John Hurt Environmental Services
Fast responding registered drainage company covering all areas, to assist you with all drainage or plumbing issues.
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facebook.comDelighted to be accepted to the National Guild of Master Craftsmen. High standards of customer care & quality service.. Guaranteed
Drain Services - 0871727195
Drains are the ideal habitat for Vermin. They enter your bathrooms and homes through poorly installed or damaged pipelines or manholes. Book your CCTV Survey inspection and avail of Reduced Special Offers 0871727195 Rats can seriously harm your health, any visible presence of vermin should be dealt with correctly.
JHE happy with the finish..This Brawoliner was added to seal multiple leaks on a pipe. Do you need pipes fixed? Dig or No Dig, Contact us
Drain Cleaning, Unblocking -Free Pipe Inspection..Contact us anytime
Lots of things are checked before houses are bought. Don't Forget the the things that's there for the long road. (The Drains) Don't be caught out. Book a pre purchase survey with us now and see why we recommend them..
Drain Service Professionals.
Stop Rats entering your home via broken or poorly repaired drains.- Call 0871727195 "John found the broken pipe with a camera, I seen the break that was allowing rats up into the back of our kitchen, they sealed the pipe without digging to fix the holes and installed a non return rat-flap on the sewer line" we are delighted now no more smells rats or broken pipes, id recommend them" Maura- Dunshaughlin Co Meath. for more reviews from our works email us on we look forward to hearing from you
Need pipework traced and mapped out?
Before and after pics of encrustation removed by JHE, This was causing blockages when it rains! Contact Us..Check Your Drains..