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Luchthaven Grozny

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Airport “Grozny” is an airport in Chechen Republic, Russia located 7.5 km north of Grozny. The aerodrome was accepted as suitable for international flights service, but current scheduled flights are to other areas in Russia only .HistoryFirst Grozny Airport began its work in 1938, when the aircraft P-5 and U-2 started to be the first postal transportation and sanitary flights. After a while, started to be flying and for agriculture. Until 1977, Grozny airport had only a dirt runway, which could only such aircraft as the Li-2, IL-14, AN-24 and AN-10.In 1977 was introduced the new airport complex action with artificial runway and basing speed passenger aircraft Tu-134, threw in the Chechen Republic with the regions of the USSR. The new airport was named "Airport North."In the darkest hour of the war of 1990-2000. Airport several times changed its name:1990 - Airport Sheikh Mansour 1995 - Airport North 1996 - Airport Sheikh Mansour 2000 - Airport North All infrastructure and airfield airfield Grozny significantly damaged during combat operations against Chechen fighters who seized the airport September 8, 1991 and held it until 30 September 1994. After the end of the war and the beginning of a relatively peaceful life in the country, a gradual recovery airport. In 2000 was created FSI "Directorate for Recovery Grozny airport" North "under the leadership of Adnan Gakayeva Vakhidovich in respect of which December 1, 2005-year investigation department of the FSB for the Chechen Republic was prosecuted for embezzlement of funds in particular large scale, aimed at restoring the airport.During 1999-2006, in the process of rebuilding the airport, the runway was expanded and extended. Appeared the airport complex, capable of receiving the Tu-154 and IL-62. On 06.03.2002 Russian Ministry of Transport Decree number AT-76-P launched a full-scale recovery facilities of the airport complex airfield North in Grozny. On 05.10.2006 the day putting the airport into operation was named in memory of the first president of the republic Akhmad Kadyrov. In the same year, North Airport was renamed Grozny Airport.


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