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facebook.comOct/Nov AT House u Action... Pffffffff :) Born is taking us to the next level haha haha Everyone is invited to join. Monday's 7:30 pm
!!! GEWINNSPIEL !!! Wer uns die witzigste Line schreibt bekommt 3 beats nach seinen Vorstellungen umsonst zum freien Gebrauch :D Also teilt das mit all euren Sängern , Rappern , und allen anderen Freunden die was mit gratis Beats anfangen können ... Wir schliessen die Teilnahme am 30. Oktober Pn oder direkt kommentieren.
Theeeere you go :D
This hip-hop class consists in developing your dance in a constant rhythmic, without separating the top of bottom of the body and the technique from your groove. According to her, it is important for a hip-hop or house dancer to be capable of using its technique within their groove. The groove constitutes one of the fundamental of these disciplines, it is the soul, the heart and the identity of the dancer. She calls her teaching method : "technique within your groove" The idea is to preserve a rhythmic flow (fluidity) of the body, a groove, according to a music and to incorporate technical tools specifically from the urban dances (isolations, musicality, social dances etc.) Tatiana: Originally from Switzerland, now based in NYC, Tatiana has won many notorious street dance competitions such as "Juste Debout" in Marseille, (France), "Just for Laughs" in Montreal (Canada) Clash in Session in Copenhagen (Denmark) etc… She has taught & judged competitions in places such as Peru, Japan, Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria, Canada, Japan and in the USA ( Detroit, Philadelphia, New York, Pennsylvenia, Sacramento, San Francisco, New Hampshire…). She is also the co-founder of the first hip-hop company in Switzerland " Continuum", co-founder of the Hip-Hop dance school in Geneva, "Le Centre Hip-Hop" and founder of the Hip-Hop theater dance company "Passion Fruit" composed of: Dance Theater performances, Teaching program &WS and Events (Les 5 sens). She had the honor to perform her piece " Dance Within Your Dance" with her company at Jacob's Pillow Inside/Out festival in Massachusetts. She is also part "Rennie Harris Pure Mouvement" and teaches hip-hop and house at EXPG NYC.
Late night dwives are the bwest dwives :,D #Hinnerhaus #Ffm #a66 #pancho #passenger #seat #endlich
Cleanest Setup in my life :D Dope Weekend ahead #Hinnerhaus #skillkid #cologne #clavianord #mpc #roland #jdxi #analog #midi
YO!!!! check out the newest episode of Guerilla banana. special guest: bundy talk's Kevin Aka Griff talking about sneaker culture... music featured by universal brothers and Unt.ffm leave a like and share!! have a nice sunday
They did it!!!! it was mad fun to work on this one :) hope you enjoy!!
We're proud to announce the first single of their Ep : N8bus Credits for the cover go to easy Joe!!!
:) !!! 13.7.17 !!!
2 weeks of school internship ended yesterday. Once again we had the chance to share our knowledge and passion with youngsters. #Hinnerhaus #schulpraktikum #fdg #ffm #frankfurthöchst #praktikumsbericht
Scheint als wollen die da ein Ritual draus machen, uns den Sonntag zu verschönern :) Unt.ffm baby!!!