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Dipping It blackpool

70 lancaster road, Blackpool, United Kingdom
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POST ME YOUR ORDER I WILL RETURN WITHIN A WEEK  hydrodipping water designs.  1000's of designs.   Once applied it stays applied never fades with weather, adds value to the item your selling, have your car different to anyone elses.
hydrodipping can be applied to any type of plastic any type of metal also wood. glass. chrome...

few exmaples
alloy wheels
wing mirrors or covers
car door handles
splitters, spoilers
front grills, interior trims
headlights, rear lights
engine covers,rocker covers,air boxes, rubber pipes
steering wheels
lamp shades plug sockets light switches, picture frames,phone covers kettles doorhandles game consoles, etc etc ...
if you can paint it you can dip it and if you cant paint it then I can use grab it a type of bonding adhesive sprayed on the item if needed before dipping...


Sorry to all those that left messages trying to contact me.. I lost the unit I was in and awaiting for the new one to be emptied out... Also besides hydrodipping when I reopen I will also be taking on hydrochrome work. I will be doing anything in hydrochrome even full cars with either a clear coat, candy colour or illusion anything I can add to lacquer I will.. Lastly I'm hoping to be in my new unit and ready within 4 weeks...

Just found this video.. All you see will be part of dipping it in around 2 weeks.... I can hydrochrome virtually anything.colour. Finish the chrome in any colour. I will be doing full cars within a couple of months ... I can chrome anything.check out the hydrochrome toilet or full bathroom suite...if hydrochrome interests you I will be doing this service within 2 weeks ... thanks all

Ok so this week i should have my hydrochrome set up.ive gone for extreme chrome,which is hard wearing and for exterior or interior applications... Im going to hydrochrome a full car and apply holographic mixed lacquer over the top..But who wants to let me do this to there car, FREE but any bodywork repairs dints etc need to be done by yourself,drop it off and ill do the rest.....FOR TOTALLY FREE.. It wont be till around july, as i need a unit that i can put a paint room in for cars.And the one im intrested in is not available till then.this. when done your car will look like this,but a lot better as the car in the picture is holographic wrapped. I bet i end up doing a corsa in it hahaha

Hi all hope your all well,just to let you know that,ive just ordered a hydrochroming extreme set up this will be with me in around 4 weeks.will keep you all up to date..... SO WHAT IS IT Hydrochrome Extreme our hardwearing reflective coating.The system can be used on automotive projects as well as general exterior use of on interior items needing a strong finish. The coating creates a beautiful, highly reflective finish, which can be left as bright white chrome or rainbow chrome or can be coloured by using candy tints. Hydrochrome Extreme will pass a cross hatch adhesion test and can be made even more hardwearing by combining it with Crystal Topcoat which will give the coating a 9H pencil hardness. HYDROCHROME IS TOUGH EXTREMELY TOUGH Suitable for: Any VEHICLE interior item to full car exterior chrome jobs, forget having a respray get a full rechrome, if your hydrochrome expert will take on the job depending on bodywork condition is no problem for HYDROCHROME EXTREME. Interior furniture with heavy use - kitchen units, bathroom furniture such as baths, sinks and even toilets, chairs and tables musical instruments, gaming devices Flooring and wall coverings Interior décor all types nothing is non coverable Exterior use e.g. sculpture So thats what the manufactors are saying about it,so or hopefully depending on supplier getting the equiptment to me.and of course the hydrochrome solutions,this will be available within 4 weeks. If anyone wants to know anything about hydrochrome,send a message and ill do my very best to answer,but reading what ive read and demonstration ive seen it pretty much can cover anything. ASK AWAY and ive got a week of nthing booked next week so if anyone is wanting any services from hydrographics to interior repaints wheel refurbishment send a message

Wing mirrors

Photos from Dipping It blackpool's post

18 new designs in today..... Cleaned the tank yesterday took all the pumps out cleaned them out and about ready to dip some items shortly..

Photos from Dipping It blackpool's post

Photos from Dipping It blackpool's post

Wing mirrors

Photos from Dipping It blackpool's post

Photos from Dipping It blackpool's post

Focus Rs mk2 fuse box lid

Photos from Dipping It blackpool's post


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