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Stay a life - Backpacker「活著」背包客棧

福興鄉廈粘村沿海路三段271巷10號, 彰化縣,
Event planning/event services



代訂西南角沿海潮間帶活動行程~~~~ 鹿港 福興 王功 芳苑 不定期安排活動行程


我們是位於鹿港與福興的交界   介於台17線道路上的41與42公里處

報名活動方面更是多元:DIY 窯烤 pizza  彩繪獅頭  坐海牛車去挖蚵bbQ...........等五花八門
不管你來自哪個國家鄉鎮  都很歡迎你的到來交流玩耍一下喔^^

ps:  stay a life=活著  
活出自我  活出自信  活的精彩  
活著不是單靠心的跳動 而是活出有靈魂的人生態度
如我們的logo圖章一樣  不管你的心是處於何種狀態
您可藉由深度扎根的旅行 過程的人事物化為土壤養分
一點一滴充實您的心  讓您的心再度活過來長出鮮綠的枝芽

We are located at the junction of Lukang and Fuxing station between 41 and 42 kilometers on the road at 17 lines
Currently combines hairdressing salon was backpacker 's first wholly Taiwan
By geographical convenience we can experience the culture and in the town of Lukang located on the southwest coast of Taiwan WangGong natural ecology and natural features Fangyuan waters
Activities is diverse : DIY kiln baked pizza painted oxcart sea lion's head sitting dig oyster and other sorts bbQ ...........
If you love the outdoors you love or you love snacks monuments of different cultural
No matter what country you come from towns are welcome to play at your arrival exchange Oh ^^

ps: stay a life = alive
I live out live from live wonderful confidence
Not live alone but to live out the beating heart of a soul attitude to life

As our logo stamp your heart like no matter what state is
You can travel by deep rooted in the process of soil nutrients into people and things
Fill your heart grow a little bit to get your heart alive again bright green buds
Your heart beats hug you ??


NEAR Stay a life - Backpacker「活著」背包客棧