarding my current offer to the business community in Sri Lanka. The country is poised for a big economic boom. However companies are frustrated they do have the teams with the right mind-set. Read the article to find out what I am offering the companies to help them really stand out. How their teams can be better liked, have more credibility and professionalism to be trusted to do business with.
How to sell ice to an Eskimo!
Feeling awesome to see myself featured in Sri Lanka's top financial news daily. I was interviewed by Sri Lanka's very best journalist and writer going by the pseudonym Oceanid. This was regarding my current offer to the business community in Sri Lanka. The country is poised for a big economic boom. However companies are frustrated they do have the teams with the right mind-set. Read the article to find out what I am offering the companies to help them really stand out. How their teams can be better liked, have more credibility and professionalism to be trusted to do business.
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Oops Raja's Take #27 on Management had been inadvertently deleted in the collection of #1-30 below. Here is a copy.