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Kennedy Town People Impact Centre

Flat A, 1/F., Nan Sang Building, 86 Belcher's Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong



Children are like balloons - whether they can be big & round, or fly up high, would depends on how we blow - same as how we give our kids to grow them up. People Impact is Asia's leading edutainment company.  With more than 10 years of innovation and exploration of educational programs following its humble grand opening of our Asia-Pacific headquarters in Hong Kong since 2002, People Impact develops and delivers excellent quality brain intelligence training programs (including Baby Impact ®, Brain Impact ®, Think Impact ® and Leader Impact ®) for over 50,000 students across 30 centers in Asia.

People Impact是亞洲首屈一指寓教於樂的教育機構,亞洲區總部早於2002年正式成立,過去9年間People Impact專注研發卓越的腦部智能提升課程(當中包括: Brain Impact資優天才®、Leader Impact資優領袖®、Think Impact資優博士®、Baby Impact資優寶寶®及e@Leader機智小領袖®)。至今,People Impact於全亞洲已開設超過30間中心, 累積學員多達50,000人。

